

My mother Alicia Kendrick, fell in love with a very powerful vampire Lord but she couldn't marry him because their relationship was an abomination. My mother Alicia, the only daughter of the most powerful and legendary sorceress was admired by many, even envied because she was born with the beauty of a celestial being. The Vampire Lord, Eric was as young and powerful as the woman that stole his heart but he was of another kind.

Eric and Alicia started seeing each other secretly and at night. The two were pretty much inseparable. When Alicia's mother; Anastasia found out, she got so angry the moon turned blood red much to the dimly of both tribes. Then they knew the causes. The two lovers. The vampire Lord was taken by his clan starved to weaken him and bound in the heart of the castle and Alicia, was trapped in one room in her castle with a spell holding her against her will by her mother.

After a year apart from each other Anastasia let her daughter free into the mortal world to make sure she forgot about the vampire completely. And she almost did a year and a half after her time in the mortal world. She met Luke, a mortal man that gave his heart to her since they first met but she caused him so much pain by longing for her forbidden lover. Then one night she decided to use Luke as her lover's rebound guy and because of the love he had for her, Luke was still willing to stay by her side.

Then it came to pass one stormy night when Luke came to meet the love of his life in her home when the unthinkable happened. The vampire lord had come to find her and went to rage when he saw Luke holding her. His eyes turned crimson and he lunged for the mortals' throat but the woman who stole his heart stopped him

"No- Stop this Eric!" She said covering Luke with her body. Eric was livid.

"Why should I? He deserves to die" He asked angrily causing the ground to tremble at his tone. He was furious.

"No-" She started to say again but he cut her off with the thoughts running through his mind.

"Why Alicia, did your love for me die? Don't you want to be mine? Don't you care for me anymore or does your heartbeat for him now?" Eric asked really hurt she stood up to him for someone as worthless as a mere mortal, a human. The hot tears gushed out of her eyes and onto her cheeks as she sobbed and listened to the questions he asked her reflecting the pain and anguish from her rejection. He was not the only one in pain at that point, the love of his life knelt at his feet begging him to end his doubts then and there because she could not stand the agony.

"You know very well that I love you beyond measure but we cannot be together, your people will not allow it and neither will mine"

"So you are rejecting my love? Alicia sweetheart, you..... you can't not to me... no.... no my love_" Eric said. Alicia dropped her gaze to the floor and let her tears sol the evening gown she wore. Eric was filled with rage and so he wanted the humans' head but before he could sink his fangs into the exposed flesh, his love intercepted and took the bite.

He retracted his fangs from the luscious neck of his ex-lover and turned t the human who was the cause of all the misfortune. all Eric felt at that moment was rage. he was angry at himself but even more angry at his lover for trying to side with the human male over him, the love of her life. how could she? the human male sat on the floor staring at the scene before him. overcome by the shock he could not register anything that was happening except for the fact that the love of his life was just bitten by a vampire. truth be told he was terrified and when Eric turned to look at him he knew he was dead and he welcomed death without putting up a fight. in one motion the human had his head snapped off.

Eric took another longing glance at his lover before he took her in his arms and placed her in the comfort of her bed. he watched her for a minute or two and made a vow to her as she slept that he would come back for her no matter how long it took. with one last glace, he disappeared into the night leaving nothing of his behind and as he blended with the night his love was in transition.

her body burned as the venom spread through her veins. all she could dream of doing at that moment was to drawn herself in a pool of ice and not come back again. memories of the time she spent with the love of her life flooded her mind with no mercy and the pain she did not feel came crashing down on her causing her to admit that the man she loved had found a way to hurt her even if he didn't mean to. Two hours later she felt a burning sensation in her throat after the world went dark around he. she forced her eyes open only to shut them again due to the harsh intensity of the sun. she lay on the bed, trying to get over the fact that she lived and was now another creature.

With her shaky legs she made her way to the corner of her room where a full mirror stood away from the rays of sunlight. she gasped when she looked at the reflection staring back at her. Her black silky hair shone in the light and hung magnificently over her back down to her hips. Her previously blue eyes now had gold rings dancing around in the pupil and a crimson ring circled the blue enhancing it. Her once radiant skin was now pale but her lips remained a rosy shade of pink. She could not help but gape at the image in the mirror. Everything about her was way beyond description. She was gorgeous before the change but now she was a goddess like her mother. She parted her lips slightly to see her fangs and lo and behold her fangs glistened then and there she accepted the fact that the change was complete. All of a sudden she heard the voice of her mother reach out to her.