
Chapter 2

Crime Scene: Hibarashi Central Park)

We arrived at the crime scene and it was a massacre. The culprit bombed the building, killing an estimate of four hundred and fifty people. All of their bodies have either fallen to the street, or got crushed by the building.

Were there any survivors?


I heard my boss say, looking at all of the piles of bodies.

I crouched down, looking at one of the dead bodies. What did the culprit want to achieve by killing all of these people? Were they any importance to the culprit?

"Detective Emma!"

I got up from my crouching position to meet up with the head of the police department.

"Tanaka, what in the world happened?" I questioned, looking around at the fallen building and blood.

"According to one of the survivors, a bomb exploded from inside of the building. But we still don't know what the culprit wanted. Does the culprit just want to bomb the building, or is there another motive?" He questioned, giving me his notes.

"Did the cameras upload anything?" I questioned further, impatient of getting all the information.

"Yes, there was this guy who came in fifteen minutes earlier before the bomb exploded. He was carrying a diamond to the sixth floor. A few minutes after he left, the 6th floor exploded, causing the rest of the building to collapse." I read what the notes said and found no evidence whatsoever to what the culprit looked like.

"Show me the cameras."

I commanded and he lead me to the survivor tent.

He then proceeded to plug in a usb into a computer. I took one look at the survivor with us inside the tent, and I felt heart broken.

The survivor was a little girl, around middle school age and is crying. Huge, fat tears bulged from her eyes and quickly went down her red cheeks.

"Hey..." I say softly to the little girl.

"Can you please tell me what happened?" I whispered, not trying to scare her.

"I was going to inside mommy's workplace. But a man told me to not go inside. He told me to wait for my mom in a coffee shop."

The girl mumbled and hiccuped as she talked.

"Can you describe the man for me?"

I questioned, thinking that maybe the man could be the culprit, if he didn't want the little girl to go inside the building.

"He's tall. And real skinny too. But he had black hair. He has blue eyes too!" The little girl pointed at her eyes, showing be at her big, blue oceanic eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, I'm sure your mom would say the same." I gently smile, patting her head.

"When will mommy meet me?" The little girl asked with curiosity, giving me an innocent smile.

Should I expose the truth to her? But wouldn't the truth affect her, traumatize the little girl? Or is it better to have it kept hidden, unnoticed?

"...Don't worry, she's coming. You may not always see her, but she's always with you." I say, turning away from the little girl.

Did I make the right decision to not tell the truth? What if those lies I told her is the bad outcome for her? Would the truth have been better?

"Detective Emma, here is the footage of the scene."

One of the officers showed me his screen and I just saw a blurry man holding a big box.

"Can you make the footage any less blurry?" I questioned, eyeing the man carefully.

The man in the footage had black hair like the little girl say, but the hair didn't seem real. The hair looked like it could've had fell off from the man's head. The man is also very pale, almost not Japanese. But maybe that was just what the camera looks like.

"I'll investigate further on the culprit. He bombed the building from the inside. There was probably no diamond as well. Who were the people who helped him to the storage room to keep the diamond?"

I asked with such confusion that I left a dumb-founded expressions to everyone inside the tent.

"Does anyone know?" I questioned, getting visibly irritated.

"That little girl is the only survivor we know of. Those workers could've died by the explosion." A police officer started saying, but I cut him off.

"Or they could've ran away. Maybe those workers were an accomplices to the actual culprit."

I say, striking my hand down on a table.

"Detective Emma, maybe you're overthinking all of this. Please, go home and rest." A police officer said, sighing.

What the fuck is this guy's problem? Go home and rest? What I am making are clear questions!

"I'm saying that my conclusions could be a chance that it actually happened. I am a fucking detective for fucks sake! My theories help your useless team of a police department identify the killer, solve how come the building exploded, and if there are or were any accomplices. Do I make myself clear? Also, I want you fired." I say, glaring at the police officer.

"Excuse me? Why shall we take orders from a detective, a girl nonetheless who had her boyfriend murdered by the culprit?"

He started to say some more, but he stopped when he noticed that I started walking towards him.

What the actual fuck does me being a girl and having my boyfriend dead make me less of a detective?

Ohhh how much I wanted to fucking strangle this police officer....

I slapped the officer hard on the face.

