

"F*ck! What bullsh*t is this!?"

In the system space, a woman stomped her foot unhappily as she huffed. Her looks and features were exactly the same as Yuan Luli's.

A light enveloped the woman and suddenly a petite girl with a sweet and tender face appeared. This was her real appearance and name was her name was Chua BaoYu, not Yuan Luli. Yuan Luli was only the body that she was borrowing in order to complete her mission.

Chua BaoYu checked her system screen and screamed again in anger, "I actually lost so much experience points?! F*ck. This lady was actually killed by a side character, what kind of counter-attack system are you?? Ah, I'm so angry!"

Chua BaoYu continued to vent her anger but the 002 didn't reply. It had already gone off to consult with its superior

[Boss...another one of my host failed world # 285.]

002 wanted to cry. It was getting so many bad reviews from its hosts. Sob. It's not its fault that someone fed the script to the dogs. It was an earnest system with upright work ethics but at this rate, it'll have to quit its job.

The boss that 002 referred to was the mainframe. Unlike the other systems, the mainframe had a human form and was in charge of all the big and smalls of the system space.

[Boss, this time is different though. This is the 100th host that she had killed. She getting stronger with each reset of the world, after this time…I afraid the world will isn't enough to contain her anymore.]

002 humphed. Actually, rather than can't, it was more like the world will isn't willing to contain her anymore....for some reason the world will is bias to a fault.

The mainframe answered, "... I know."

That world # 285 gives him a headache every time that it was brought up. If she actually broke through the world will's control, then they could forget sending people to complete missions there. One less world means less energy to collect. In order to run the highly intelligent system space, a vast amount of energy was needed to sustain it. Every world was vital and they couldn't afford to lose even one.

The mainframe rubbed his chin. He suddenly thought of an idea.

"You can head back first. Don't keep your host waiting."

002 made a sound of affirmation and left. Hopefully, Boss will fix the problem child soon…

The mainframe opened up a communication channel and searched for 013. If he remembered correctly, due to not being able to find a suitable host, 013 had gone into hibernation mode for quite a while now.

As for why different systems have different difficulties of mission completion, it's because the harder the mission was, the more world energy would be received at the end. Truth be told, the mainframe wasn't sure why this was the case. The world wills must be too bored and developed some weird hobbies.

"013, 013, are you there?"

It was some time before there was an answer. 013 had been asleep for quite a period of time and it took a while before it rebooted itself.

[Here Boss.]

013 yawned. Why was it being called?

"I've sent information on your new host to your database already. Take a few looks at it and head out."

[Boss...what did you just say?]

013 couldn't believe its ears. It was actually going on a mission and Boss even personally chose a host for it?

013 almost cried tears of happiness.

[Yiyiyi, Boss, I knew you cared about me!]

As 013 was celebrating his first outing in who knows how long, it suddenly thought of something. It nervously said, [Boss...are you sure though?]

Back then when 013 had just started and was still on active duty, it couldn't even find one host that could successfully complete its missions. In the end, forget about earning experience points, it was in the reds every month. The other systems all had to chip in from their own savings in order to help it out…

Compared to an incompetent host, 013 rather not have one at all.

"It's fine." The mainframe smile lightly. "I have confidence in my choice. You just have sure that she agrees."

[Don't worry Boss, I'll do my best!]


Mo Yin awoke and the first thing that she saw was a familiar ceiling. She was laying on a bed and there was a faint sound of breathing next to her. Mo Yin didn't react for a split moment from confusion but when she came to it, she jumped off the bed.

This place…

She looked around. This was where she and Mo Sheng use to live when they were small! Then the person on the bed must be…

"Mn, Sis Yin, why did you get up. Is it morning already?" Mo Sheng huddled in the blankets as he groggily rubbed his eyes.

Mo Sheng! The six-year-old him!

Mo Yin's lip quivered and her long lashes trembled with a hundred different emotions. She stepped forward and hugged Mo Sheng.

"S-sis Yin?"

Mo Sheng was baffled, "D-did you have a nightmare?"

Upon seeing that Mo Yin's shoulder was trembling slightly, Mo Sheng hurriedly reached out to pat her back.

"Don't be afraid Sis Yin! I'll protect you!"

His voice was soft and tender like cotton but he spoke in an utterly solemn tone. It tickled Mo Yin's heart and ruthlessly poked at her soft spots.

She could 'die' right here and now from how cute he is. He was actually trying to comfort her because he thought that she had a nightmare? Why didn't she ever notice how cute and lovable he was before? She must've been blind.

