
Bottom Line

"If you encounter it, you either run or you die," the man in the business suit quoted. "I warned them that fighting was absolutely not an option."

Gojo and I sat on top of a vacant metal stretcher as we listened to Ichiji, the person in charge of the mission, explain the sequence of events that occurred. I fixed my gaze on the cold, unmoving body covered by a blanket. Three first-year students were sent to investigate an unidentified curse, and only two returned alive. Itadori Yuuji was dead.

What did you do, Sukuna? Why is the boy dead?

"It was intentional," Gojo asserted.

I looked up sharply at the man. He knows it, too.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ichiji sputtered.

"The enemy was a special-grade. Sending newcomers to rescue five who weren't even confirmed alive should be out of the question," Gojo elaborated.

"But there was no indication of a special-grade when the dispatch was issued," Ichiji defended.

"I'm sorry," I said. Gojo and Ichiji turned to me in surprise. "If I hadn't taken the mission, you would have been able to go to Yuuji's side and stopped him from dying. It was my fault."

"No, it's not your fault, Rey. You didn't know what they were planning," Gojo said. "Besides, I was the one who forced the issue and got Yuuji's execution suspended. Some higher-ups didn't like that and used the special-grade to tactfully dispose of him in my absence. If the other two had died, it'd be more harassment for me and two birds with one stone for them."

I should have guessed the moment I sensed Sukuna's aura. This was my mistake.

Gojo clasped his hands together, a brooding expression on his face. "Searching for the culprit is such a pain. Maybe I should just..." His voice grew dark. "...kill all the higher-ups!"

Gojo's words echoed in the silence. His mouth was crooked in rage, his eyes ablaze in a fire of ice behind the black blindfold.

The back of my right hand burned as I felt Gojo's anger through the contract. It was a burning fury that threatened to consume everything in its path.

Hey, I like this guy. Let's go on a rampage and kill everyone who dares to oppose us.

Watch your mouth. I'm not going to say it a second time, Wrath.

Hmph, it was just a suggestion.

"You're being emotional for once," a woman in a white lab coat with tired eyes commented as she walked into the morgue.

"It's good to see you, Ieiri-san!" Ichiji greeted.

Shoko's gaze landed on me for a brief moment before moving to the right to look at Gojo. "Seems like you really had a soft spot for him."

"I've always been a nice guy who looks out for his students," Gojo replied. His anger had already been suppressed though I still felt a faint burn in my hand.

"Don't pick on Ijichi too much," Shoko chided. "He's got it rough, stuck between us and the higher-ups."

"I don't care about a man's hardships," Gojo retorted.

"Is that so?" Shoko snapped on a pair of surgeon gloves and walked over to Yuuji's corpse. "So this is..." She pulled back the blanket. A gaping hole replaced the place where Yuuji's heart should have been. "Sukuna's vessel, huh?"

"I can take him apart as I please, right?" Shoko clarified.

"You better make it worth it," Gojo confirmed.

"Oh, I will," Shoko declared. "Who do you think I am?"

The three of us watched as Shoko got to work preparing the body for dissection. A constant stream of negative emotions was coming from both Ichiji and Gojo that was making me rather uncomfortable. I shifted around in my seat, trying to ignore the feeling.

"You know, I have a lousy personality," Gojo commented suddenly.

Did Yuuji's death suddenly cause Gojo to do some self reflection? I guess his death wasn't all in vain.

"I know," Ichiji replied.

"Ijichi, expect a hard forehead flick later."

"F-Forehead flick?" Ichiji stuttered in fear.

"Being a teacher isn't my style," Gojo continued. "Do you know why I decided to teach here?" He looked at Icchiji. "Ask me."

"Why did you?"

"Because I have a dream." Gojo declared. "As they made it clear with Yuuji's case, the top of the jujutsu world is filled with scums. Conservative morons. Traditional halfwits. Arrogant jerks. Or just plain idiots. It's like a sale on rotten oranges."

I nodded in agreement. Corrupted filth ruining the jujutsu system.

"I'm gonna reset this messed up jujutsu world," Gojo declared. "Killing everyone at the top would be an easy task. But someone else would just take their place. It wouldn't bring a revolution." He sighed. "And it's not like people approve of massacres anyway."

"That's why I'm turning to education. To raise up strong and intelligent allies." He put a hand on my head. "Like Rey-kun here. That's also why I occasionally toss my missions to my students. It's tough love."

Are you sure you don't just want to slack off?

