
Empyrean Overlord's True Name

"What's your plan now?" Tian Qiyuan asked Zi Xuan sometime later.

"I don't know yet, but I'll let you know once I think of something. In the meantime, let me see your sword. I've been dying to take a look at it ever since I heard about it." Zi Xuan said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Of course."

Tian Qiyuan retrieved his sword and held it before Zi Xuan.


Even without a body, Zi Xuan could feel her entire existence trembling from excitement.

Once her excitement calmed down a little, she noticed the sword emitting a strange aura, almost as though it was trying to charm her soul. 

However, after examining it for a little longer, she felt that something was off about it, and she couldn't pinpoint why she was feeling this way.