"How dare you! Your first mistake is not thinking on what could have happened inside the building. Your second mistake is looking down on detectives, and even women? Society shouldn't be a men dominance anymore! Also, you accused me of being this impatient on trying to find the culprit because my lover died from him!? I care more of thousands of people who died from the culprit than my lover."

I roared and was about to slap him again, but I restrained myself.

"Bitch!" He muttered and went in for a hit.

I noticed right away and stopped his punch by my palms meeting his fist. I then lifted my leg, kicking his stomach.

He lunged backwards, breaking a computer.

"Try this again, and you'll won't see the light of day."

I growled and my nostrils flared. I quickly walked out of the tent, receiving fresh air.

"Detective Emma, I'm very sorry for my colleague's behavior. I shall fire him right away!" The police officer in command said, not looking at me in the eyes.

"You do that." I respond, walking away.

"Also, my eyes are up here, my cleavage doesn't have eyes." I say from behind, leaving the crime scene.

I pity the officers more than I despise them. They've done so much work to become officers. But in the end, they all become lousy and lazy to do anything. I get stressed just thinking about them. It was already noon, and I needed a drink.

(Some Bar)

I found a nearby bar to drink. Luckily the bar wasn't very busy, so I ordered another margarita.

"An old fashioned, please."

I heard the guy who sat next to me say.

The bartender nodded and started preparing the drink.

"Hey little lady, why you here this early in the afternoon?" They guy who sat next to me asked, trying to flirt.

He looked Russian, but spoke Japanese.

"Did you just get over a break up?" The man tried to ask me more questions, but I just stayed silent.

"Hey?" The man grabbed my arm, leaning my body towards him.

"You ain't deaf, are you?" The man asked, looking up and down at my body.

"You're quite short, aintcha? But I guess your breasts and butt got all the good stuff." He grins.

"Let go of me." I say, glaring at him.

I was too tired to care of what the fuck he was saying, but now he's getting on my nerves.

"What a feisty woman. Why don't we ditch this place and have some fun?"

I gave the man a look of disgust, and repeated to let go of my hand.

"Hey Ronald, you got yourself a fine woman?"

Another man came in to the bar, speaking in Russian to the guy who's holding my arm.

"Hey Max. She's gonna be a struggle all right. But her body is looking sexy."

The man, named Ronald, holding my arm, responded back.

"Now, is that a way to treat a lady?"

Another man barged in, releasing me from the other guy's grasp.

The man was Leon, with a smug look on his face. The guy named Ronald stood up, looking at Leon.

"You want to fight?" The man named Ronald asked in Japanese, taking out a pocket knife.

"You're causing a scene. I suggest you leave." Leon responded in Russian, surprising the guy named Ronald.

"Let's just get out." The other guy, Max, pleaded.

Ah it seems that this has escalated. I wouldn't have intervened if both the men named Ronald and Max had just left or made comments about my body. But not there's a fucking pocket knife?

And what the hell is the bartender doing here? Just chilling in the back counter? My head started to hurt.

"For the safety of the civilians, please leave this bar." I ordered, taking out my badge.

I showed the men my fake Police badge that I stole from the police department a few years ago.

"Tch, you idiot Japanese woman." I heard Ronald say in Russian, putting back his pocket knife.

"Next time, go to a club. Maybe you can find a woman there that would gladly fuck your small dick." I insulted Ronald in Russian, closing the bar door on him.

Thank god, the nuisances are gone.

I heard unbearable laughter from behind me, and realized that Leon was still here.

"That was hilarious, what you said to him." Leon started to laugh out more.

"That was a very dangerous situation. But thank you, I really appreciate your help." I bowed and ask Leon what he would have for a drink.

"Drink is on me." I say, getting out my credit card.

"No, why would I let you pay for me?" Leon asked, shoving his card to the bartender instead.

"I don't like being in debt to people." I responded, paying for my drink.

"Then you can just repay me by coming with me tomorrow at this party. I am forced to attend this party for my job, but unfortunately I have no partner." Leon smiled greedily as he rest his chin on his hand.

I rather just fucking pay for my own drink, thank you very much.

A handsome man like you doesn't have a partner?" I asked, requesting no more drinks.

Do I really have to flirt at this situation? I just wanted to pay for your drink and go home now.

