
The Boys

"C'mon Prince, give it back!" I sighed. I stood on my tippy toes cursing myself for being so short. "Please, give me my Pop tart back!" I said jumping on my tippy toes one last time. "Why do you need it? You're already fat, you need to stop-" His words were cut off because before I could think I'm already on top of him prying my crumbled Pop tart out of his sweaty hands. "Ahhhhh" His scream rings through my ear and I'm thinking to myself "Why is he screaming" That is until I see my teeth deep into his right forearm. I'm still biting him for destroying my Pop tart when I hear running towards us. Knowing I'm already in trouble I punch him with my right fist just to make sure I get in trouble for good reason. Just as I'm about to go in for another punch I feel two scrawny arms wrap around me. Next thing I see is the blue slightly cloudy sky, then the next thing I see is angry but satisfied green eyes. Knight, who is Prince's twin brother and my partner in crime, gives me hand to help me off my back but I smack it away just for him being the bastards brother and because my pride is everything, and I stand by myself. Looking around I see that they are all here except for him.

They're always here they're my bestfriends, my brothers, my other half. The first one to snap me out my thoughtful thinking is Damien. He's my real partner in crime, his name literally describes him "Son of Satan". His name is the only one that matches his personality. There's Prince and Knight, Damien, Wren, Mercy and Angel. They all have names that means something sweet, innocent, pure and beautiful. They're the exact same opposite of those words except beautiful. They really are beautiful even at at the age of ten. Mercy who has brown hair that stops at his eyes in the front and a fade in the back. He has a nice set of teeth for a ten year older and a dimple chin. His eyes are light brown with a speck of green in them. He 2 inches taller than me. But that's just cause I'm short. Then there's the twins who both have sandy brown hair which looks like that perfect messy bed hair and pretty eyes. Knight's are green and Prince's are dark hazel. They both look a like but they're not identical. Not at all. They're both my height. Damien looks just like he sounds. He has dark brown eyes and black hair and a smirk is always on his face he looks like he always doing something evil but just between us he's the sweetest one out of us. Wren is like the glue of our group he's always there to put it back together when we fight. He looks so innocent. Baby blue eyes, blonde hair, dimples that only appear when he smiles. When we get older I think he's gonna be the school's golden boy. Then there's Angel. He's the worst. I don't even know why he has that name. He's anything but an Angel. He cruel. He's selfish. He's bossy and me and bossy people do not get along. He's EVIL..... but I can't deny he's not cute. He has green eyes that appear blue when he's in the sun, a dimple in his right cheek that makes all the girls let out dreamy sighs, especially when he smirks. He has dark brown curly hair that girls want to run their fingers through.

Speaking of all the girls, I'm the only girl in my group and for that I get bullied a lot. Girls claim they waste their time on trash. But middle fingers to the world right? Not to mention I'm African American. And I go to a school with mostly white kids, in the boys.

The boys always fight my battles even when I tell them no. I'm grateful for them but I can fight my own battles. That's the real reason why I punched Prince. I want to show them I'm not just some little sister you have to protect when she's getting bullied. "Saint" My head snaps up at the sound of his voice. It send shivers through my body. I gather the courage to look him in now blue eyes since he's in the sun and I must look really look mad or disturbed because he looks at me like he wants to tell me something. "What" It wasn't a question it was more like 'I'm mad as hell right now and I want you to say something'. That must've done the trick because the next thing I know he's walking back into Wren's Grandmother's house. "What happened?" Knight voice startles me for a moment because I was so lost in thought. "He took my Pop tart" I replied calm and collected. There were a few beats of silence before Damien spoke "Wait, why did you take her Pop tart? You know how crazy she is without food." He replied smiling. I just sat there staring at nothing in the distance. The boys had a worried look on their faces. Without hesitation I bent over, hurling everything I ate today. I felt hands grip my light brown curly shoulder length hair. I also heard someone shout "Is she okay?" It sounded like Angel but I couldn't concentrate on anything because my vision was blurry and it was fading in and out. The last thing I heard was my name being yelled. What happened next was one of my worst fears.

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