
Surprise invitation!!

We had our semester exams,I wrote them well. After few days we had a feast in college for which our seniors came to ask us to participate in various fields like dancing, singing, drama,and other games. Obviously,I didn't give my name in anything. Some of my friends requested me frankly they begged me but still I didn't give my name.

The coming day a senior came and called the names of all the girls and boys who were in dance. He read the names one by one. I saw almost all of my friends gave their names. I saw that senior who was announcing,he was looking damn angry at the moment. I got scared looking at him.

Of a sudden I heard my name. I was shocked,I didn't stand up. This time he shouted my name. I thought he was an idiot,and stood up. He saw me with terrifying look on his face. He yelled at everyone saying " All the students whose names I called must be in the auditorium within 15 minutes",he said and left the class. I didn't even get a chance to say him that I'm not interested. So I thought of staying in the class, cause obviously I didn't give my name.

After 20 minutes,I got a call , It's an unknown number. I answered it and heard the person yell at me .No wonder it's that senior. He said he'll cancel my attendance for 1 whole week if I won't come to the auditorium. I was already in short of attendance,so I had to go. But I thought of explaining him that I didn't give my name.

So I said " dude I didn't give my name ,it might be one of my friends who wishfully gave my name, so I'll not be coming ". This time he said in a very calm way " look girl, I know you didn't give your name, It's one of my friends who wants you to be in the dance you have to come else as I said you'll loose your attendance ". I said in angry way " who the hell was that person ". He said " you need not know just come to the auditorium ",and he cut the call.

I thought for a while and decided to go cause I had only one thing in my mind ATTENDANCE .*** k that I thought and left the class.

How do you feel when someone, whom you don't even know comes to you and forces you to participate in something in which you are not at all interested....

I felt Disgusted...

vaishnavi_screators' thoughts
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