
New Quest

When the guards at the gates saw Yuan and Xiao Hua, they immediately approached them and bowed to them, "Welcome to Pang City, Seniors!" After that they invited them to the lord`s manor which Yuan accepted

"Okay, then let's go to this Lord's Manor," Yuan said to the guards, who immediately wore very bright smiles on their faces.

"Thank you very much, Young Masters! The Lord will be filled with joy once he learns of this!"

"Please wait a moment while I find an escort for the Young Masters!"

One of the guards quickly left the scene.

A few minutes later, the guard returned with a very beautiful lady who did not have the appearance of an ordinary escort.

"Welcome to Pang City, esteemed guests." The lady greeted them with courtesy before introducing herself, "I am Luo Ling, the eldest daughter of the Luo Family that governs this humble city. Allow me to escort you back to my home"

"You can call me Yuan, and this is Xiao Hua." Yuan gave her a quick introduction.

"Senior Yuan and Senior Xiao, right?"

"You can drop the formality and just call me Daoist Yuan"

Luo Ling nodded then proceeded to escort Yuan and Xiao Hua into the city.

Meanwhile a group of players within the line chatted with each other while they waited for their turn to enter the city "Hey... did you hear that young man just now? I think he called himself Yuan..."

"Could he be the Player Yuan that everyone and their mother has been talking about?"

"Are you sure you heard right? He didn't give off the feeling of a Player, much less an unfathomable individual such as Player Yuan. He's probably just an NPC with a similar name."

"Yeah, probably."

"It would be amazing if he was the real Player Yuan, though."


After entering the city, Luo Ling explained to Yuan the trouble facing the city which is monster they call the Mountain Lord at the fifth level of the Spirit Warrior realm which is nothing to Yuan

"This is why we are looking for any help we can get. If Daoist Yuan is willing to lend us your power, it would definitely help us a lot, and we won't spare any effort into repaying you afterward." Luo Ling said to him with her head lowered.

"Don't worry it's only a weak monster why would I refuse"

Luo Ling was a little surprised by his words but thinking about Xiao Hua which she think is a Spirit Grandmaster she found it reasonable and quickly responded

"Thank you very much, Daoist Yuan! My father will definitely be ecstatic to hear this later!" Luo Ling bowed to him again before they continued walking.

After arriving at the manor, Oh! Esteemed guests! You are finally here!"

A middle-aged man wearing luxurious official clothes suddenly came running out of the building

"Welcome to my humble home, esteemed guests! The guards have already briefed me about your presence. Thank you so much for taking the time to even listen to our request despite being so busy yourselves." Lord Luo extended his hands to Yuan for a handshake.

"Don't worry about it. We are not actually that busy, anyway." Yuan said as he accepted Lord Luo's handshake.

"Please, let us continue speaking inside."

Lord Luo then led them into a large guest room and said to Luo Ling, "Bring us our finest tea, and bring the other two here while you're at it."

"Yes, father." Luo Ling nodded.

"Excuse me for a moment, Daoist Yuan." She said to him before leaving the room.

"Esteemed guests, once again, allow me to thank you for coming here." Lord Luo said to them a moment later.

"Just call me Daoist Yuan, and I have heard everything about your situation from Luo Ling," Yuan said to him. "You need help defending the city, right?"

"That's right, Daoist Yuan. As shameful as it may sound, being only a fifth level Spirit Warrior, I do not have what it takes to defend the city in this dire situation. We usually don't have to worry about the beasts within the Pang Mountain because of a peace treaty between the city and the Mountain Lord, but because of what happened with the Mountain Lord's child, the treaty was broken. We had even tried to bring the perpetrator directly to the Mountain Lord, hoping it'd at least spare the innocent people in the city, but alas, the Mountain Lord was too consumed in anger to even care." Lord Luo spoke in a sighing voice.

"Daoist Yuan, the city and I will be eternally grateful even if you can help us take care of the weaker monsters, as it's the people in the city that I am the most worried about, and I will handle the Mountain Lord by myself."

<You have received a Quest>

<Quest: Protecting Pang City>

<Difficulty: Easy>

<Quest Description: Defend the Pang City against Mountain Lord's attack>

Yuan nodded his head and said, "Okay, we'll help you defend the city"

"Thank you! Thank you very much, Daoist Yuan!"


After Yuan accepted the quest Lord Luo introduced his other childer to Yuan and assigned his youngest child Luo Lu to assist him

Luo Li then showed Yuan and Xiao Hua the room where they will be staying, sometime later they started chatting together


After chatting for sometime Yuan asked Luo Li to take him to a restaurant which she happily agreed to

After that Yuan proceeded to fill himself up with food which slightly shocked Luo Li seeing him constantly shoving food into his mouth without stopping

After that the three of them returned to the Lord's Manor


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