
Cultivation, but I'd rather be a weakling

Hao Yu is a transmigrator and reincarnates to a xianxia world. He had cultivated painstakingly for 10,000 years and became a immortal; however, he realized a truth. "Why should I cultivate?" "I hate harems" "I don't want to stand at the peak" "I don't age and don't need to eat" "Seriously, there's no point" So he decides to become a teacher for the next 70,000. During that time he sent 7 incarnations down for fun. "By the way, I wonder how strong those 8 empress are? Well, they aren't any concern of mine." (I won't be writing this a lot and from time to time I'll write, unless people really like this. So if you want more chapters, go comment or etc. Just let me know.) [The Cover Art is something I drew] [Still needs a lot of work, but here are my plans] 1. No harem (like I hate cultivation harems with a passion, but there are love interests) 2. Main character refuses to cultivate 3. Main character starts off as 80,000 years old 4. Immortals in this story can't die unless they are killed by something external 5.Kinda want it to be based more on romance than action (Might not edit chapters, cuz I'm just doing this for fun and it'll be too much work.) -Youtube channel down below- https://youtube.com/@murasakinokarasuvtuber

cas5_off · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Hao Yu left without much thought. 

He had already done what he was supposed to do after all. 

"Sigh~ it's so boring nowadays. No wonder everyone just cultivates."

Hao Yu remembers when he was on stage. He had seen a girl cry during his performance. 

"She was pretty..."

Hao Yu smacked his head. 

"How am I still getting charmed after so many years of becoming a immortal!?"



Liao Ling Looked at the back  of Hao Yu. 

"....Meng Yu."

Liao Ling had thought of various explanations as to why Hao Yu might not know her. 

Her first logical thought was that Meng Yu was his incarnation, in other words a mortal version of him sent down for experience.

"I just have to ask and it'll make sense!"

She took a step forward, but then notices her whole world was covered in darkness. 

Liao Lings fire illuminated the darkness.

Yet it was only enough for the area around her. 

"This ability..." Then she shouted. "I wonder why the renowned Hei Yu is stopping me?"

The darkness started to shape and take form into a a enchanting women with sharp eyes. Her boredom could be seen instantly. 

Each Empress were already cautious of the other, since they were all rulers of their own paradise. 

It wasn't hard to differentiate skills as well. 

"Empress Liao Ling, are you planning to talk to Hao Yu?"

Liao Ling narrowed her eyes, "I don't think this should be any of your business, no?"

"Hah! Do you think you were the only one that lived a life with him?"


"Looks like you were to anxious, otherwise you would have seen these."

She held up a book. 


The illustration and title were extremely similar, but instead it was about a spider. 

The title was [Dream of Eccentric Man and Arrogant Spider]

"I don't need to explain further right?"

Liao Ling cursed in her heart, 'Hao Yu, you cheating bastard!!!'




Hao Yu looks around his rooms. 

"Fucking allergies, Sniff."



"...How many are there?" Liao Ling prayed in her heart. 

"7 books including mine." Hei Yu also seemed to get angry just saying it. 


"There are are 8 of us too..." Hei Yu shakes her head as if she had a light migraine. 

"Don't tell me....each one of us are..."

"It seems so...We're all Emperor Immortals. It might have something to do with Hao Yu, that's what I think."

Hei Yu gives her thought further. 

"We also deduced that whenever Hao Yu incarnated, he defied the rivers of time. Some of us met Hao Yu's incarnate when he wasn't even alive."

Hei Yu dismisses it and asks a question. "So? what about you? Going to call it off?"

Liao Ling remembers her husband. She couldn't give up when he's so close to her, alive at that.


"Sigh....fine, I knew it. Either way, don't interact with Hao Yu, or else we'll attack you and your nation."

"Also for the record." Hei Yu snapped her fingers. "Hao Yu is mine."

Hei Yu's figure gone now, but her voice still lingered in Liao Lings head. 

She looks at the way that Hao Yu was and her heart hurted. 

"Just wait, I'll come to you."

She then helplessly turned to walk away. 




The old store keeper lazed around and when he saw a figure coming over he acted like he was sleeping. 


"Wake up, or I'll burn this place down!"

"yes, what do you need, customer?"

The Old store keeper acted like he wasn't feigning sleep just now. 

"Give me all of Hao Yu's Book."

"Y-you sure? They have a curse on them!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

He leans closer and looks over his shoulder. 

"Whenever they get bought, the buyers get into trouble. Some say, just holding it can cause them to be haunted by ghosts! That happened when they bought [Dream of Demonic Fear]!! The other books also have their own curse too!"

"Immortals are scared of ghosts?"

"They aren't regular ghosts! They are Great Immortal Ghost!!"

"....Pack them all up for me."


Liao Ling grabbed the 7 books while grinding her teeth. 

"Also if anyone buys [Imperialistic might] do make sure to tell them that it'll curse them and burn all their belongings."

She gave a big HMPH!

and left out the door. 

"Sigh~ another curse, huh...It's a curse for me to hold these too."

Black Devouring Spider, Empress Liao Ling, Phoenix Saintess , Flower empress, Sword Saintess, Violent Ghost Empress, Rainbow Empress, White Celestial fox

-ch 2 (guess who's next, Idk either...)

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