
Don’t give a damn

Krystal's pov:

It was cold, very cold. And it felt like my leg was on fire. The floor was also cold and I was lying on it with extreme fatigue. My eyes were hard to open but as soon as I got my senses back completely, I  pushed myself up to sit.

I looked around to observe my surroundings. It was a cold room. Dark and furniture less. The floor was tiled and it made it even colder. There was no window but there was a door and it was made of wood. However not the kind I could break.

The idea totally left my mind when I noticed that my hand was cuffed to a chain in the wall. And I couldn't move forward.

I looked at my leg which was wrapped with a cloth and everything came flooding back. My family, my parents. They were gone. They were killed mercilessly. What about my brother. Then I remembered the fall. Yeh, maybe he was dead too....or maybe not ,since I was alive. Tears completely blurred my vision as my heart couldn't take the burden.

My parents were dead! My brother was who knows where! And I was trapped here. And.... I killed two men. I became a killer. The girl who acted all fierce but never killed a bug, killed two men. I sobbed heavily as reality seeped into me. What had I done? I sobbed in my arms putting my uninjured leg to my chest.

My body was shivering with the cold and I was sure that my lips were blue. I looked around for anything that could help but the room was completely empty. I only had Julian's jacket but it wasn't warm enough, since I was wearing quite revealing clothes.

I put my back to the wall and closed my eyes while tears left tracks on my face.

It was after an hour or two when I heard noises coming from outside the room. It was quite dark inside so I couldn't see properly but I could see feet from below the door. The door lock clicked and I sheilded my eyes from the sudden light as the door opened.

I saw a man in black. He came closer and I could see his face. It was quite average and there was a scar near his eye.I glared towards him.

"Where's my brother?" I asked instantly.

"Uh ah sweetheart!" He bent down taking my chin in his hand. I pushed it away. " Don't worry about him. We have him quite comfortable." His voice was filled with malice.

Atleast Julian was alive. I sighed in releif.

"What do you want with me?"

"Ahh... you see. I want you as bait. You're quite precious you know. The queen would do anything to get you if she knew what you were."

The queen? What did I have to do with the royals?

"What do you mean?"I met his eyes. His eyes were very dangerous. But mine were not backing down. I was not gonna get scared if this fu*ker.

"You sweetheart? your life was a lie. You're a royal. Hidden and adopted. Those weren't your real family. Your real family is dead."

What...what did he say? He was lying. This was not true! He was lying!please let it be a lie!

I felt numb suddenly like the world was pulled from underneath me and I was floating in space without any grip. Supportless.

The man moved closer and I saw his hand reached for my jacket. He gripped it ripping it away revealing my right shoulder as I tried to push him away.

"There it is." I paused as I noticed what he was looking at. My eyes widened and I pushed him away. He fell back on his butt and laughed. He was confirming the mark.

The crown. Inked below my shoulder. According to mom it was a mate bond mark.

I felt dizzy again just like when we were falling. Maybe it was the shock or whatever. I was finding it hard to breathe.

"Boss! We need you in the meeting." I heard another voice in the hallway and the man gave me one last smirk before leaving.He was the boss.

What was going on? Who was he? And what did he mean by all that? My family? Not my family? Dead? What the-

My head was splitting with headache and I really felt the need for fresh air. My mom dad. Not real. How?

He must have been lying. Right?

I broke down for the second time.


Jungkook's pov:

"Taehyung What's the report?"

"He's staying at a house in street 22. We know the exact location. His phone was bugged by a spy. You can see him through the smart watch on your wrist. He attacked  a house tonight. The residents, two of them are captured while they killed the parents. They also have many other hostages. Which is affecting our name. I suggest we go personally."

Taehyung gave the entire sunmary to me as I sat in the head chair of the meeting.

I narrowed my eyes. That bastard Max didn't learn his place when we killed his men.

"And there is also report that he attacked the city store of pharmaceutical drugs. That Mafia is messing with the royals now."

"Highness I say we do it." Soobin spoke from his seat.

"Very well then. Prepare the best fighters. Let's go whip his ass." I announced. "Meetings over."