Mo Yin pinched his cheeks, "How old do you think I am. I was just checking to see if you have gained any weight recently."

Mo Yin sighed, "As expected I'll have to feed you more. So thin, if you grow up to be a bean sprout, how will you help me out in the future?"

She didn't treat him well enough in the past and it became the ultimate regret that plagued her up until her death. Mn, she had a chance to redo everything, she must take this chance to make it up to him.

Mo Sheng rubbed his nose and protested, "But just the other day you said I would grow up to be a fatty because I sit around all day…"

Mo Yin faintly remembered that there was such a thing. She replied with a very serious expression, "Yesterday was yesterday, today is today. Every heard of a new day is a new me?"

"Go wash your face, I'll go make breakfast."

"En." Mo Sheng obediently got off the bed and wore his shoes before going outside to wash up.

The house that they live in was not big, it was a commonly seen house with a straw roof. The entire house was just a square box with no separate rooms. The kitchen and the lavatory were all located outside of the house.

At the back of the house was a small patch of land where Mo Yin had planted a vegetable garden. She picked a cabbage that looked big and white with dewy leaves. Walking to the well where Mo Sheng was washing his face over a basin, Ho Yin hauled some water with a bucket and washed off the dirt on the cabbage. Mo Yin dumped out the dirty water and poured more clean water into the bucket before walking towards the kitchen with the bucket of water and cabbage.

The kitchen consisted of a stone stove and a giant wok. Mo Yin got the fire going before pausing for a moment.

Truth be told...it's been a long time since she last cooked. She hopes that the food will turn out alright…

Mo Yin washed some rice and cooked it before diligently chopping the cabbage into thin shreds.

Chop, chop, chop. Chop, chop, chop.

[Congratulations on being chosen to bond with the First Class Assist System. I'm 013.]

Mo Yin maintained a steady rhythm.

Chop chop chop. chop chop chop.


Chop chop.

[Am here to--]


[Please listen to what I have to say!]

013 was confused. Why isn't she reacting to it? Don't normally people go like "Woah what" or "Ahhh, who's there"?

"Why would I say those things? I'm not even afraid of ghosts would I be afraid of you?"

013: "!!"

She can read my mind?!

Mo Yin opened the wok to see how the rice of cooking, "No, you said them out loud."

013: "..."

013 checked his setting and found out that it forgot to open its filter. For systems like itself, it doesn't have a physical body so it has to talk to the host mentally. The filter function acts as a "mouth", letting the host hear only what it wanted them to hear unlike what had happened just now.

013 turned it on before continuing, [Dear host, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Accept this system, cross worlds, complete missions and gain experience points to become an ultimate winner in life ba!]

Mo Yin has no interest in this so-called system. But she remembered something. When she had woken up in her younger body, she remembered not just her "past life" but her "past lives".

She had lived countless lives in this same body and her endings would always be different. However, Yuan Luli would always for some reason be against her and use all sorts of ways to make her life difficult.

She couldn't understand why Yuan Luli acted like this, a crazy dog that bites for no reason. But after learning the existence of this "system" and "mission" a thought began to form in her mind.

Yuan Luli was probably also bonded to a system and her mission was probably something along the line of revenge, not necessarily against her but everyone that "owed her".

Mo Yin was still not sure on what that means.

All the "Yuan Luli" that she had known was probably not the same person. Their personalities and style of doing things were way too different. Unless Yuan Luli has 100+ personalities and switches one in every life. Rather than having 100+ different personalities, Mo Yin leans more towards the possibility that each Yuan Luli were actually different people altogether.

Same body different souls would sum it up.

But their mission remained the same so they would target her every life.

Of course, she wasn't a vegetarian that just sat there waiting to be eaten. None of the Yuan Luli(s) has gotten a good ending.

That doesn't lessen her hatred for them though. Especially the last one. Mo Yin still itched to beat her up.

All of this passed through her mind in the span of a minute.

She said to 013, "I'll decline your offer."

She just want to stay with Mo Sheng and live a happy and stable life for the rest of their days.

013 didn't come here today to take no for an answer though. Boss clearly told him that this contract must be signed no matter what...013 can only try to convince her.

What would change her mind though? 013 ferociously worked its hard drive to think of a plan. Suddenly, it came up with an idea.

[If you accept you can…]

A profound emotion flickered in Mo Yin's eyes as she listened to 013 talk.

What the system had said was not wrong.

Mn, her Mo Sheng did indeed deserve the best.

Mo Yin begins to consider 013 in a newfound seriousness.

