
It Begins

The smell of sizzling eggs, mixed with an aroma of spices awoke Daniel from his slumber. He stretched out of bed and made his way to a mirror, treading along fine marble flooring he entered a spacious washroom. This young man was well off, born from a rich family that had come with perks. The mirror showed a tall but slender man, well built, but not bulky, the fruits of lots of physical training. He had long brown hair, and eyes gold like honey, and proportional facial features making him look handsome among the average person. Posing for the mirror a shadow quickly shone in his reflection frightening him for a second, but maintaining his composure showed no emotion. Daniel had become accustomed to this recurrence being born susceptible to the paranormal he was able to see demons. Making their appearance known was a hobby for said demons to disorientate the populace and instill fear. Daniel knew that they can only phase into reality for a couple seconds as they always had, this one was different. The shadow suddenly enveloped him and started to strangle him. He was running out of breath, and needed air but the shadow wouldn't let go no matter the struggle. Daniel managed to shake off the demon, surprised that he can now not only see them, but also touch them.

" What the heck happened? How can I also touch them?"

These questions rose to his mind as he was getting ready for church. Daniel trotted down the stairs wondering what had happened. Making his way to the kitchen his mom pounced from a corner scaring him silly.

" Why would you do that mom? You know how sensitive I am." His mom Julia, a rather short, but pretty woman, with brown hair and a timid expression laughed as she said.

" Don't get all worked up, don't tell me you're still scared of the dark."

Daniel responded, " I'm telling you it's real I can actually see them."

Ok ok said his mother, " sit down quickly before the food gets cold son. One minute later his father walked down the stairs, a very tall man wearing a freshly dry cleaned suit , with short black hair and a handsome and upright appearance.

" Jonathan, " said Julia, "tell your son to eat quickly or we'll be late to church".

Jonathan pulled a finely crafted cherrywood chair and took a seat. He opened a newspaper and took a sip of coffee.


Jonathan murmured under his breath as he slowly spit it back in the coffee.

"Julia, you know I don't like sugar in my coffee, make me another."

Jonathan said in a vexed tone.

"I'm sorry about that i'll get you another cup"

Julia said in a hurried tone. She made another cup and gave it to her husband. They soon began to eat. A small family of three in such a big house felt lonely, but warm at times. Both parents worked, Daniel's father owned a bank while his mother decided to work as his assistant. His father was a strict and disciplined man. He earned this virtue, building the bank from the bottom decades of hard work. It just so happens that being rich doesn't mean you have all the time in the world. The bank took up most of his parents' day leaving Daniel lonely most of the time. He matured rather quickly and became less dependent on his parents. Daniel started eating his breakfast, listening to his parents' conversations about work and their son's school work.

" Daniel, how has school treated you these days?"

" The school is decent but people will start to believe I'm a freak if they know what I can see."

" It's fine son if they can't accept you we'll just take you to a different highschool." His father put his silverware down and picked his coat.

" It's time he said

Unlike Daniel's mother, his father believed in his dilemma and gave him support since the first time he was able to see them. His father had taught him to simply ignore these things as his father can't really do anything to harm him or to harm them.

" Julia."

Jonathan said.

" Get the car key and let's go or we'll be late."

The family of three made their way out. Daniel looked back at his house. From his window he can see the shadow staring him down. Jonathan looked up, grimaced at the window and grabbed Daniels shoulder.

" Let's go son or we'll be late."