

The morning sunshine brightly illuminated Meizhen's room and woke her up. Just as she finished getting ready for the day Aunty wen came, Meizhen greeted her and she went to watch tv and Aunty wen started making breakfast.

The news about her was now replaced by a serial killer's disappearance from jail while going to court and a huge fire in a apartment complex in district 24, there were more than 10 casualities and several wounded. After watching the news for some more time she changed to sports channel after watching the replay of a tennis match she stops watching tv and has her breakfast which Aunty wen had made.

Aunty wen had been working for Meizhen for almost 4 years but Meizhen never had any visitors except for her friend Li wei who visits her every weekend, Aunty wen didnt think it was appropriate for her to ask about Meizhen's life and she was not a nosy woman so she never asked her about her family but today seeing her eating alone she couldnt help but ask "Ms. Lin, if you dont mind can i ask you a question?", Meizhen doesnt think much of it and asks her to continue, so Aunty wen asks "Ms.Lin its almost 4 years but why did your family not visit you and i never heard you mention them".

Meizhen was a little shocked because she didnt expect Aunty wen to ask about her family but she had nothing to hide and so she replied "My parents died when i was 12 and my grandparents brought me up they stay in country Z ,its not good for old people to travel long distances so i ask them not to visit, if they want to see me i visit them." After hearing what she said Aunty wen felt a little awkward because being orphan at a young age must have been sad. After seeing Aunty wen looking a little troubled Meizhen said "It happened a long time ago so it doesnt affect me now, and i had my grandparents and my younger sister. So it was all not that bad and we cant change whats happened." Hearing that Aunty wen asks her about her younger sister Meizhen replies"My sister is 3 years younger than me and she is pursuing an acting career. She lives with my other grandma in city A." After that they chat some more time and Aunty wen takes her leave after making some lunch and doing the household chores.

After talking to Aunty wen she missed her family a little and she called her younger sister Lin Meifen, Lin Meifen just finished shooting for an advertisement company when she got Meizhen's call. After seeing who was calling her face lit up like a moon. Their sibling bonding was very good from when they were kids and it grew stronger after their parents death. Meizhen being the elder sister had to be responsible for Meifen so she was more like a mother to her,even though they had only a 3 year gap. Meifen was very happy seeing her sister's call icon ,because she was the one mostly calling her sister but today her sister called her.

Meifen was a very beautiful person inside and out,she was very pretty and had a childish behavior around her loved ones, she was gifted with acting skills which she was using in a good way. The difference between Meifen and Meizhens beauty is that Meifen is innocent and pure type where as Meizhen is like aloof,confident and mature type. Both had their mothers eyes which were dark brown. Meizhen has black color straight hair while Meifen had brown color wavy hair.

they were both naturally beautiful without any surgeries because of their mother and fathers genes.

Meifen picks the call and in a excited tone she starts "Sister, am so happy you called,did you miss me after travelling all over the world alone. Its been a year since i last saw you, i miss you. Do you know i have grown 2 inches more, now am 170 cm and i have been going to the gym regularly and am eating healthy so my skin has got a very nice glow and i look more pretty. Sister i need your compliments why are you not saying anything."

After listening to her sister talking without a break a smile appeared on Meizhen's face, she missed her sister, she missed how her sister talks without a break and starts rambling about all the things every time she calls. Its always Meifen who talks 90% of the time while they are in a conversation. After seeing that her sister had stopped talking she says in a calm and soothing voice" Meifen, how can you ramble this much without taking a break and how can i answer you when you speak continuously. However, its good you are eating healthy,going to gym and working passionately. I missed you too."

Meifen was happy hearing her sister and she replied "Sister thank you ,but you didn't compliment me on my height". Both of them couldn't stop laughing after that. Meizhen knew her sister was being silly because its her. She knew that Meifen was a smart person with high IQ and EQ but she only shows her silly side to Meizhen.

Meifen says" Sister why dont you visit me and grandma Su, and stay with us in city A for a while its only a 4 hour ride from where you stay. I saw the news and am worried for you."

Meizhen feels a little flustered hearing her sister 'living in city A'she thought and frowns and she replies" Meifen i am fine, i will think about what you said. Tell grandma Su that i miss her. Love you, bye."

Meifen a bit dull replies "Sister talk to me for some more time" ,she was just being clingy like a child to their mother and so Meizhen tells her that she will meet her soon. Meifen happily says" I will wait for you sister. Love you too, bye."

After that Meizhen feels a bit tired takes a nap. when she woke up it was already 5 past 7. Aunty wen had made some soup and some other dishes in the morning, she heats the food and has her dinner after that she feels a little stuffy staying at home all day.

She goes out with her bicycle and makes a few rounds in the neighbourhood seeing that the weather was nice she goes to a nearby park. It was a 24/7 open park but there were not many people now because it was already 9.30 pm. She parks her bike nearby and sits on a bench near the lake which runs along side the park. She looks at the beautiful night sky and remembers the time she spent as a child with her mother,father and sister.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice that slowly everybody was leaving. Finally when her legs had become sore from sitting for a long while, she glances at her watch to see that it was already 11 pm and there was no one in sight. The park was big so maybe there were people but she didn't notice anyone nearby. She picks her phone to see that she had few messages from her sister which were mostly her recent pictures and also a few texts from Li wei.

She takes her bicycle and makes her way to home and just as she was about to cross a small bridge she hears someone crying and struggling. This was shortcut from the park to her home and cars were not allowed on this bridge because it was a narrow bridge where only motorbikes, bicycles and pedestrians could fit but because it was late there were no people walking and also the route was not preffered by many people because the bridge was old and there were no street lamps . She was always a curious person and also a writer seeing that someone was crying in the middle of the night she couldnt help herself from her cuiousity if she went home without seeing anything she would definitely think about this for days, so she puts her bicycle to the side slowly makes under the bridge. It sounded like someone was fighting. she slowly reaches to the bottom and sneaks to see who were fighting and who was crying without the people inside knowing about her. She was very stealthy, she thought if it was a crime she should report it. When she sees inside her heart suddenly stops and she was stiff like a statue. She was just curious about who was crying in the middle of the night and who would fight under a bridge like thugs. This was a decent neighbourhood so she was not expecting to see what she was currently seeing.

Dont get to conclusions soon this is definitely not a crime thriller novel but this segment will be there in some chapters because i thought this will be a very interesting aspect.

zeefuncreators' thoughts