"Before you said something about "crossing worlds". Worlds as in more than one?"

Seeing that Mo Yin was no longer fully rejecting it, 013 happily complied more information,

[Yes, the world that you reside in is just one of the many others. But these worlds are all in different planes of existence, like alternate universes. It's not like traveling from one planet to another, normals means can not be used to cross worlds.]

A lot of what 013 just said were foreign concepts to Mo Yin but after thinking about it for a while, she more or less got the concept.

She'll be going to places that don't exist and are unreachable here.

The reason that 013 used to persuade Mo Ying was Mo Sheng but the reason Mo Yin didn't want to leave was also Mo Sheng.

"Mo Sheng will have to come with me. Otherwise, we have nothing to talk about."

[Dear Host, are you sure…? Some of the worlds have dangerous settings. At that time you might not even be able to keep yourself safe…]

You might not even be able to help yourself, what qualification do you have to take care of someone else.

Like how that year she picked up Mo Sheng when she couldn't even feed herself.

Her shortcomings left a shadow in her heart.

"..." Mo Yin didn't say anything for a long time.

She was afraid but she also wasn't willing to let go due to her selfishness.

013 fidgeted nervously. This isn't looking good, why did it open its stupid mouth and say all those words! He quickly contacted the mainframe in secret.

[Boss! Things aren't looking so good… I managed to persuade her but now she's having second thoughts!]

013 thoroughly recalled their conversation to the mainframe.

The mainframe thought about it for a second or two before saying, "Grant her request. Although we don't usually do this, just keep the boy in your system space. I'll give you access to create virtual environments. The conditions you offered her are fine too."

If things go according to plan, they wouldn't need that world anymore anyway, giving it away won't be a loss to them.

[Understood boss!]

013 hurriedly relayed this to Mo Yin.

[Actually, Mo Sheng can come along, it won't be a problem. I just received permission that I can keep him in my system space. He can continue his daily life as normal but you can visit him whenever you want.]

[But according to the rules of the First Class Assist System, Mo Sheng is not allowed to help you out with the mission in any way or points will be deducted. Also, you may only use the system space solely for visiting purposes and can not use it to help you complete missions otherwise points will also be deducted. Is this fine?]

Mo Yin nodded. He doesn't need to help her, just accompanying her is fine.

She breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't have to leave him behind.

"Mo Sheng, breakfast's ready."

Mo Yin placed the dishes on the table. There were stirred fried cabbage, fried eggs, and porridge. It wasn't much but that's all she could find in the house.

...In the future, she must make sure that there is meat in every meal.

After they finished eating, Mo Yin very seriously sat Mo Sheng down.

"Mo Sheng I…"

Mo Yin felt uncharacteristically nervous. What if he doesn't want to go with her?

"If I had you go somewhere far away, would you chose to go with me or stay here?"

Mo Sheng's eyes widened, "Sis Yin what is the meaning of this? Asking me this, are you going to leave me behind?"

"No, I was just asking—"

Mo Sheng made a pitiful crying face, "Sis Yin doesn't want me anymore...Wuwu…"

"...Alright. Stop playing around. I'm asking you seriously."

Mo Sheng immediately stopped crying, "Of course I'm going with you." He said this in with a matter of fact tone. To him, there had never been another option.

Mo Yin couldn't help but rub his head. En, such a good kid.

Mo Yin asked 013, "Is there any way for him to hear you too?"

[Sure thing. Hold on a second, just let me extend the group chat invitation…]

[Testing, testing, can you hear me?]

Mo Sheng was startled, his eyes became as wide as saucers.

"S-sis Yin… I think I'm possessed by a ghost…"

Mo Yin replied, "It's fine, I hear it too. Just call the ghost 013."

"Oh." Mo Sheng calmed down. Since Sis Yin wasn't afraid than there was nothing to be scared of.

"Hi ghost 013."

013: "..."

[Just 013 is fine, drop the ghost ba…]

It was a system, not a ghost. But it was a professional, it will not argue with a child.

[Due to the nature of some world, the system will provide a training space for host to learn new skills. How much the host learns is up to the host's own ability. In addition to this time, every time the host complete a mission, you will have a chance to enter the training space again.]

[The preset amount of time that the Host has in the training space is 200 years. If Host wishes increase the time limit, you can do it after accumulating enough experience point.]

[Wishing Host all the best luck!]

Mo Yin was transported into the training space. Mo Sheng was dragged along with her.

It wasn't until 200 years later were they seen again...

Chapter three coming tomorrow...

BambooSpiritcreators' thoughts
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