
Two years pass

Two years went by a flash. He trained how Whitebeard and the rest taught him to lay down good foundation. Now Peter is Five Years Old. Many things changed in Konoha. He somehow helped the Uchiha clan of mistreatment by abolishing the Konoha Military Police Force. He made Uchiha, Hyūga, Nara, Hōki, Aburame, Yamanaka, Inuzuka Clan or any clan to become part Konoha Civil Military and Rescue Force, which replaced Konoha Military Police Force. With Sharingan of Uchiha, Byakugan of Hyūga; Shadow manipulation and intelligence of Nara; Medical-nin of Hōki; Insects of Aburame; mind related techniques of Yamanaka and Ninken of Inuzuka. He made the people of those respective clans to team up in three or five man team to always be on petrol. That way no body will be mistreated, and security is more secure.

It was hard to convince each clan for the Hokage as Danzō tried everything to prevent that from happening. But with Peter helping the Hokage in the shadows Danzō couldn't do anything. Peter also helped Danzō, so to speak by abolishing the root by giving Danzō position only second to Hokage and making him in charge of all Shinobi activity. Of course it was just a face he didn't have real power, but that delusional fool believed one day with this position he could be Hokage. Peter also made one of the the Civilians to be Head of all Civilians with this all Civilian complains coming to him and if there is something he couldn't do he would let Hokage handle. Same goes with Danzō, Hokage let him take care of useless paperwork for the Shinobi while he handled the main paperwork which is more important. With this he was more free than before.

He also made changes with Konoha Academy by making retired Jōnin to teach in the academy, while retired or not so talented Genin and Chūnin also taught the kids the basics. He made Konoha Academy have three major levels. Primary School, Secondary School and University. Primary School taught all Civilians and Shinobi together in basics, while Secondary School taught Civilians and Shinobi separately. He made it similar to schools back on earth for the students of Secondary School, as they can choose elated classes while having compulsory classes as well. While University level was after they find what specialized field they like to go after, which is not compulsory for both Civilians and Shinobi to go. So Academy became a huge campus with many buildings.

He made sure to make Hokage give less authority to civilian council as to giving compelling reason as this is a Shinobi village not a civilian village, if they want they can move to those villages and get better authority. But Peter made sure, Hokage scare the civilians by saying, this village was more safer than outside and let him tell some outside information. With this only handful people left, while all others were scared to leave security of Shinobi village. With this he made sure the civilians don't act out of place.

Hokage was grateful when Civilian council was off his back. Peter also help make many more changes. While Hokage didn't reveal about the Peters Kekkai Genkai yet. He told when he is five he will reveal it and make him part of the council as well.

Now as Peter turned 5 years of age. Hokage decided to reveal his ability to the village and make a new clan. He did as he promised and made marriage proposals on behalf of Peter. Nearly all clans agreed to the marriage proposal. Hinata, Karin and Ino became official fiancé of Peter. Peter somehow located Karin and her mother and brought them to Konoha. Karin's mother became head of Uzumaki family, while Karin future head of the clan.

Peter also somehow got Anko, Kurenai to become his living in tutors and they will decide in the future if they will be his fiancé or not. Ayame also agreed to be his fiancé happily for some unknown reason, which confused Peter.

Like in the anime Hinata was kidnapped but somehow Peter was able to stop it in time, so nobody died. Peter got lot of Karma when he prevented Uchiha Clans downfall. Preventing Danzō and his root for operating. Helping the village see new age. With that amount Karma points he brought Levitation ability from Pokemon universe. He was thinking about buying his Devil Fruit power from One Piece or an ability from Long Live Summons. But he waited until he needs to buy, then he would buy.

While within two years he let Ciel copy every book in Konoha Library, Forbidden Scroll and other books. With his inheritance he started many business around the village. Like opening a Pizza Hut or opening KFC or Burger King and many fast food chains that was famous back on earth. People loved it. Peter also opened first ever luxury resort hotel in Konoha. With the money he could put in Rank missions for Shinobi to build faster. He made use of multiple Jutsus, from earth, water, wind and fire. He also used Konoha hospital machines and upgraded or build new machines to build a computer, network system, and land line telephones. All of machine upgrades was possible due to Ciel's help.

He build a company to be like Samsung or LG. It was easy to build first time as Ciel had blueprints but without any experts helping him to control and maintain these invention and mass produce it. It was very difficult for Peter. So he had to train people to build, maintain, and do almost all of things he doesn't want to do. The company is still in working in progress due to lack of skilled workers. But another year or two he believed that he could get skilled workers, to work for his company. He will be owner, founder and inventor only. All other stuff is maintained by his personal female sectary who is skilled in business.