3 Meridians

And I went back to my novel research in every LN there is some thing call meridians so let's start there. As I research about them I got some answers they really exesit they are called nadis in ancient India, channels in ancient Chinese and Japan modern science also did some research on those meridians by injecting some colours in to Acupuncture which are sed to be connected to meridians they can see some another tube like channels besides blood vessels

I was overjoyed at that but how to find them in our body there was some images about meridians in net but how can I understand those there are like kid, Go B, Live, Con There are twelve main meridians, or invisible channels, throughout the body with Qi or energy flows. Each limb is traversed by six channels, three Yin channels on the inside, and three Yang channels on the outside. Each of the twelve regular channels corresponds to the five Yin organs, the six Yang organs as well as the Pericardium and San Jiao. These are organs that have no anatomical counterpart in Western medicine but also relate to processes in the body. It is also important to remember that organs should not be thought of as being identical with the physical, anatomical organs of the body

I think that one of those two pericardium and San jiao is call dentan I have to do a lot of research. Haaaaaa I think I will never going to cultivate before iam dead it's my dream to create cultivation technique even if Iam dead I will post it on YouTube anyway that's in the future I did not know how to channel energy in to my body wait a moment medical acupuncture that's it with this I can find out about 12 basic yin and yang meridians in cycle.

OOO and qi that mentioned above is essential body fluids some call them Life energy which produces the stem cell in the body. I think if we strengthened the meridian we can extend our life because they say that our health problems was due to deterioration of meridians. Some LN authors are right so now how strengths the meridians some LN say use body strengthening medicine. in the market I don't know which is reall and which is not if I take whatever medicine i can find I will dead by tomorrow

Some LN says blood of strong animals have to absorb through acupuncture points so I have to sook in strong animals blood that lot of blood. Strong animals are like tiger,lion, elephant, crocodiles.tiger and lion are endengerd species so no go even if I want tiger strength no one can get that much blood for my whole body to sook in the blood it will take 2 to 3 tiger blood if I got caught with that much tiger blood I have to live rest of my life in prison the best one crocodile blood even if I get 30 to 50 crocodiles killed and take there blood no one will say any thing

At that I called one of my remaining friends Ravi who works as forest officer

