

A man reincarnated in another world to fulfill the mission he receives from the Goddess. However, if he didn't comply and fail the mission he will die once again... To prevent that, the man (who will become Ajearaa in his second life) will do anything in his power to finished the mission and live his life in another world in his own terms. #Basicsummary #Dumbauthor

InZo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 Royal Family


Ajearaa sigh, as he relaxed before knocking to door. The maid already left him earlier when they reached the king's chamber, and now, he's standing in front of the door all by himself.

'Knock knock'

"Come in."

A voice answered to Ajearaa's knocking. Ajearaa opened the door silently and entered the chamber.

He saw a man in his late thirties, sitting and looking at him. He quickly understood that this man, is the king and his father in this world. Justine Zyren Sallida the 11th King of Sallida Kingdom.

The King has a pair of golden hair and eyes, a short beard covering his chin and a pale skin. The King is handsome just like the son in front of him. Ajearaa probably might look like him when he grows older but with a different hair and skin color.

Ajearaa didn't know the formalities in this world since he's just got here a while ago. That's why he don't know how to properly greet the king. However, [System] told him that greeting the king is simple, all he need to do is to bow, put his left hand in his back and the right in front.

"Greetings to the King."

Ajearaa did just that, and managed to greet the King without any problems.

"As usual, you greet me as you've always done."

King Justine said with a playful tone. He then makes a gesture with his hand as if to say 'come here'.

Ajearaa obeyed and stopped when he's only a few centimeters away from the his father.

Ajearaa looked at him with a curious thought of what his father will do next. The King looked serious this time so Ajearaa expect it's about serious matters.

King Justine put his hand on Ajearaa's head and looked at him in the eyes.

"The daughter of Duke Conley, Sanya will become your fiancee from now on. Treat her well, okay?"

Ajearaa isn't ready and doesn't want to deal with this kind of things, so he wants to say that he didn't want to be betrothed to anyone right now.

As much as he wants to say it, he cannot do it because he still dont know the king and what his reaction is going to be.

"Okay, father."

Ajearaa replied meekly.

"You said yes but your eyes are saying that it's bothersome."

King Justine said as if he see through Ajearaa.

"Well, it doesn't concern me. That's your problem hahah." King Justine said cheerfully making fun of his son. Now, he got off in his sit and walked toward the door that Ajearaa had use earlier, "Anyway, there's another reason I called you here. Follow me and let's see the newest member of our family, your younger sister."

King Justine cheerful behavior made an impression to Ajearaa. He now had a rough idea about the king. King Justine exited his chamber excitedly and Ajearaa follow him behind just like he did earlier with the maid. Even so, their destination this time is different.

They're going to the clinic near the castle to meet another member of the family. For Ajearaa, it's an opportunity to meet his mother, the Queen of this Kingdom and the wife of this cheerful king in front of him.

Ajearaa is wearing an annoyed expression while they're both going to the clinic. The reason is, right now, he's riding on his father's shoulder.

Earlier when they leave King Justine's chamber. He said that he wants Ajearaa to ride on his shoulders with a fake teary eyes that telling Ajearaa he won't let him 'no' for an answer.

The moment Ajearaa entered the king's chamber is also the moment he observe the king and judge what kind of person are him. As he expected, judging the king is no easy task. That's why he's very wary about his behaviors toward the king. He knows the king thinks of him as a son, yet Ajearaa knows he can't make a careless move early in the game. So, he decided to play it safe for now and decided to rhyme with the king's bothersome and embarassing request for an old man like him.

The two went on together with different expression on their faces. One is wearing an annoyed expression and the other with a cheerful expression.

"Now that I think of your younger sister's birth, your birthday is also in this month right?1 You're almost six years old now, you need to go to the Academy and learn a thing or two."

King Justine said as if he remember it just now.

This kind of information is another thing that Ajearaa doesn't want to hear. In his first day in this world, he already had too much in his plate. First, a fiancee he don't know and now a school life. In his past life, he hated school. He hate it so much that he even made a promise to himself that he won't go to school again once he graduated, and even if he becomes a parent he won't go to the parents-student meeting.

