OCTOBER 10ᵗʰ 2020


An employee rushes into the office with urgent news . Andre muskov who was in his office like usual was taken by surprise nearly falling down , Andre muskov was one of the top scientists of his time he was a very famous man indeed


Don't scare me like that Arnold !!!

Sorry sir but its very urgent

Andre was curious on what it was, take's a seat and asks Arnold to continue , Arnold replied in a very unusual tone " I think we've finally gotten a reply sir "

As a child Andre was always fascinated with the tinkering of machines as a result of this his parents took interest , by the age of ten he was already a well known inventor that was what earned him the title of "PRODIGY" .As he got older he grew an interest in finding extraterrestrial life he believed that the universe could not only have one sentient race , with his acquired wealth he started building satellites in hopes that he could reach out some how , after so many trials and failures there was now something that had received his massage and not only that but had also sent a reply to his massage.

Andre had so many mixed feelings but he did not hesitate and headed to the com lab , luckily he got there just in time ,there was a group of his colleagues gathered up in the lab , he looked past them to see what was happening ,all the screens in the room were flashing different coloures but at a slow pace until they all stooped on black the symbols that none of them had ever seen before but this time they moved with speed . This happened for several minutes but the scientists kept their gazes fixated on the screen ,then finally familiar characters they had seen but could not understand , it started with hieroglyphics slowly evolving into more modern languages until finally words they could read were displayed on the screens in huge font , the words read " WE'LL BE THERE IN A WEEK " Then as fast as it arrived it was gone . There was total silence in the room as everybody tried to digest what had just happened
