
Cultivation at Home!?

What will you do when you crossed to another world with your house? Chat with friends? getting stronger? go for some adventure? or become a salted fish in your house? Well, why not all? Or is it? wallp: 室内ガーデニング | ふぃーる@コミティアそ17a

Ritzyditzy · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

50. Fifty

With fatigued mind, Syura felt another 'eerie' gaze from before, fall on him once again. The only difference were this time he didn't get trapped in a strange space.

"Who!?" Syura shouted to the starry skies above him.

But what came to him were another strange occurence, the space above him cracked just like a broken mirror, at first it was just a needle-sized crack, but gradually it got bigger and bigger!

Until a grey-colored limb that belongs to that of an arachnid species came crushing through from within, shattering the space like a glass.

This time, Syura felt a new level of threat from it, if the white-colored spider were like that of a stray dog, then, this one was like an atomic bomb that was already above his head!

A huge disaster!

The White-colored Spider, as if seeing its elder, no, its king, just put its head low, even it didn't utter any sound the moment the space began to crack.

Fortunately or unfortunately, with this accident, Kujo managed to bring him and Kuro to get far away from the white-colored Spider without much attention from it.

Now, Kujo's power level is already at that of a half-step Sky expert, what is a sky expert? It means he or she can begun to fly around almost freely with their power! But alas it need to be helped with a form of energy, which is Qi, that Kujo didn't have.

But, a body strength at the level of half-step Sky expert is of course not something to be laughed at.... For cultivators below their level that is, if it were against the White-colored spider, or the grey colored limb that just blast through the space.... Please, just call the angel of death to him A.S.A.P.


"What the... " Syura gazed upon the huge grey-colored limb that belong to the almost the same species as the white-colored spider.

Even though Syura wanted to just spewed thousands of profanities, it just won't make any difference! Nor any change to his condition!

'Is this the one who gave me yg the eerie gaze? Why does it feel different?' another thought came to his mind, yet he dismissed it immediately because of his instinct.

Another limb follow the one before it and with two of them, it then made a ripping motion from inside the space.


Just by that limbs, it manage to tear space apart!

"You're joking with me right?" Syura muttered.

But facts told otherwise.

A grey-colored Spider then came out from the teared-up space, standing up high in the skies, and aura of oppression soon came from it, rendering Syura and the white-colored spider motionless.

As for Kuro and Kujo, because both of them haven't reached the trancendence realm that divide between a mortal and immortal, they barely feel anything.

"To hell with it!" Syura made a horse stance, and make a jump from it towards the starry sky, or to be more definite, the grey-colored Spider.

After a while, Syura and the humongous Grey-colored Spider stood face-to-face, before suddenly the spider shirk it self to be of the same height as Syura.

It then throw itself, and a limb immediately fly towards Syura at high speed.

"Well, fak!"

*Bam! *Bang!

Syura fly backwards at 20 times the speed of sound, breaking many meteorite in the process.

'System! Release my power! Or we'll die together at this rate!'


"Tch, whatever!"

With a flash, Syura dodged another attack that come towards him, with the aura ge got from the senzu bean, he fly and dodged the limb and the meteorite in the vastly sky by using it.

Senzu bean are something magical in itself, the stronger the one who ate it, the stronger the effect, if it was just a mortal, then growing a limb or two are just something normal.

But for an immortal, with it you can at least crack open a planet or two!

That's how much of a difference there is!