
Chapter 2: A Test

Jack was woken from his meditation by an animal masked nin. The nin waited to be acknowledged. He would wait a long time.

One of the largest hurdles of foundry was mastering aura. In a sense, one had to master themselves to reach he next realm. Their force of personality had a lot to do with how their aura acted. Most spent years learning about themselves. Through various forced choices an understanding could be acquired.

That was nice, Jack had a lot of respect for those people who wasted years in foundry. Only, the journey to knowing oneself often changed oneself at the revelation and the entire process had to be repeated. So, the dark and mysterious powers of economics were invoked to solve the problem.

To that end, a cough awoke him from his introspective enlightenment. With a sigh, he stood up from his spot. "You've sat in that same spot for weeks. Hokage sama would like to test your abilities and ensure your muscles haven't atrophied." Jack stretched feeling his joint pop from the exertion.

"It must be boring on your end. But you can assure her, I've been training bitterly the whole time. I'm much stronger than I was weeks ago." The guard stood there for a moment then nodded his head.

"Of course, but Hokage sama requires solid measurable evidence to determine whether your worth the effort." Jack rolled his shoulders.

"Harsh but understandable, what does she need?" Jack asked.

"You're to follow me to training ground 3." Jack followed the ambu. They appeared in a thick forest after a few moments of travel. Jack continued to hover off the ground. Tsunade stared at him in both contempt and a little wonder.

"My reports show you haven't left your apartment in a month. Is there something wrong with my village?" Tsunade demanded.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I barely began meditating when your ambu disturbed me. A short session of meditation can last around six months while a long one can take decades." Tsunade blinked and then blinked again.

"Why would anyone waste their lives like that?" Tsunade demanded.

"To extend our lives far beyond their natural limits and contemplate the secrets of the universe. You didn't call me from my meditation to learn the basics of qi implementation and the wonders of meditation, did you?" The Hokage glared at him.

"No, I want to see what you can do. If you want to continue living in my village rent free, then you'll pull your own weight." Tsunade said.

"Fine, I understand." Jack raised his hand and pulled a massive chunk of iron ore from deep beneath the earth. Once out of the ground, the earth returned to it normal order. He grabbed a stick and began drawing blueprints for what he needed.

"What are you doing?" Tsunade groaned.

"I'm reviewing designs for a new pill cauldron. I took it up as a hobby a few decades ago. I'm a little rusty but I still remember the process. The ingredients for the life restoring pill are a little more complicated." Their confused expressions forced him to sigh. "I can't go to the local apothecary and ask for a blanked artificial virus. I think the Yamanaka's only sell flowers."

"No, I didn't call you here for that." A green blur appeared in a bowed position.

"Hokage sama, did you call for one beautiful green beast." A man wearing green spandex said. Jack blinked a few times before snorting.

"Guy, he's the new addition to our village I was telling you about. I need you to test his physical capabilities." The man flashed forward. "Dynamic entry," the bushy browed man shouted. Jack flew to the side to avoid the attack.

"Time out," Jack said, and the green blur froze. Then he stood back up. The man concentrated for a moment then snapped his fingers.

"That's right the Hokage didn't say start. How unyouthful of me." Jack shook his head.

"Hokage these are the designs for the pill cauldron. Each gives the pill a slight boost in a single attribute. Please think them over before selecting one. Pill cauldrons are difficult to make." Her eyes twitched. He knew what he was doing, and it was a blast. Playing oblivious was the best. "Oh, before I forget has Sakura asked about me."

"There will be no fraternizing with my apprentice. Now, begin." Tsunade yelled.

Jack twisted out of the way of a series of hyper sonic kicks and punches. If not for his experience then, he'd be hamburger meat. Even his qi sense only gave him a slight edge in this fight. If he was at core, then things might be different. Worse of all this guy's stamina seemed practically infinite. Jack's aura was powerful, but his body hadn't been tempered.

That had to be the next thing on his to do list. An untempered body couldn't handle the rigors of combat. To that end, he'd have to rely upon his elemental mastery.

He waved his hand and flames swirled around him. The spiraling flames roared to the air currents manipulated by his aura. He min maxed the flames by taking water element properties and mixing them with a little earth for solidity of an attack. A steel core at the end gave the attack sudden rigidity.

Tentacles of of lancing, solid, and infinitely flexible heat lashed out. They spawned from his aura lashing out and spawning with little issue. It was sloppy, on the spot, and needed a lot of retooling. Tent was his limit.

Might Guy seemed to teleport through the forest. "The first gate, the gate of opening." Jack watched his opponent gain a five times multiplier in an instant. He checked the integrity of his barrier before the first blow struck. It was slight stronger that Tsunade's punch. This time his barrier didn't crack. Ten tentacles of heat lashed down like cracking whips.

"The second gate, the gate of healing." Guy flashed out of the way. He appeared behind Jack and yelled. "Frontal Lotus," He added some elasticity to his barrier and watched Guy's leg dig into his barrier before bouncing back.

"Blunt force of that level won't work any longer." Jack flew after the green shinobi his spears flashed like lightning slamming into the ground. When the withdrew the dirt had pooled into a puddle of magma.

"The third gate, the gate of life." Guy shouted. His skin turned read and a visible aura of chakra covered him. Jack withdrew his spears and hardened his barrier. He could sense his opponent had damaged himself in this fight. Jack didn't feel any wear, but he was weary. What if Tsunade also knew these gate techniqeus. A five-time multiplier to her attack could have killed him on their first meeting. He'd have to be a little more careful.

"Enough, Jack we wanted to see your physical capabilities not your jutsu. Your reaction time was passible." Tsunade said. "Guy you did well, go rest."

