Backstory pt2 (Narration)

After Dying due to a weakness in his profound veins which only his wife and daughter knew of the Empire turned to chaos as his son in law's family waged war on it during this period of weakness,

Wreaking havoc everywhere with innocents dying left and right, women being raped here and there and children being tied to chains so they could be turned into slaves for the nobles, the princess of said country was watching in horror as this unfolded.

"I thought we were going to rule this together peacefully" cried out Li Wang

" I lied you foolish girl I only needed you so I could kill your father and now that you've fulfilled your purpose you're just baggage I don't need" stated the new emperor in a ruthless voice

" But I gave everything to you I killed my loving parents, I even gave you my first " she cried out "like I care what you did I only told you to kill them so I could become the new emperor, and saying you gave me your chastity amounts to nothing cause I didn't give you mine so why should I care" he said looking down on the crying princess of a dying empire

"You can't do this to me I'm the princess of this Empire" yelled Li Wang

"No you were a princess, now you are going to be some nobles plaything and with you once being a princess I could sell you for a couple thousand more gold, now although it was short it was fun but as it turns out all fun things must come to a end" finishing his last words spoken to the princess before she was sold to a noble for tens of thousands gold.

With the Empire of a man known as the god amongst gods being destroyed and it's inhabitants being enslaved we follow our protagonist as he travels to this new but mysterious world.

Next chapter