
Custom king of kings through the multiverse

I only own mc, ocs and the story, this story is based off of custom made demon king, An average guy is reincarnated after a tough battle to the death, where he explores the multiverse enjoying himself along his way.

M3RL1N · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 24

"Corven your shift is over now, you can go." says Yoshimura

"Thank god." says Corven as he starts cleaning up the kitchen.

After washing the dishes he used, and wiping off the stove, he hangs up his apron and heads upstairs, passing by the main counter and seeing that all of his desserts are almost gone, with the free treats being gone completely.

Satisfied with his success in desserts, he heads back to his room.

When he gets there, he tends to his garden, pulling out whatever weeds are starting to grow, and watering them.

Once he's finished, he heads towards his room and lays down on his bed.

"I really need to get a couch and TV *sighs*"



Name: Corven Cain

EXP Points: 3,571.648

Health: 970/970

Mana: 240/240

STR: 78

AGI: 98

CON: 88

VIT: 97

INT: 24

WIS: 21

LUK: 10

Tabs: Inventory, Drawing Panel

Skills: EXP Exhange, Bio-Electricity Manipulation, Bio-Flame Manipulation, Claws, Defensive Form, Hyper Regeneration, Kagune(Rinkaku/Ukaku), Heightened Senses, Consumption Learning!,

With his new ability set, and a clear lack of EXP for anything big at the moment, he brings out the corpses of the ghouls he killed, as well as the human bodies he collected, seeing the bodies.. disturbs him for a moment, last night's events are still still extremely rough for him, and though he wants to continue this path and talked with Yoshimura, its still difficult for someone who was a normal human not too long ago to forget about taking a life.

With the body ready, he pulls up the description to his first skill.

[EXP Exchange]- Sacrificing a carcus, user gains an extra 100% EXP Gained from the kill.

Having gained plenty of EXP from his time surviving, he had managed to erase the debuffs from his tattoos skill, but unlike last time, hell be adding a new bonus effect to the EXP Exchange.

[RC Bonus]- User gains a concentrated dose of RC Cells from sacrificed corpses.

Seeing the new effect will cost him 500 EXP points, Corven accepts the price, gaining the new tattoo ability in his skill panel.

Once its settled he reaches his hand out towards the Corpses.


After his words, all the corpses slowly melt together like before, forming a gooy, slime like mush, that starts swirling itself towards the center of the tattoo in his hand, and once the goo is cleared, Notifications quickly ring out in his head.

{+250 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+250 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+250 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+250 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+500 EXP}

{+250 EXP}

Seeing the EXP notifications, Corvens a little confused why there aren't any about his increase in RC Cells

'Does it just not calculate that kind of thing? I suppose that does make sense?, maybe Yoshimura knows where I can get my RC count checked.

With his EXP now increased to 10, 321.648, Corven goes to the drawing panel, and makes a 3d model of his hands, drawing a pair of fingerless gloves, with a design of gold vines wrapping around his fingers and hand, all coming from a blooming light red rose, with the same patterns as the one on his mask.

'im not worried about my finger prints since nobody has any records that deal me anywhere in this world, but if people see my tattoos while working here then its an obvious giveaway... I should've made these last night too.' shaking his head at his stupidity, Corven finishes the gloves by adding the same effects as his other clothes, costing him 52.02 EXP.(I forgot about the gloves.....)

With his gloves made, he puts them in his inventory with his other battle gear, and pulls out a strawberry, eating it while activating his Consumption Learning ability.

Gaining more knowledge about the strawberry, though most being like what he gained previously, he braces himself as hes given a headache like previously, waiting a few minutes for it to pass.

Once it does, he takes out another, repeating the process until it no longer gives him headaches, and hes able to remember the important parts of strawberries, aka the genetic makeup, chemical composition, life cycle, etc. As well as finding that if he can properly focus on a specific factor of what he eats, he can purposely fragment the others

'So my mind does need to be tempered with it so it can properly adapt to the overwhelming information, if I keep up this routine it shouldn't be too long before I can use it on more dangerous and complicated things. I need to go to find books on fighting styles as well before I get my ass kicked.' thinks Corven tiredly from mental exhaustion.

Taking his time to rest for a few hours, Corven takes a quick nap to recharge, and once he's finished he heads back into the main room, storing everything for the time being to have a clear room.

During his year in the tutorial world, he practiced his bio element skills as much as he could, with the knowledge of anime, fanfictions, manga, etc., he was able to learn new skills and methods of using his flames or electricity quickly.

But during the time there, he though back to a fanfiction he loved about a boy who reincarnated as Denki Kaminari in My Hero Academia, and though it was a dark fanfiction at times, the reincarnator in it used the electricity he stored and emitted, to branch off into other abilities, with some of the biggest being massively increasing his speed at times, and manipulating metals.

Using that character as a reference, Corven tried to use his electricity in different ways, but not having much knowledge on the human body, it was difficult for Corven to increase his speed further with his electricity, and everytime he tried to manipulate metal, he'd accidentally burn it, melt it, or electrify it.

The closest he ever got was Temporarily magentizing a piece of metal my shocking it, causing the electrons in the metal to be disrupted temporarily, making it magnetic.

Now however is different, as when he's using his ukaku kagune, he feels what he believes to be a magnetic force around the hardened needles he creates, allowing him to shoot them at high-speed at opponents.

Using that feeling as a base, he readies a small pile of metal coins, and places his hands around one separate coin, using his electricity to disrupt the electrons, while manipulating it slightly, making sure to keep the connection steady.

Sweating, Corven slowly moves one hand away, while keeping focus on the coin, he gently grabs another coin from the pile, holding it near the magnetized coin.

Bringing it closer, he watches as it sticks to the magnetized coin, confirming that he was fully successful.

While grinning at his succes, Corven struggles as he slowly tries to manipulate the coin with his electricity.

Having already established a connection with it, hes able to manipulate it quicker, and slowly manages to make the coin float in mid air between his hands, much to his Enjoyment as he laughs slightly before passing out on the ground.

(I like the idea of using metal sand from that fanfiction, it was a good idea and not used enough personally to my taste, but it would be weird due to mc just being able to manipulate the needles from his kagune, possible forming them into different shapes as well later on, oh well just a though.

anyways, comment whatever abilities yall think he should have or what yall might want to happen in the story, a timeskip will be happening soon so dw)