
Official Attire.

However, all of Dean's worries about his naked body that he had for a split of a second were washed away when he caught wind of the severe looks of the group around him.

Lexi in particular wore an ugly expression on her face, evident fear visible in her eyes that even her body uncontrollably shook from time to time.

The petite girl wasn't the only one with similar reactions after the current wave dropped them in front of the gate.

No, all of the divers around Dean had more or less the same facial expressions and shaking.

For a moment, Dean even felt that these people were being forced to enter the gates against their own will.

He honestly didn't believe that people who were terrified of what was behind the gates to have such an evident reaction on their faces would dare to enter it willingly.

Especially after he heard their brief talking about it and how cruel it is.

Dean was confident everyone here didn't want to return to this place. Instead, a force much stronger than them was somehow compelling them to enter again and again.

' Well, this is to be anticipated after what I heard from Kerin and the others,' Dean thought with some expectations.

He knew that the Book of Immortality made sure to place him in a dangerous spot, which is why he wasn't that much affected by the events going on around him.

' I cannot afford to be careless, this is where my real test begins!' 

Even though he was never the fighting type of guy in his past world given his particular circumstances as someone who followed the business domain.

Things were different now.

Dean for some reason felt a burning sensation leaking out of the depths of his soul.

He didn't know if it was his fighting spirit kicking out or just his will that yearned never to experience death again. Nonetheless, Dean was prepared for whatever was behind the gate.

' What a magical place! Power is indeed a terrifying thing to wield.' Dean thought with astonishment as he felt his breath not being disturbed in the slightest.

It should be known that Dean was currently standing at the bottom of the ocean which was several kilometers in depth. Yet, even with his current spot, Dean was feeling no pressure in the slightest and he could even freely breathe with no problems whatsoever.

For someone who has never seen such scenes before, Dean was eager to witness even more.

At this moment, The group of six including Dean was totally concentrated on the white glowing gate in front of them hovering a meter above the floor of the ocean with a diameter of approximately three meters.

Doesn't matter how hard someone tries to look past it and distinguish whatever is on the other side, they will see nothing but extreme whiteness that blinds the eyes.

Subsequently, Blank, Kerin, and the others suddenly got enveloped by a white glow that shot out of the gate at a speed invisible to the naked eye.



The whole floor began shaking almost appearing like a giant sat foot on it strolling through the ocean.

In the next moment.

The white glow enveloping everyone began intensifying even to the extent of overshadowing the gate's light itself.

Dean was the only one who wasn't facing the same situation as the people around him.

Dean just stood there silently awaiting things to be over.

He didn't know what exactly was going on, and he also didn't think that suddenly entering the gate without Blank giving him the okay was a wise decision.

Dean somehow felt that waiting was the best option he could make here.

Thus, he did just that.

One minute passed... two minutes... five minutes...

After what felt like an eternity to Dean, the white light shrouding the divers finally began dimming as their bodies were revealed in front of him.

'What's wrong with this attire,' Dean couldn't help but wonder as he scrutinized the group around him.' Is this the official attire of everyone beyond the gates?'

Each person hovering around him wore light black armor giving off a metallic luster around their bodies, almost identical to the guards Dean saw in front of the city's gates, albeit way more magnificent than those ordinary ones.

In fact, the only difference he could spot right away except for its beautiful sight was an emblem that was attached to everyone's left shoulder.

It was a six-winged creature that Dean had never seen like before.

It was neither human nor an animal and Dean even failed to comprehend what kind of creature was he currently looking at.

Even when he quickly scrolled through the fantasy novels he read in his younger days, Dean failed to see any similar being as the one attached to the emblem.

On the other hand, even though Blank's armor held the same emblem on its left shoulder, everything else about it was different, even the color was pure white the opposite of her group.

The group set of armor has a flat top helm with a rounded, t-shaped opening leaving the eyes, nose, and mouth exposed like the others. Attached to the forehead area are two small antlers.

Contrary to the others, Blank had no helmet whatsoever on top of her head.

The only thing that Dean could see visible on top of her head was a rounded crown of unknown materials that dimly shone with blue light.

The crown was circled around her head like a snake that was about to crush its prey.

From the onlooker's point of view, it looked quite useless and pointless to have such a crown on, it could even be said to be disturbing and annoying.

Dean would even think of such a thing as mere decorations and means of beauty if he were a regular person as well.

However, Dean was someone who read countless novels back in the day and he surely wouldn't take this crown lightly.

Even though it seemed quite unimaginable.

Dean was confident that this crown held significant defensive power to protect Blank from outside attacks.

It was like the regular helmet of the group around her that every soldier wore in wars, the only difference being that the crown was more likely to be beyond the capabilities of those helmets.

The shoulders of Blank's armor are fairly pointy, short, and fairly small in size. They're decorated with a small antler on each side, pointing sidewards.

The upper arms are protected by rounded, half-covering rerebraces which sit nicely under the shoulderplates. The lower arms are covered by vambraces which have a row of hook-like barbs attached to each outer side.

The breastplate is made from various layers of squared metal sheets. It covers everything from the neck down and ending at the groin.

The upper legs are covered by pointed, half-covering cuisses. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have several arrowheads attached in a row on the outer sides, as if arrows have pierced the legs.

In a much simpler description.

Diver's Blank armor was beyond the others in outer appearance and even in defensive power if Dean deduced correctly, clearly putting her aside from them as a leader of the group.

' Interesting;' Dean mused secretly as he thought about his next actions.

Next chapter