
Chapter 1

I started off my morning as per usual. I made my way down stairs and made breakfast for the pack but this time I joined them at the large rectangular table for pack meetings and claimed my seat next to my father who sat at the head of the table. Tristan sat at the other end and Sarah sat next to him. The beta of our pack, Isaiah sat across from me.

I shifted uncomfortably. I was never invited to pack meetings.

"Today me and your future alpha will be heading to a alpha dance to discuss a treaty with the pack to the west of us. Beta Isaiah will be in charge while we leave." My father stated leaving no room for questions.

As soon as everyone finished eating we went upstairs to change and begin the hour drive to the meeting land for the dance. I pulled on the black dress. it was an off the shoulder knee length dress with a corset looking design in the front. It was pretty plain but did well for the dance we were going to.

I reminded myself to ask Tristan to buy me more dresses soon.

As soon as I walked down the stairs Sarah jumped at me.

"Let me fix your hair Amora!" She said with a huge smile.

I laughed and sat down while she braided my hair. She made many braids and formed a couple of the to look like a rose on the back of my head and left a few braids hanging loose among the rest of my hair she left unbraided. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful design. Before I could thank her Tristan slipped a bracelet that had our pack insignia on it onto my wrist.

"You have to look good for your first alpha dance." he said in a sing-songy voice.

Sarah stepped back to admire my hair.

"You look like your an alpha now. Proud and beautiful." She said confidently.

I thanked them as we waited for my father to join us. He walked down a few minutes later and his eyes immediately flew to me.

He made no comment but I took notice of the sadness in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked in Tristan's direction.

Tristan nodded and grabbed me and Sarah by the hand as he led us to the car.

We rode in silence all the way there but I didn't miss the glances from my father in my direction.

The hour ride felt days long. I almost bolted out of the car as soon as we came to a stop. I managed to step out calmly and waited for the others to join me. Sarah immediately came to my side and led me over to where a group of females were.

They all stared in our direction as we walked up and I felt slightly nervous from their looks.

"Are you a female Alpha?" one girl asked quickly.

"I am, aren't you?" I responded.

"No. None of us are. We are all Lunas. Our alpha mates are inside. Female alphas are getting more and more rare by the year." She sighed.

My chest tightened and I felt a bit sick from the realization.

"I'm the Luna of Black River pack, the mate of the future alpha and this is his little sister, Amora." Sarah cut in much to my gratitude.

"We should head inside to begin the first dance with our mates. We can't let the common wolves have all the fun." Another girl piped in.

"there are common wolf here? I thought it was alpha only." Sarah asked quickly.

"A few pack brought some common wolves last year and this year almost every pack brought some. Guess people are breaking tradition. Thank the goddess for it though. it's terribly boring with just the grumpy alphas here."

I nodded and took Sarah's arm as we all headed inside the large building. As the girl who I'd come to know as Ulia had said, there was a lot of common wolves among the alphas.

I caught Tristan's eye as he beckoned Sarah over to dance with him and he nodded at me to get me to look at all the other mates at the dance. It was nothing like I had ever seen. The females looked genuinely happy to be with their mates. it was nothing like the people at my pack.

I stood off to the corner admiring the happiness and beauty of the females dancing in their mates arms. their was a certain glow to them I had never seen, not even with Tristan and Sarah.

Almost all the wolves were dancing with their mates. Very few people there didn't have a mate. I only spotted one alpha who didn't have a mate. He kept talking to his beta and glancing around at the room. He was frightening even to someone with alpha blood.

His hair was jet black and his eyes were no different. all sorts of tattoos ran up and down his arms. He leaned against the wall glaring at his beta. I averted my gaze and turned back to the dance. My father spotted me a few minutes later and waved me over to him with a cool look on his face.

"This is my daughter Amora. She will be alpha next if something were to happen to her brother."

I zoned out as they spoke of our pack and how it was run. I felt a bit dizzy but brushed it off thinking it was the drinks.

A few minutes later another wolf came up to us and the alpha that had been talking with my father tensed up and left. I looked up to see the alpha from the wall standing before my father. I had drifted a couple feet away so he probably wasn't aware I was even part of my father's pack.

My father tensed up. I was about to question Tristan about it when my father addressed the tall alpha.

"Alpha Mason, it's always a pleasure."

Alpha Mason. The most feared alpha of the north. He was given leadership of his pack just two years ago and he had already gained the title "the cruel alpha"

I expected to feel scared but instead I felt at ease near him.

"You know that's not true Dion. You've hated me since the moment I took over my pack."

"Is it wrong for me to not want someone as young as you controlling the many packs you have dominated?" My father growled.

I stepped back from the anger seeping off both of them.

"I'd watch your tone Dion. After all I could easily take your pack too.

My father squared his shoulders and looked the alpha right in his eye. I knew they were going to fight for control if I didn't step in.

"of course he means no disrespect Alpha Mason. Maybe we've all had just a bit to much to drink." I said quickly.

Masons eyes drifted to me. He sniffed the air and for the first time I felt tense around him.

"Are you going to run your pack next?" He asked with a glazed over look in his eyes.

"No no. I am of alpha blood but my brother Alpha Tristan and his mate Luna Sarah will run our pack next. If anything were to happen to them then me and my mate would the pack but it's a very low chance."

"what's your name?"


He nodded and didn't take his eyes off me. I was feeling helplessly dizzy by now. I could hardly stand. My hand was braced on the table beside me as I continued the conversation. I looked over to my father for his approval every now and then and he seemed to have no issues with what I was saying but I needed to get out of there.

"Tristan please save me from this conversation." I begged him though the mind link. He nodded as he made his way through the crowd with Sarah in tow. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I took it as my cue to go.

I desperately needed air. I stumbled out of the building without an issue. I almost fell as I walked through the grass though. I stumbled forward and just as I thought I would hit the ground, two arms flew around me and lifted me back up.

My eyes searched upwards with effort to see who caught me.

I locked eyes with alpha Mason. He looked down at me in a confused way. Sparks ignited over my body though I didn't know why.

"Alpha Mason!" I heard father call from the door.

"Yes Alpha Dion?" Mason growled without looking away from me.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" My father practically screamed. Tristan held Sarah to him tightly behind my father.

Alpha Mason slipped a hand around my waist smoothly before responding, "do you mean my mate?"

Shock poured through my body as I registered what the Sparks were coming from. My mate bond.