
Cup Noodles

The night I saw her last was the night I left that mansion. She was fading away, like a feather turning more and more transparent. Reaching towards her with my hand I make an useless attempt to grab her and not let her go. But the wind was more desperate than my feelings.

panpan_kun · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Cup Noodles To The Rescue

"The bakeneko is a type of Japanese yōkai, or supernatural creature. It is often confused with the nekomata, another cat-like yōkai. The distinction between them is often ambiguous, but the largest difference is that the Nekomata has two tails, while the Bakeneko has only one....", The teacher continues.

"Man, I always hate these culture classes. These Yokai and stuffs..", Yato says whispering to me.

"Mr. Yato!"

"Yes ma'am!", He stands up.

"Please read the 'Bakeneko folklores' out loud for the class."

"Right!, He starts reading, "One famous bakeneko story is about a man named Takasu Genbei, whose mother's personality changed completely after his pet cat went missing for many years.....", Yato keeps reading.

Cat monsters, huh? What would it look like though? I guess now we know where these so called neko girls comes from. Could saburomaru... What am I even thinking? There's no way these are real.

A whisper of the wind. A whisper wakes me up today. A sunday it is. More precisely a summer Sunday. A sunny sun day. But what did the whisper tell me though? A curtain by the varenda moves due to wind. I don't remember keeping it open. I get up from my futon to close it. As I go to close the door Opening my eyes I see a pale skined skinny girl, the same girl who stood by the lake.

"Good morning, Alto. I see you are not sick or something.", She sounds kind of angry.

"Do you want me to be sick?"

"No! I mean why didn't you come?!"

I know what this is about now.

"I kinda had something to do.", I scratch my hair.

"Oh yeah!!? And here I was waiting for you all afternoon."

"You could've just come to my house"

"I did. But you weren't here."

"You could've just waited."

"I did wait. I even asked your dad."

"Strange. He didn't tell me about you."

"Him too?"

Ah.. what?"

"You see, no one seems to remember me ever since I can remember."

"What? No, I remember you."

"I know. But..."


"You won't get it. Forget it."

"Ok, I won't force you to say something you don't wanna say."

"Well anyway. I have something I wanted to give you, right?"

"Umm", What should I say? I haven't got something for her.

"Here you go."


"Yeah, I made it. My mom used to make this for me. Dangos."

"Used to?", I take one in mouth.

"Well, she... isn't here anymore."

"Ow... I didn't mean to.."

"It's fine. I don't even remember her."

"So you are like me huh?"

"You have a dad though."

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. I don't remember any of them."

"These are pretty good. Thank you.", I try to change the topic.

"Hey? Where's my present?"

"Uhh.. umm.." Cup noodles to the rescue!! "Come on in. I'mma make you some noodles."
