
Beginning - A Glimpse Of The Past

"Hahahaha!, See all this gold and equipment Zarka? This is all ours!" I once said to my 12 year old apprentice.

(Hmm? Zarka? He's ali-?....Ah...I see this is a dream...)

"Master, won't stealing from the graves of other heroes anger the gods that you made a pact with?" Zarka said to me Looking concerned.

"Aish~ My boy, I have lived more than 2,000 years after those bastards actually let the naive me wish for this curse, and let me tell you….--" At that time I explained to my apprentice how those Gods don't even pay attention to me anymore and my shenanigans.

(It' really been that long since this wish of mine was granted. I met many people during those countless years and lost too many...…now only I remember their faces…..)

"Ah! Then Master I will fulfill your wish! Tell me what you now wish for! I'll become the strongest and make any wish you want to come true!" He said to me with his innocent and bright smile.

(.…..At that time I should have told him...…I should have told him I wanted to die, then maybe…..maybe… I could have stopped him from going astray…)

"Hahaha, then your Great Master wants you to rule the world! To dominate this continent!" I looked at Zarka with great expectation back then, teaching him powerful ancient and majestic magic and martial arts. I took care of him as though he was my own child, I gave him the love of a parent can give.

(I truly did care for you Zarka...I didn't want that to happen...)

As time flowed by and Zarka grew stronger, after a while I let him venture the world by him self, in turn brought him to become the most prominent figure throughout the continent. It was also then that he became known as [Zarka the Rampaging Demon] who killed more than a thousand lives, creating chaos in the continent. But he only stayed on the spot light for a few years until he was slayed by a strong unknown Master.

(Yes....I his Master…..slayed his own apprentice...)


"Ma..s..te..r?W..hy?St..o..p…m..e?" Zarka looked at me with his eyes wide.

"Zarka…..How could you massacre a whole kingdom? Those who were innocent were also killed by you! Why would you do that?!" It was at this time where I saw Zarka looking confused.

"I…just..wa..n..te..d…t.o..full..fi.ll you..r…w.i..sh….ma..s.ter" His voice getting shallower.

"Could you not have just become a King or an emperor? There was no need for bloodshed!" I asked the once young boy that I cared for, now a young man who has enormous power in his body.

"M..as…ter..... I-"


[Alert! Alert! Skill [Sleeping Comfort]'s effect have now worn off. Host will now lose the ability to use [Sleeping Comfort] for the next 10 months. The Hosts dreams will now also be erased for better and lasting effect.]

"Ah?…Oh, I felt like I had a nostalgic dream...Eh--how long did I sleep?"

I rolled on the floor to wake my self up. Now that I'm half awake, I stood up and stretched.

"Ahh~ My body feels so stiff today, wonder if I slept for another 10 months again. Hahahaha, maybe for even longer."


"Uwe~ I'm starving!, Hey guards! Bring this great prisoner of yours some fo-"


What the? Where am I? I though I was on a prison cell….. did they just toss me out of the cell because they thought I died!?

"The f*ck is up with that kingdom!? Throwing dead bodies on such a dangerous place!...Gah!, never mind those as*holes,…..I'm starving~ wonder where this place is located at, can't even find any plants or some grass."




F*ck! I rolled forward feeling the monsters arm barely missing my back. I turned to look back to see what crazy bastard tried hurt me.

"Holy f*ck! Why the H*ll is there a Awakened Type monster here?!"

Did those royal bastards dump me on a monster pit or something!? Just you wait King Fe....ferar?….. Fedur?…feather?….. whatever your name is, when this contract of protecting you and your blood line is over I'll make you suffer!


*Boom!* *Crack!*

I side stepped to the right of the monkey looking monster just as he landed.

"Ay~ Think your strong enough to kill me?"

(Iyah~ This guy probably won't even scratch me if I don't suppress my power.)

"System, bind my power to the lowest I could get it down to!"

[Host @#$^ power is now lowered to [Upper level Ancient class]! The Host is too strong to be further weakened! Host must find his weakness to further destroy his potential strength!]

"Ah seriously!? I'm still stronger than this stupid monkey?"

(Ah~ since I'm still kinda strong it'll be just a waste of time being with this monkey, I'm sorry monkey, but you'll have to die now.)

"[Deaths Embrace]" My shadow suddenly moved up body to my hand and began cutting my hand to use it as the spells catalyst, creating a pool of blood in my feet.


*Crunch!* *Pop!* *Splat!*

"Uwa~ using that spell sure is gruesome, destroying them from inside out, that's horrifying."

*Grumble* Grumble*

"Damn, I'm really starving now. I should go look around this place if there's anything to stuff my empty belly with."

Only taking a few steps I hear clashing weapons and voices in the distance.

Iya~ I tried my best writing this one, my apologies if there are any grammar mistakes and such.

Anyways, again if you've reached this far Thank You very much for reading!!

Sagevxcreators' thoughts
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