"Kurenai its your turn. We are going to determine your resistance to Genjutsu." The red eyed brunet with the chainmail covering her tites approached him.

"Well good luck. I'm well versed in illusion warfare. Its probably the most well researched field I know of." That wasn't a lie or a bluff. Every day there was some new and terrifying illusion technique and their specialists worked constantly to counter them.

His entire world was overtaken by an illusion. All of his senses had been consumed by a scene. He was in a house with Kurenai surrounded by children and more on the way. His armor hung up on a nearby wall and they were talking about their children's day at the academy. It was too peaceful. Being so relaxed made his skin crawl, his mind itched, and worst of all his qi sense was unaffected.

"Well that's interesting. It seems my body has a chakra network. I must have put it in by accident when I crafted the body." Jack muttered mostly to himself. "Still it was a sweet dream thank you."

"Wait if you are able to see the illusion then how you are able to talk to us in the real world?" Kurenai asked.

"While your illusion is impressive, I have senses that you don't. Those senses can replicate my other senses and even puppet my body when my nerves are under another's control." He would have to thank Dr. Drake for that one. After he unleashed the cordyceps plague and infected the whole legion, Jack had to evolve or die. Many of his friends died their amor ripped open while spores shot out to infect others.

He broke the illusion with a flex of his will. There were more techniques in heaven and earth than stars in the sky. In the end illusions were yin-based territory creation. After breaking that down he only had to poke holes in a territory. Even one based off of a single person was fragile in the right spots.

"Did you manage to pick out a pill cauldron?" Jack asked.

"If you could make a pill to restore my youth, why would you give it to me?"

Well it would give him a lot of power in the village, she'd owe him one, and he'd get all sorts of customers. Potential enemies could become allies. His new home would gain experienced veterans in the body of youths, and he could hold it over the other villages. Who would dare attack their supply of immortality pills? His first step would be the leaf. They'd get the pills for free. The rest would pay with their women, jutsu, and favors.

"I want to make a pass at you. You're a few centuries younger than me and still have that youthful fire. Life restoring pills aren't that hard to make."

They only worked a couple times. Around fifty years per pill unless the did something sneaky. Like, he could limit the potency of the pills and sell hundred of them. 150 diluted youth restoring pills could be sold at full price. He'd give the leaf the real pills. He'd could add life extending pills, organ recovery pills, limb regeneration pills, and penis lengthening pills to the list of his products. He just needed some famous customers to prove his integrity.

"You have the eyes of the blackest hearted merchant I've ever seen." Tsunade declared. Jack let out a sigh.

"Fine, you can keep up your illusion and never tell anyone where you got the pill. Would that convince you to take one? I've never met a woman so against regaining her youth." He'd have to fix that with a little dream therapy.

"I know better than to make a deal with a devil." Tsunade said. If he was a devil, then he was a devil that would smack those cheeks of hers.

Sakura languished over his cock licking and sucking on him like the sweetest lollipop. He'd changed his appearance, now much closer to Jack than Sasuke. In three months, the transformation would be complete.

He pushed his hands through her glossy pink hair. This was the easy part. She hungrily sucked at him slurping his member and to a slow happy song in the background. Her room was Sakura's safe place. While the music played her heart would be calm. He gently pulled his cock from between her lips.

She looked up at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" He gently stood up and pushed her on the bed. Jack pulled off her shorted and moved her soaked panties to the side. Her peach lay in wait glistening.

"I just think its criminal to let you have all the fun without returning the favor." She pushed her legs closed. A look of concern filled her green eyes.

"Are you sure? Isn't it better that I make you feel good?" A smile slipped across his face. This was what he wanted a good subservient girl. But that phase was coming to an end. He had broken her. Now it was time to pick up the pieces. At this phase he could sculpt her any way he wanted.

"Sakura your pleasure is important to me. When you feel good, I feel good as well. Don't you feel our connection?"

She stared down at his cock and licked her lips. A pensive look crossed her face. For a moment a frustrated expression crossed her features.

"Ok, but only if I get to suck on it the whole time." He raised an eyebrow. "If that's ok." Sakura said.

She laid atop him and let her panties drop off her leg. He reached up and tasted her even in the dream he could taste the heady musk of her womanhood. It filled him with her want. Soft pink hairs brushed against his tongue while he teased her flower. Every gentle brush against her clit caused a spasm. Her soft lilac skin contrasted beautifully with her pussy.

With every lick there was a growing spasm and she sucked on him harder. Her tender hands cupped his balls and her throat fought to suck down his cock. She gaged and cried out while he teased her delicious Asian cunny. Every lick echoed by spasms bringing her ever closer to him. He could feel them through her and with that feeling was magic happened.

The building began to rapidly increase. He hit her where she was weakest. His tongue found the places she couldn't handle him touching. They were his and she wanted to give them to him. He snaked a hand in and touched the spot within that would set off the pressure. Sakura pulled herself up and let out a wailing cry.

Her Asian cunny couldn't contain the pressure and she squirted. Vast streams of girl cum sprayed his face and he loved it. It filled him with her with Sakura. Long deep spasms fired off from her delicate flower. Jack tasted her and wanted more. She was his and he'd continued enjoying her. There were feelings she held that he still couldn't reach. Depths of her soul were yet unclaimed. He would take those too.

Once again he left her when the sun rose. Her sheets were completely covered in last night's exploits. She'd have to do her laundry again.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to check out my other stories TAPE and DTH.

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Thank you for reading my story. If you like my writing then why not check out my other story "The Bleeding Moon."

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