"My, how flattering of you. I just don't think any woman is suitable for this job." Leon says, taking a sip of his drink.

Ugh, how cliche.

I've seen some many flirtatious comments and conversations,but Leon just keeps trying to be flirtatious.

Like hello?? Please learn when to stop being flirtatious. Its getting quite annoying.

"Well, I simply cannot just turn down your request, since you are paying." I took a deep breath.

"Wonderful, I shall see you tomorrow at six, then." He says, putting down his wine glass.

Uhh aren't we skipping a little too much here?

"Yes, but you still haven't clarified to me what What exactly do I have to do? As well as where are we going to meet? I questioned, getting into business.

"Ah, all you have to do is stay by my side and distract a person, that's all." Leon have me a flirtatious smile.


"May I ask what event is this? Surely I must dress for the occasion." I asked, wondering what party am I going to attend.

"I guess you can call it a masquerade ball? You shall be wearing a mask in a luxurious red dress. You just need to flirt a bit to a guy, and lead him somewhere for me."

Uhuh. Yeah, this definitely not some shady business. Nope, not at all. Leon is definitely not telling a detective about his hidden agenda in the grand masquerade ball that only the rich people attend.

I got a shiver on my back. Leon's job...what exactly does he do? His eyes looked as if he could kill someone. I don't know why, but I felt a tingling sensation as well. Like I'm getting somewhere really dangerous, and that I can't escape once I enter. "

Emma, can you speak French?" Leon asked, paying for our drinks.

I cleared my thoughts to the back of my head.

"Yes, is the client French?" I questioned, touching my fingertips.

"You like to get straight to the point, I like that part of you." Leon raised a brow, putting his card back in his wallet.

Yep, he's definitely rich. He has the fucking black Amex card.

'I must say, for someone who hasn't been in the outside world for a long time, you're quite flirtatious." I say, giving a tip to the bartender.

"You...investigated me?" Leon question, as if shocked that I didn't trust him.

Well, fuck. I was bluffing!

"Anyways, give me your phone number. I can contact you through that so you can pick me up."

Leon gave me his number and said that he'll pick me up around 6.

"Also, Leon, dear, we just met today. I don't trust a single word that comes out of your mouth." I say, looking sharply at Leon.

I didn't say that I did investigated you, yet I also didn't say that I did, either.

"Interesting. I underestimated you. Well, I'm not surprised that you investigated me, since you're a detective after all. But what do you suspect me of?"

Is Leon trying to play dumb? His blank expression irritated the hell out of me, making me want to burst his brains out. But I can't do that, he's not an important suspect to my case. After all, I just met him today.

"Why should I tell you? I'm only warning you that you are marked as suspicious." I replied and left the bar, entering the coldness outside.

My apartment building wasn't far away, so I decided to walk. I could see my breath in the air, and hear the crunching of my feet every time I step in the freshly white, glistening snow.

I thought about Leon, and how foolish I was to suspect him right away. Leon wasn't doing anything wrong.

But his job, his subscription was all blank. Where he lived, his age, it's all a mystery that scares me. Was it really all an coincidence to be at the same bar? Did he plan to save me and then blackmail me into helping his job?

No, I don't think he's that calculating enough. But he did say that my job is to flirt with a French dude and then lead him someplace...

I arrived at my apartment, unlocking my door.

But I felt that something bad happened. Like I shouldn't enter my home. I hesitated but then clicked my gun.

I pushed my door open, facing my gun in front of me.

Every light was off, and everything looked normal, seemed normal. I placed my gun down and gave a sighed of relief.

When Ryuu was still alive, he had a half-brother. Two years older than Ryuu. I've only met him twice. The day I visited Ryuu's parents and the day Ryuu died. I always knew that Ryuu's older brother had a weird obsession towards me. When Ryuu died, he kept sending weird love confessions to me at my old apartment.

Did he follow me here? But I'm at a different country...he shouldn't...

I turned on my kitchen light and began to take out a glass for water. But I heard something drop in the living room.

I stopped what I was doing, and stayed where I am. I picked up my gun and investigated the living room. I was tense, all of my senses were tingling.

I found a broken plate at the end of my coffee table.

Why would this be here?

I whisper under my breath, picking the pieces up.

Next chapter