
Crownless King System

The Crackle. An event that happened milleniums ago gave the humans superpowers as magic and mutations. But so it did with all the fauna across the Earth. Creatures that were on the myths walk now on the surface of the Earth. Heroes that were on the pages of books and on screens of movies and series became real. Adventurers are the profession of the millenium. Idols, singers, streamers, dancers, reality shows, everything is around them. Archer left his family to follow his dream of earning his life slaying monsters. The drama begins when some different happen on his Awakening process. Take a step and look through his stats on the chapters.

ESH · Fantasy
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218 Chs

First Class

Archer was going inside his dorm when Ruffus woke.

"Did you went for another round of exercises?", the waking one asked.

"Of course. And here are you breakfast.", Archer went to take a shower.

"This boy is strange.", even saying this he started to eat.

[Archer: What should I invest my points?]

[TFA: I can't interfere into that but I can say that balance is always a good start.]

[Archer: Balance, huh?]

[Archer Wright]

[1st Year Student]

[Level 1]

[Exp: 0/10]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 17]

[Stamina: 14]

[Intelligence: 21]

[Charisma: 12]

[Power: 5]

[Magic: 0.1->6]

[Mutantion points: 6->8]

[Points to distribute: 0]

[Archer: What happened? I only put five points into Magic.]

[TFA: You don't have enough authority so that I can share this information.]

[Archer: Oh yeah? I need to study magic as well.]

"Hey, are you going to eat what is on the mini fridge?", Ruffus asked.

"You only have three meals. So think carefully."

"Better left this for the lunch then.", the boy gave up on the meal. "Go faster I need to take a shower too."

"I'm getting out already, just shut up.", after a while he left. "Go direct to the class. I'll pass somewhere first."

"Okay.", Ruffus didn't understand.

Archer left and went to the cafeteria. There he used four credits to buy food. Twelve tickets meal were with him. The last five he had he spent on the dormitory. Guarded the tickets and then he went to the class. This all was to avoid any bully on the school.

"Welcome, welcome, students. I'm your instructor about awakened powers and how to use them. You can call me Mister J. Lets get started but not here. I found more interesting using the powers to understand them than theory.", and they all left for a training ground.

To the ones that took a beating yesterday this was like the school hated them. Archer new something like this would happen with or without the bullies but so soon was a surprise to him. Ruffus was kind okay with all the going on situation.

"You are hiding something.", Archer said to his betrayer friend.

"You're too slow for conclude this only now."

"Yeah and if I tell you that I know what is about.", the boy replied.

"Oho.", the boy laughed. "I doubt."

"You are well versed when it comes to mutation DNA. So it's actually easy to deduce that you are an exception about mutation limitation."

"You...", he pulled the boy closer. "Don't tell a single person about it."

"I won't I'm not a back stabber.", he pushed the boy's hand. "But don't think messing with me again."


Archer stated that Ruffus Mutation DNA points would increase with time. That was common in certain families that one would not care about being place out. The sandboy was one of this cases and maybe he was already good enough with low mutation DNA.

[TFA: Be careful of the boy with silver hair.]

[Archer: Okay]

"You.", the teacher pointed at Ruffus. "And you.", pointed at the silver haired boy. "Come here. Lets have a mock battle.", the boys approached the teacher. "Introduce yourself and take position."



"Good. Now form a little of your elements so the opponent know what they are dealing with."

Ruffus made the ground around him became sand. While the silver haired made an ice sword.

"Both looks confident. Now. Fight."

Ruffus didn't move at all while the boy used his sword to stop the sand attacks coming into his direction. Ernest started to feel his sword more and more heavy. So he melted and created another one. After another round of impacts with the sand the sword was heavy again.

"Both are hardening the control of the other.", Archer said.

That's was simple. One was putting sand on the ice while the other was wetting the sand. But the more important was why the both of them were on the South District. For the amount of control and creation they did this was a feat of West District at least.

So the other nickname was more truthful than 'The Hungry District' and obviously more fitting. 'The Kingless District'. Filled with troublesome children from wealthy families. They weren't to be a normal adventurers so it didn't matter which district and their acts on the school as they would work under their families.

[TFA: Look closely to the silver boy.]

The ice sword looked it was coated by another kind of energy that wasn't magic or mutant powers. So the professor intervene it.

"Only mutant powers, Ernest."

"Let him try, teacher.", Ruffus said and Mister J let the fight continue as it was.

