
Chapter 1: The arrival of the god of corruption from another world.

Chapter 1: The arrival of the god of corruption from another world.

My name is EvilCrown, I am the god of corruption, I am currently heading to a planet called earth where a species called (humans) live.

I have already corrupted many planets, but this time the reason is quite different ...

I left the kingdom of the gods, and flew away to earth. But upon seeing the earth, I was confused to notice that the color of the earth was so different from other planets, it looked more colorful to me, compared to what I usually observed is it my imagination? Did I asked myself.

As I descended on earth, I noticed a desolate city, completely demolished buildings and many fleeing humans.

When I landed on earth, I observed a new setting that I had never seen elsewhere, buildings, cars ... Compared to other planets, this planet was how would I say much more modern. It was then that I suddenly heard footsteps.

Could it be the monster that destroyed the city?

It is that is moment then that a monster at the body of a lion with a red fur, fit out bat wings and a scorpion tail called to me telling me.

"Hey you, you're also one of his pathetic heroes!" I am manticore and I came to earth for the purpose of exterminating humans. "

" A hero? No, my name is EvilCrown, I am a god from another world. "

I don't know why she took me for a hero, but I was cut from my reflection when I noticed to my right two humans, one wearing (boxing gloves) and another wearing an unconscious (silver knight) outfit. lie on the floor. So, is it them they call?

"Hero? "

"A god you, Ha-ha ha!!! Let me laugh, you're kidding me! What is a god would come to earth to do, besides I don't feel any energy emanating from you. "

She replied me, objecting to my argument.

"I see, it's a shame then, in that case let me to show you a little glimpse of the power of the God of Corruption." I replied without a hint of anger.

I had hidden my divine energy, thinking that I wouldn't have to fight right away, but hey ...

As I closed my eyes, concentrating, a small white glow appeared around me.


Earthquakes were felt suddenly and then all of sudden.

* Boom *!

A colossal explosion of white energy, as pure as snow, suddenly released, it is divine magic. The stunned manticore stared at me for a moment letting a few cold sweats appear, got scared then challenged by saying.

" No, it's impossible! I can't believe it, it's, it's, it's divine magic! Are you really a god?! She asked me in a tone that quivers like a leaf.

Looks like she didn't want to believe it.

At the same time, it could be understood, people have the annoying tendency to judge people hastily on their appearance, so me who had a physique slightly above average compared to that of a human looked weak. His point of view. But the reality can be quite different, although I do not have the physique of Ares the god of war, my physical strength is in no way inferior to the latter because although his musculature is very impressive, you have to see beyond the physical, what matters most is the magical power. She could only pity his ignorance and his stupidity.

The discouraged manticore immediately panicked and raised her voice.

"Haar!! I'm going to kill you!!! I'm going to kill you!!! EvilCrown. »The manticore having visibly lost all its means, began to rush on me in desperation.

"You can't beat me. "

mumbling these words weakly. I took off my black jacket and threw it on the floor, loosen tie, this it ringing the end of recess.

"To be inferior do not move any more, bow down to me it's an order. I ordered him. In an authoritative tone.

The manticore intimidate, felt the coldness of my gaze and was immediately frozen in place by my expression inaccessible to pity.

But who exactly is he! Why did I bow down to him something else emanating from him what is it? This is the first time I have felt this emotion, so this is it what fear is.

The manticore obviously didn't understand what was happening to her, although I didn't feel like explaining why or having to, why not? Finally? These are his last hours here anyway.

After a long sigh I took the initiative to explain it to him.

"My orders are absolute, or more simply I make sure that they are is indisputable. "

I could see in view of from the expression of the manticore its incomprehensibility to my answer. So, I decided to give him a somewhat more vague answer.

"Basically, I corrupted your emotions. "

"Corrupt my emotions? It-it's impossible…" she asserted me skeptically.