On top of those two bothersome matters, he also need to know about his power, so he can protect this world...

While Ajearaa is screaming in agony inside if his head, they're finally arrived at the clinic. The person in charge on this structure is an old woman.

She bowed and greet the King (and Ajearaa) when she saw them. Just like the rest of the servants they encountered along the way. King Justine put down his son and opened the door in one of the room of the clinic.

"Oh my, Honey. I see that you try to annoyed our little Ajearaa as usual."

A gentle voice greeted when she saw a pair of bearded handsome man and a child who is wearing an exhausted expression as if to say that dealing with the said man is stressful entered the door.

The woman is laying down on bed holding a newborn baby.

Despite giving birth a few hours ago, you won't see the tiredness from the woman's expression. This woman is the wife of King Justine, the Queen of Sallida - Phoebe Maca Sallida.

She had a dark skin and a beautiful gray hair just like Ajearaa, a silver eyes and a beautiful face. One look at her eyes will told you how charismatic this Queen is.

"She's finally here. Is that my daughter?"

An enthusiastic King said, hurrying to her wife's side to see the baby up close.

"Too bad. He's a boy, so it's not a daughter."

"What?! I want a daughter, not another son. Dealing with Ajearaa and Robert is already a tough job for me."

(Says the guy!!!) Ajearaa whose watching on the side retorted in his mind.

"Didn't we have a daughter already?"

"Well, yeah... But I'm too scared to her, she's a lot worse compare to his brothers. My dream of taking a normal daughter to beautiful places and showing off my dignity as a king to her is now in shambles again. Moreover, I need to wait again another a year or two for a new child."

"Are you saying that our beautiful Selena isn't normal?"

Queen Phoebe replied calmly, but looking at her husband dead in the eyes. Which King Justine avoided by shifting his gaze on the baby.

This little exchange of these two people leading the country, made Ajearaa understand what kind of parents these two in front of him are.

While the royal couple are talking, Ajearaa already managed to get near his mother and the baby.

When he looks at the baby, he had a feeling that this newborn infant in front of him is special.

[Notice! This infant in front of the host is a 'Crusader'. Congratulations to the host for discovering a 'Crusader' on his very first day in this world.]

Suddenly, Ajearaa heard those words in his mind. He's mentally exhausted dealing with the King since earlier, and now he's glad that going along with him is now paying off. All the stress he felt are now completely gone in his face. If you look at him now, you will only witness his smiling face that reaching his ears, but not literally of course.

"Oh my, it's rare to see you smile like that Ajearaa. Do you love your brother that much?"

Queen Phoebe said noticing Ajearaa's joyful expression who's looking at the baby beside her.

Though, that smile of Ajearaa is creepier if you see it from the outside perspective. But well, not that it matters... probably.

"Yes! I love him very much."

Ajearaa answered cheerfully, looking like a real child for the second time since coming in this world.

"By the way, when are you going back to our castle?"

King Justine said asking his wife. This time, his expression is serious unlike the joyful him from earlier.

This is the first time Ajearaa saw his father looking like that. He thought the reason of his father troubled look is about political problem or some sort. Even though, this father of him might look dumb. Ajearaa understood that his father is still the king of a kingdom at the end of the day.

Ajearaa thought that it's the time for serious matters and collect information about this world, and so wants to listen to his parents soon-to-be conversation.

To his surprised, the king told him to go back to his room first. Ajearaa wanted to say that he wants to stay in this room. He now understands his father's personality by observing him with his beloved wife, but when he looks in his father's eyes to say it. He saw a cold stare from the king as if it's already know what Ajearaa is going to say.

"Honey... don't scare him like that." Queen Phoebe said reading the room and shifting his gaze to Ajearaa's, and calmly said, "Ajearaa, can you go back to your room first. Your father and I have something important to talk about."

Ajearaa can't do anything after witnessing that, so he follow suit. After leaving the room, Ajearaa didn't even bother about his father cold glare. The reason is, [System] told Ajearaa about his parents conversation that's going on right now with every single detail.

He's listening to it as he go back to his room, but to his disappointment, they're just talking about his birthday at the end of the month.