
Escort Quest

"Please allow the guild to offer some new comers equipment before you accept that quest."

Aria walked up behind us with hands clasped with a smile her face. I glanced at Jiang who was looking at me for confirmation.

We rejected the equipment but by the look on Jiang's face it was obvious she wanted  to accept the offer but I don't do free stuffs.

At the moment we are following behind a member of the guild who was leading us to where the merchants were he brought along an approval letter to prove that we are member of Odins guild who have came to accept the quest.

It turns out each adventuring party gets an assistant of sort who helps with quest approval and quest acceptance advice.I was a little depressed though why did our assistant have to be a dude.


"You seem to be a bunch of noob adventurers you sure you're level 30?" A grumpy old troll of a man step towards us from a group of carriages.

I didn't reply I just looked down at the short fat man who seemed to be assessing us by scanning us from head to toe.

He seemed to have brushed it off and walked towards the lead carriage of the six, our job would be to walk alongside the carriages one on each side to guard against theifs and wild beast in the forest.

Having to walk was no problem from here to the next city take about three days and two nights by carriage and We would only travel by night so it would been no problem to walk all the way there, besides I walked to hills and forestation around Lisa's home alot and the trip up there is nothing compared to this took my six days from the foot of the mountain to the house.

And during that training expedition I couldn't use my magic and had to survive off animals and fruits and vegetation in the hills.

I looked at Jiang who was on the right side of the carriages and smiled and got a smile in return just before the carriages passed and went through the city gates.


This we are in is the Adventuring City of ZachTet

The city I was born in wad the capital city Comsgrell of the kingdom that houses all the cities in the surrounding area. The city we are currently heading to is the merchant city of Neer. Each city got their title because of the dominant occupation in the city.


After exciting ZachTet we were immediately plunged in to forest there was a there were multiple clear road through the forest each leading to a city if place of importance we were heading straight south to the merchant city so we will have to go straight through the forest which takes 3 days.

"The pay for this is forty gold coins you guys are new adventures why did you accept such a quest?" The guys on the forth carriage asked Jiang it I over heard his question but I did not hear her response, but they guys was laughing so I guess she answered.

The mean time I was a little angry at my space portal magic

With it I could send all the carriages to Neer but I at the moment thats impossible since I have never been to Neer portal magic only send you to places from you memories but still having a magic that could instantly take you places and not being able to utilize it was frustrating. 


We have traveled for a while having stopping to rest the horses twice it was almost Dusk and I was hungry it was really hard to keep my composure but I fought it my stomach had already began to consume itself.

I noticed the lead carriage with the stumpy merchant was going off track into a small clearing and the other five carriages followed behind.


"Now that we are all gathered let's prepare some dinner." The fat guy spoke and the other men started tying up the horses and unloading pots from a carriage.

Jiang informed the merchant leader that we were going to scout and We then searched the surrounding in a ten meter radius around our camp before returning to the camp in time for food. We ate and then started doing shifts to guard the carriages while the mothers slept.


After waking up they didn't hesitate to start their journey again the journey was simple and uneventful the routine didn't change much after the first day and it was off back to the same boring journey no thieves nor beast.

The merchant crew was becoming agitated and worried the suspected something was going on because normally the forest would be crawling with thieves and beast.

And just like that they jingxed there was a injured running towards us from the left he was bleeding heavily and he only had on a ripped up pants and a sword.

Looking at the man running towards us I was shocked I felt as if I knew him from somewhere.

Graawl sihss!...

A group of men where behind him and their behaviour was not human they were even covered with blood and their body smelt decomposed.

What are those the men shouted and the began to panic the horses were losing control just seeing them I told the merchants to go off at full speed and Jiang to go with them.

I ran towards the man running towards us. I ran past him and casted fireball while increasing my magic output just as Lisa tought me, a volley of giant fireball came down from the sky u then casted water magic great flood to prevem the forest from burning down, I grabbed the injured man and used portal to teleport to the road.

The carriages have already gone leaving us behind. I used complete heal on the man returning his body to it's complete state. In no time the guys was up on his feet searching his body.

"Thank you!" He shouted bowing before he began to cry as he continued to thank me.

"Uhm your welcome I guess, am Takiru by the way and what were those things chasing you."

"Wait did you say your name was Takiru, as in Takiru Delot."

"Yeah..." he began to hug me almost squeeze the life out of me as started to cry even harder. Being hugged by a dude made my skin crawl.

"Who are you?"it's me Almeth... Almeth Scott, after you vanished with the head mistress, there was news that you blew up your housing killing every one in it. But I knew you would never do such a thing. The capital city is in ruins it has been overun by vampires not a sould remains even the kids in our school were killed the castle now has a vampire on the throne. I and a few other survived and were seperated in order to increse our chance of survival." 

Hearing this I was speechless I fell to my knees as Almeth stood before me crying.I was living in the hills in piece when all my former citizens were killed.

"I was in a cave for the past eight years but the vampire started to spread out that how they found me and I was attacked but they were too much and too strong to win so I was about to be killed that when I heard horses and ran this way. I cant thank you enough."

"Come on let's catch up back to the carriages they might be in trouble."

I took out some metal things from my back and took Almeth's damages sword and used creation magic edit and repair, to repair the cracks and edit to sharpen the blade before we ran off in the direction of the carriages.


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