The manticore did not want to believe it, but yes, this way quite possible, it is not for nothing that I am the god of corruption, it is my innate element, I use corruption like as I breathe. For me it's as easy as say good morning, I'm not bluffing on under circumstance in any way, all I've had to do is transform his emotion which was "hope" into "fear." Of course, I could teach him fear differently, but I told him I was going to show him a little glimpse of my power.

"I beg you god of corruption spare me; I will not kill any more human I promise you!" She begged me, kneeling begging me to spare her, trembling all over her body as she told me that she won't kill humans anymore.

Word to which I lending no importance, and began to prepare myself to launch a far-reaching spell.

"Magic of holy light: [Light sword rain]" which made an enormous magic circle appear in the sky which forms thousands of swords of holy light, descending from the sky such a rain of shooting star, then addressed my last words to the manticore.

"Manticore, know that I have again never let to an opponent life saves before, and that I dont' have never had intended. You will be no exception, from the moment have you challenge me, your death was inevitable, disappears. "

The manticore having lost all hope of survival, could only contemplate the dark expression on my face, and wait wisely for her relentless punishment then disappear.

* Shlak *!

The thousand swords all pierced all at the same time manticore. And then a few seconds later ...


A huge explosion make himself was heard, forming a huge crater, completely purifying Manticore, causing it to disappear from this planet forever.

"Ah… This city blighted by flames, reminds me slightly of that day. I said with a sighing, observing the damage done by the manticore, before using.

"Temporal magic" [restoration]. Temporal spell whose action is to restore, to repair, to put back in a good condition. It is a far-reaching spell that restored and returned the entire city to its normal state.

7 years earlier:

It was 7 years ago of that, I am the god of corruption of so devastating power, that my father Hades the god of the underworld, felt that my power could not only surpass the power of all the gods put together, but also his and that I will become the king of the gods.

That's why when I was born, my father decided to seal my corruption magic, for to leave me with a magical attribute, the holy light to inherit from my mother, Persephone so that I can only use the holy light.

However, one day at the age of 9, during the winter period, I witnessed an attack by a rabid ice dragon which indiscriminately froze everything in its path as well as the houses of the villagers.

That day, I was left to fight creatures as usual.

But this day was for at least not very ordinary for me to say the least, because I was going to be able to see again my mother for the ninth since a year.

She is usually in hell beside to my father Hades, but it is in December month every year that she comes to visit me.

However, when I finally made up my mind to return to the village at dinner time to meet her and dine with her, I saw the entire village freeze consumed by dragon ice. But, curious to know what could have happened to him I started by heading towards my house, however I had arrived much too late, I saw my mother lying on the ground freezing alive.

After realizing that I was the only survivor I started by calling my mother to tell her not to leave me alone and that she had to be should get up.

But, after calling her several times, I realized that she was dead and that she was never going to get up again.

I don't know what expression I was doing, but what I do know is that I didn't feel anything except utter indifference.

Why? was I feeling this? It was like a part of me couldn't care less.

Then a voice started reciting regretful sentences in my head.

"No, it's impossible, they can't all be dead. "

"If only I could make everything go back to how it was before, I want everything to stop!" This feeling that burned inside me darkened my vision and took me to an unknown place.

Where I was wondering.

"Where am I, how did I get here. I asked surprised to find myself in an infinite white place, I taken back myself then said.

"And my mother, where is she, I can't see her anywhere!" "

I exclaimed.

When suddenly a voice in my mind that seemed to belong to me was heard accompanying a clock all around me telling me.

"You're on your mind, it's your feelings that changed the space of your mind. "

"What in my mind, my feelings what do you mean by that, and who are you?" I asked him calmly.

"I am the you desire to be. He replied seriously without telling me more.

He took a short break then asked me a question in turn.

"But tell me EvilCrown, what emotion did you feel seeing this village consumed by the ice of dragon?" Answer me. He asked me in a calm tone not looking at all flustered.

"I didn't feel nothing else anything other than total indifference nothing more. »I answered him in turn.