"They're all talented," Gojo praised. "Especially the third-year, Hakari, and the second-year, Okkotsu. They'll be as good as me someday." He paused. "Yuuji was no exception."

I noted the tightness of Gojo's clenched fists and the genuine sadness in his voice. I put my hand on his, hoping to give my Master some support.

"Gojo-sensei? Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

Remembering that I could feel his emotions, Gojo patted me on the head. "I'll be okay." Despite his words, I could still feel his anger and his guilt.

"I understand."

My eyes settled on Yuuji's body. This is my responsibility, and I'm going to make this right.

"Don't look up at me without permission. It's annoying, brat." Sukuna's voice echoed in the dark expanse of the chamber.

"Is this Hell?" Yuuji retorted. "I'm not sure I can accept being stuck with you even after death."

"Man, you're boring," Sukuna complained. "This isn't the afterlife. It's my Innate Domain."

"Hah? Innate Domain?" Yuuji repeated. "That thing Fushiguro was talking about?"

"You could also say we're in my mind," Sukuna explained. "To put it simply, we're not dead yet."

"But you ripped out my heart right after you fixed my arm! How are we not dead?" Yuuji demanded.

A small chuckle caught both of their attentions. "Looks like you two are getting along quite well. Perhaps I worried for nothing."

"Rey? Did you die as well?" Yuuji shouted as he spotted the white-haired boy behind him.

"Tch, don't curse me like that, Yuuji-san," I said. "There's no way I'll die before that guy over there." I pointed at the King of Curses lazily.

"Eh?" Yuuji looked back forth between Sukuna and I. "You guys know each other?"

"Ha, this brat is such an ignorant fool," Sukuna laughed. "He doesn't even know how miraculous it is that his body can house two of the most ancient souls in the world at the same time."

"That's not exactly true. Your body would have exploded into pieces if you were still alive with both of us in here," I informed Yuuji. "But since you're currently dead, there's nothing to worry about."

"Am I supposed to thank you then?" Yuuji asked. "And what do you mean I'm dead? That guy just told me I'm not!"

"Well, Sukuna's not wrong either. Your body is in a limbo between life and death," I answered. "It's actually a very interesting experience you know."

"Anyways," I stalked over to the edge of Sukuna's domain, "Sukuna and I have some catching up to do."

"Heh." Sukuna smirked. "I suppose we'll need some privacy then."

"Mhm." I yawned and waved my hand at Yuuji. "I'll have to temporarily remove you from the conversation, Yuuji-san. But don't worry, we won't take long."

"Wait what? Remove me? What does that mean? Why are you smiling?" Yuuji shouted.


Rey's right eye flashed red, and the darkness around them contorted. With the sound of creaking metal, their surroundings transformed. The blood red water of Sukuna's domain turned glassy and translucent, and an immense, arched gate emerged from the shadowy depths behind Rey. Its black gates were wide open, extending an eerie invitation to traverse the eternal path beyond. Dusted gray, marble fences stretched out from both sides of the gate, extending for what seemed to be of no end. Within its vast expanse, a graveyard stretched out like the ocean as far as the eye could see. And above, an ethereal full moon hung above, overlooking everything in its entirety.

"That's that's-" Yuuji sputtered. "You-"

Rey's transformation stunned him. The boy's usual attire had been replaced with a traditional kimono. He wore a white haori paired with a red nagagi and a black hakama. A long black scarf speckled with red drops the color of blood ran down the length of his haori. Yet the most prominent change was Rey's aura. Gone was the sleepy, soft feeling that always emitted off from the boy. A tranquil, otherworldly aura seeped outwards and enveloped Rey's figure. It was as if Yuuji was looking at a completely different person.

"His Innate Domain," Sukuna finished. The curse came down from his throne of skulls. "You're one of the lucky few who have the honor of witnessing it, brat."

"The few that witness it and return alive," I corrected. I adjusted my sleeves and ran my fingers along my scarf. "But don't worry, Yuuji-san. I won't kill you. In fact, I plan on doing the opposite."

"Huh? Wait, hold up. I'm confused. I am alive, or I am dead? " Yuuji asked.

I smiled but didn't reply to his question.

"I'll send you right back after Sukuna and I are finished," I guaranteed Yuuji.

"Hold on a moment! What are you going to do?" Yuuji cried, backing away from the two of us.

I snapped my fingers, and Yuuji's figure disappeared. He would enjoy a short nap while I got down to business with Sukuna.

"Now then," I leaned onto the side of the gate and fixed my gaze on Sukuna, "where should we start?"

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