Archer couldn't tell which power was that but by its qualities he could guess between two. The energy was surrounding the weapon so it could have two outcomes from it. Aura or Prana. Aura is commonly used by damage dealers and tankers as enhance physical prowess. Prana is almost the same but it cames from a divine connection.

"You can't stop this attack sand controller.", the boy said. "It's better to know your limits."

The attack was magnificent. The sword blade melted and rushes as a needle against the sand wall made by Ruffus. Normally this won't be sufficient but now the water going was enhanced by some strange power. Ernest was confident till he see the sand crystalizing into glass and making the water spread making the attack useless.

[TFA: Both control their power very cautiously. You can learn something from this.]

Archer thought about the TFA's advice and started to remember about all his previous moments on the school till now. Awakening. Beating to the all-rounder. Strange power combined with Mutation power. This led him to a great achievement.

"Hey.", the professor shouted. "Everyone get away from him.", Archer was too immerse on his thoughts that everything on his surrounding were null to his conscious. "It must be a miracle."

"That's Archer.", Ruffus said and started to cursing. "This boy is to strange. How he achieved such feat on his first day?"

"What is happening, teacher?", a girl asked.

"He...", Mister J was smiling. "He's transcending and such young."

Archer's body was emiting lightnings to his surroundings. While this on his mind Archer was cautiously using Magic to suply his mutant powers. The thing was that his Mutant powers were reacting positively about it and increasing while he was doing this.

"What is this?", a boy pointed to a location where the lightning hit. It was froze.

"He has two elements.", the teacher widened his smile even more.

"What a transcension do, teacher?"

"This becomes to all the all-rounders. So increase their natural mutant powers and spells that relate to their mutant powers.", he explained.

"How he achieved this?", another asked.

"It's different for every person.", actually the method Archer used was known. Only few would actually have this phenomenon because their magical prowess and mutant powers must match.

By the time he finished spending all his sources of Magic and Mutant DNA. The crowd was bigger than his class as other teachers were called to see this. Archer felt a little shy at begin the center of the attentions. So he started to go to Ruffus' location.

"Boy stop right there.", a female voice commanded him. "You will tell us what you did do right now."

"Ye...", he looked and saw the girl of yesterday that took Ruffus. So he started to laugh.

"What ar...", she realized he looked familiar and fastly knew what possible happened.

"You don't deserve it and mostly all of the people here too.", he said. "Yesterday, you had a pretty good hand but today I'm the dealer."


[1st Year Student]

[Level 1]

[Exp: 0/10]

[Strength: 15->16]

[Agility: 17->20]

[Stamina: 14->16]

[Intelligence: 21->22]

[Charisma: 12->14]

[Power: 5->12]

[Magic: 6->21]

[Mutantion points: 8->21]

[Points to distribute: 0]

[You received requests to join your circle of trust.]

[TFA: That's fun because they were mocking you before.]

"The dealer don't play, boy.", she said and approached him.

"But without me the game can't even start.", he said and noticed that no teacher would intervene. So he had a good opportunity. "I'll teach you for a thousand credits.", this amount was enormous but the school would gladly accept money from the wealthy and convert into credits for their children.

"How you..."

"Or I can tell for anyone here for ten credits for each.", he said and touched the screen on his watch. "That's a total of 142 students and 3 teachers."

"Are you even charging the teachers?", one of the three said.

"Yes. As you could avoid this situation and still did nothing I think I should charge even more. So stay okay with the value.", he responded. He looked okay but inside his mind this was total madness.

A beep happened on the boy's watch. It was the first money transfer. He smiled and thanked the person. So others started to pay as well and within a few minutes the boy had 1230 credits. This would take months to gather and it wouldn't accumulate too.

"The ones that didn't pay can leave.", he said but no one was leaving. "The ones who paid can help me?", he looked and started saying the first names but between them was that teacher. The students wouldn't touch a superior. "So you really are this stubborn. Okay. You can ask the money from Mister L over there as he won't leave I'm not teaching either."

"I'm calling my family then.", the girl started to call on her smartphone.

"How do you know my name?", the teacher asked.

"It's not students information that are accessible to anyone.", Archer replied.

"Laura, you don't need to call your family. Mister L will leave calmly and without any complain.", Mister J said.

"It's better you pass the information foward, J.", and the stubborn teacher left.

"Pass foward?", Archer thought through. "Teacher, how much is a book copy on the library?"

"A hundred credits."

"Twelve then. That's okay for now.", and so he started to teach everyone how to transcend. What he didn't know was that the process was hellish complicated and only few could make it but their powers weren't compatible either.

"Over there, another one is transcending.", the boy pointed at Ruffus.