Krystal's pov:

I opened my eyes and realised that it had been quite a long time now. Maybe it was morning. I looked at my wrist. The watch showed that it was 4am. Which meant it was near morning. I was feeling all weird. Like half cold and half warm. Maybe I caught a cold. Whatever. All I cared about right now was that I had to get out of this hell hole and save my brother.

I didn't care wether he was my family or not. I thought of him as my brother. No matter what ,we were family.

I took a deep breath and tried standing up. My leg hurt alot and I wasn't sure wether I could walk from the wound.

I took a deep breath and looked at the handcuff on my hand. It was only on one hand. I observed the lock and it was no way that I could pick it. Even though I did have my watch which could easily help but the hole was too big and weirdly made which meant that it wasn't the picking kind. I had another idea but I didn't know if it would work. But let's give it a shot.


The door clicked open and an unfamiliar man came inside. He was in grey. Wow, no black. Finally.

He came closer there was a gun in his hand and I was pretty sure he had to take me somewhere. As I thought. If only he reached close enough.

"So you really are the lost one.....interesting." I had no idea of what he was saying. But then we heard a voice from outside. A man was in a rush and he shouted something.

"We're on alert! Royals! The prince himself!"

The dressed in grey guy's eyes widened. He was about to grab me and he seemed to have turned to freaking out.


Adrenaline rushed. And I forgot about the pain in my leg. I was already standing. I spun round with such speed, my leg sticking out towards him, and I knocked him on the ground by fliping him. He howled in pain as his face hit the tiles. I smirked. I stomped my foot on his gun hand and he let go. I reached down to grab it. He was about to grab me but I turned and used my chain hand. I didn't know where the instant speed came from. I flipped it round, the chain tightened around the man's neck and I pulled. It hurt my arm but I pulled mercilessly as he gagged and thrashed for air. Tears filled my eyes because I knew I was about to kill again. When his body stopped moving, I let go. And he flopped to the floor. I took the keys from his pocket and opened the cuff to release me. After loading the gun and taking off his jacket I headed out. The extra jacket provided some heat but it was still freezing. And my body was all weird, but I didn't care.

I ran out.

Bang! Bang!

Two guards shot dead. I killed again. But it was needed for my brother to be safe. I looked around and entered other rooms. There were other trapped people. A girl who was probably my age.

"Help please." She whimpered. I tossed her the keys.

"Get out and help me get the others." I told her. She did exactly as I said. A guard came and started shooting. I ducked but as soon as he came closer I shot him.

I handed his gun to the new girl. We entered other rooms until we freed many other hostages. My brother was in the last one. The sight was dreadful.

"Julian!" I yelled. He was all bloody and unconscious. His wings were still out and extremely injured. So they had shot the wings when we were in the air. I helped him up. My leg making it hard but I still somehow supported most of his weight.

"Kris..." you should go.

"No! Come on!" I took him out. There were bullets firing around at the guards and the hostages. I dragged him to the only exit I could make out.

The world was spinning and it was hard to walk.

"Stay where you are !" I looked up and was about to shoot but then I stopped.

"Taehyung ?!"

"Wait- Krystal?!?! The bar girl?! What are you doing here? Are you hostage?"

"Yes! You're with them?"

"No! We're the royal guard."

"Then get us out of here. We're your people you know!" He instantly took my place. I held onto the wall to breathe and stop my vision from blurring.

Focus! I told myself.

"Tae! Where are you?" a new voice.

"Down here kook!"

Another guy showed up but I didn't see his face. His voice sent weird chills down my spine.

"Who's this?"

"Your subjects, hostages basically." He replied.

I was finding it hard to stand properly.

"Woah there girl? You should atleast walk properly. You seem drunk." The 'kook' guy spoke.

"I'm not drunk you idiot! It's the— ugh! Just help us out of here!"

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" Taehyung yelled from beside me.

"I don't give a damn, now are you moving or not?" He seemed surprised by my words. He blinked before nodding.

But even before I could take one step out, my body gave out and I saw black spots dance before everything went dark. Again.


A/n: what do you think so far?

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