
At The Mercy Of Dark Energy

The Lead Witch paced back and forth in her chamber. Her robe wiped the immaculately clean ground as she moved. Devera remained in his chair, watching her with his cold and calculative eyes.

"Should we inform the Council?" He asked.

The woman stopped in her tracks. Turning her head, she frowned at him. "No! We shouldn't."


"I said NO, Mr Devera. You know how we work relentlessly to maintain the natural order in Larnwick. We are facing some difficult situations with our allies, and if this news leaks out of Larnwick, we will get bashed for our carelessness about this matter.

And I can't risk that." She declared.

Devera's jaw clenched as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Or perhaps you are more worried about your next term as the leader of the Magic Council."

She matched his accusing glare with her shameless one, challenging him.

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