

Sumedh was playing his flute casually for the namesake of practice. Immortal like him who has played flute even to fight against enemies would easily play any tune given. When suddenly the single pearl bracelet turned red giving him a burning sensation on his wrist.

This was a signal meaning Kuki is severely injured, but how is that possible when danger signal did not come? He quickly teleported himself to the place and his eyes widened at the sight of Kuki. She was leaning on someone and was summoning her little peacock. She looked pale and severely weak.

"stop it!!! It will exhaust more of your inner energy" he shouted running towards Kuki who passed out. He quickly grabbed her wrist "damn it" her inner energy was deeply exhausted.

He made her sit cross-legged with her palms joined, not minding the presence of Aryan.

"hold her" Sumedh instructed Aryan who quietly followed. Sumedh sat in the same pose in front of her and closed his eyes.

Blue light started emitting from him and enveloped Kuki who was sitting unconscious. After about ten minutes all the blue lights disappeared and Sumedh opened his eyes.

He reached out to check on Kuki's pulse again which was now normal after transfer of energy from him. Only now he acknowledged the man who was supporting Kuki.

"Long time no see prince Azrael" Sumedh greeted Aryan by his given title with a slight bow.

"We met on dinner few days back" Azrael coldly replied with his expressionless face.

"Did we? Honestly speaking you really did a great job acting as Aryan, cheerful and warm. Must have been difficult for you, who is feared by everyone as merciless cold prince. Who has killed more than the number of words he spoke in his entire life" Sumedh couldn't help but tease.

As expected, Azrael totally ignored his words not a single expression bloomed on his cold yet handsome face as he directly cut to the chase "where the hell were you?"

"In the hall practicing… oh! I really don't require but to show others I was acting to practice" Sumedh massaged his nape not finding appropriate words to explain. Azrael did not utter a word, his silence meant Sumedh to continue and explain why he didn't come.

"don't give me that look, I didn't receive any signal that Kuki is in danger, but only that she is injured and that's when I quickly rushed here." Sumedh further explained.

"No signal?" Azrael arched a brow as he plainly asked.

"Yes. that's quite strange. Maybe the bracelet didn't detect any danger on her so it didn't glow." Sumedh's brows furrowed because he was also wondering about the same thing.

"What according to this bracelet is danger?" Azrael sarcastically remarked as he narrated the incident and Sumedh's face crumbled realising the reason behind Kuki's injury.

"Then only one logical theory comes into my mind." Sumedh doubtfully spoke weighing whether to continue or not but finally added "because you were here to protect her so practically there wasn't any danger on her. But since you allowed her to fight so she got injured."

Azrael face darkened but he did not speak, he wasn't a man with many words, but to disguise as a human he did try to look like a cheerful boy of nineteen. Having lived for more than two centuries, practically nothing could scare him except the girl in his arms, he can fight against all to save her even Yama.

"hey hey… I don't blame you; I know you wanted to keep your identity secret so you didn't show up. And I also know the vampires fallen on ground were injured by you when Kuki closed her eyes. So, thank you for saving her" yes that was true Kuki didn't attack but only defended herself to avoid any killing, last fight has traumatized her deeply.

"Why is she so weak?" Azrael further asked, crimson star was one of the most powerful goddess how come she is so weak and why is she here? All these questions were still unanswered, even his crown prince wasn't aware of anything properly.

"I can't tell you that prince but I really want to tell you if you really want Kuki to be like before keep yourself and crown prince away from her." Sumedh turned very serious and Azrael knew there was something very big which he doesn't know.

"How did you know Kuki is here?" Sumedh couldn't help but ask because her reincarnation in mortal realm was very confidential, even in Goloka handful of people knew about it much less these vampires.

"After she disappeared that year Vidyut desperately searched for her but it was like the sky engulfed her. According to a prophecy we got some hints of her reincarnation here, but her whereabouts were still unknown, so when he saw her for the first time, he wasn't sure if she is the Crimson star or they look similar but when he saw the divine pearls on her wrist in their further meeting, he became sure." Azrael explained while moving his fingers in Kuki's hair gently.

Sumedh intently listened but after that a playful smile spread on his lips "you can speak so much?"

Azrael only ignored the extra playful angel trying his best to annoy him. Although he was unaffected by anything but the little girl in his arms was like a bright light in his dark world.

A young maiden with silver hairs walking or better say stumbling in peach blossom forest, her purple eyes shining with something that was never in his world- love, innocence, hope. Fearless rather say ignorant, kind and lovable she stumbled again trying to climb on the branch and complained looking up at the sky "Krishna!! does this tree not like me?" but then smiled sweetly as if understanding some life essence and sweetly said "dear tree let me sit on one of your branches to get a clear view of this pink blossomed forest full of peach fragrance" and she closed her eyes with joined hands praying intently. Azrael who was indifferent to anything for some reasons melted and, in a leap, he carried the girl to one of the branches and leapt away to hide.

"Thank you, dear tree, thank you Krishna" she brightly said bowing her head in gratitude and turned to the forest to admire its beauty.

"What a silly girl" a small smile formed subconsciously on his face. Why did he help her? He wasn't sure but her innocence and believe moved him and he didn't want the trust of the girl to break.

"tsk tsk" Sumedh snapped his fingers in front of him to pull him back to present "you even space out? Are you the same cold prince?"

"Why isn't she awake yet?" Azrael asked with a straight face ignoring his teasing.

"Maybe she slept peacefully in your arms." Sumedh joked but then added "don't worry she is fine and I won't let anything happen to her as long as I am alive. She is just sleeping."

Azrael glanced once again at Kuki and coldly said "keep her safe with your life or I'll claim your head. Even if you're an immortal I can always find ways to get you killed."

Sumedh also lost his joyful aura and darkly said "don't overestimate yourself prince. I'm nice to you because she had instructed me to do so, and you care for her. Besides getting me killed is not priority now. Getting Kuki back to her immortal form is so please stay away from her and keep your vampires away too."

Before Azrael could reply he added "even staying in mortal realm has weakened me a bit but remember I can still clear your whole species alone."

Azrael was powerful but he was no fool to take his threat lightly, he knew Sumedh wasn't bluffing. So, he remained quiet waiting for him to continue.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!! AND KEEP YOUR CROWN PRINCE AWAY TOO" Sumedh darkly said in a terrifying warning when Kuki stirred a bit.

"you're awake" Sumedh turned sweeter than honey as if he wasn't threatening anyone moments ago.


Little Bell- "hello readers! Actually I'm still alive, although not vaccinated yet but will get it done soon. Anyways I was saying that as you'll may know how big of a fan of Untamed I am"

Reader *rolls eyes*- "of course. it was quite evident in initial chapters when you bluntly mentioned their characters"

Little Bell *blushes*- "yes yes. So because that was a boys love genre and I've been into this genre for quite some time I..."

Reader *gasps in shock*- "you're shipping Sumedh and Aryan?"

Little Bell *shakes head vigorously* - "that was completely out of plan but I really can't help but ship them somewhere in the back of my mind. I really had something planned for Sumedh's love story, with a girl of course but the way he teases Aryan I really feel a spark"

Reader *facepalm* - "but you wrote their conversation. I really think you should really visit a psychologist. Now I'm really worried about my fictional friends especially Sumedh"

#somewhere in boys dorm#

Sumedh *hiccups* - "is anyone taking my name?"

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