"You are wrong, you have indeed felt a feeling of indifference but externally, if you found yourself here in your mind, it is because deep down you wished inside that everything would stop and that everything becomes as before. "

So, the internal emotions take it away over the external emotions.

"Now watch, because of your weakness your mother and all the villagers are dead. He shows me the scene of their death, going back in time without stopping.

Showing me that a thousand times time my heart began to makes myself inexpressible pain, I had never felt or compassion towards anyone in the realm of the gods, I had no one I could to qualify a friend. or anything else, but see my mom get killed a thousand times in a row was me unbearable.

"They'll never get up again," he told me.

But as he was telling me this, my eyes started at leave to absorb by the despair, losing practically all of their light leaving room for the at the complete opposite, but was it really despair? No, it wasn't at all, it was something radically different and still unknown.

It was then that a dark, funereal energy began to appear around me, then to invade me. My expression hasn't changed that so much, it still expresses coldness, but my personality seems a slightly different to me.

taking all of sudden the speech, addressing me to my mind.

"Are you in the process of telling me they won't get up? "

« ... »

Since I was addressing myself, I deduced that the only way out of this situation was will.

"Let me tell you one thing, know that it's only up to me and me to decide that they all die is completely equal to me, but I decided it was otherwise. I answered him. It was not an angry tone far from it, but a tone expressing of immense coldness.

"If only I could make so that everything go back to how it was before?" "

"No, there is no supplication who stand, I am absolute, my orders are absolute, my actions are absolute…, I order that everything stop and that everything be as before it is an order! I replied with a stoic expression. "

This time my internal and external emotions were synchronized, or I should rather say that I made them rendering perfectly synchronized by modifying my own emotions making the will to all stop everything even stronger.

The will to stop everything therefore at the same time awakens corruption, which broke the seal placed by my father, because in the same sense corruption wanted to control and corrupt everything.

This feeling strong of all stopping who that was burning in me, and this willingness all to control who that was burning in me, made me have an enlightenment and an understanding of the law of time. Which allowed me to awaken my temporal magic buried in me, not to be more precise of the push to wake up which allowed me to use [Return.] A magic spell of great magnitude that return everything around me to their original state, which allowed me to save my mother and all the villagers. But ultimately, the trigger event for all of this was the attack on the ice dragon.


After I finish the manticore, civilians standing far behind me that I hadn't noticed due to my lack of concentration began to come towards me and value me.

-Civil A "He beat a monster without moving." "

-Civil B "He's too strong. They thanked me.

"Only I don't remember seeing a hero at such a young age. Said an old man with a beard as long and white as Santa's, who had stood back behind the others.

-Civil C "Hey you wouldn't forget the famous S-class heroes, they're pretty much all young right?! »Said a young high school student.

Were they talking about these heroes? I thought of the two heroes I had seen sleeping on the ground when I met Manticore. No, this possibility is simply unthinkable, the one with the boxing gloves seemed to have reached his thirties. While the other behind his armor was far from young. But you never know, they think they might not all be young.

"Ah! Yes, it's true they are pretty much all very young. "

"Please excuse me for my insolence, and thank you very much for saving us. "

This old man seemed to want to add something, but seemed a little hesitant, I used to talk to Zeus so I spoke up.

"Don't bother, talk. "

I'm not sure why, but I felt like I was giving him an order saying that.

"Uh ... could you tell us your name please young hero?" He asked politely.

Well, what a formal way to ask something from a young lambda like me, I thought ironically.

"My name is EvilCrown. »I answered him

"EvilCrown? It's a very unusual name. He said while stroking his beard.

-Civilian group: "Thank you so much for saving us from EvilCrown. While others bow to me to thank me.

Well, humans are pretty interesting creatures, they can definitely be of use to me, I need to learn a lot more about them and on this hero story. Ending with these thoughts, it was necessary I getting started that from tomorrow.

Next chapter