
Radish Ball In The Dojo

Why do people have a conscience? How do those ruthless heroes who do big things train their minds? Kazuya thought he should have to find some books to study some other day.

He walked all the way to the tram stop with random thoughts, and found that the time for the last tram had just passed. He muttered something bad, turned around and was about to walk home. But after taking two steps, he heard the phone ringing. He was startled, thinking that something bad happened to Naotaka, so he quickly picked up the call.

"Onisan, where are you?" Yoko's voice was a little timid and uneasy. Kazuya immediately understood that it was past the usual time to finish work and go home but he didn't go back on time. Yoko was afraid. It wasn't that she was afraid of staying at home alone, she was quite used to being alone. She was afraid that she was left again.

Kazuya blamed himself for forgetting to inform her. The closer people are, the less they can hide things. Otherwise all the bullshit and bloody things usually happen. He didn't hide it from Yoko and told her about the situation of Sakura's family.

He explained the matter to Yoko in detail. As he spoke, he made up his mind. Finally, he stopped in the middle of the way and told her: "I may have to go back very late. You can go to bed first."

Yoko was a very sensible child. Once she understood the whole story, she responded obediently, "I see, Onisan. I will take care of myself. Don't have to worry."

Kazuya told her to lock the door carefully before ending the call and walking back to the shop. He must have a good talk with the little radish. If she could really handle it, he would feel at ease.

He returned to Pure Flavor House. Just when he was about to knock on the door, he found that the door was only closed but seemed to be unlocked. He opened with a push and was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, it was him who came. Is that little radish confused? It was almost twelve o'clock and she went to bed without locking the door?

He hesitated for a moment and then went in directly. Anyway, he had been coming in and out here at will in the past three months, and this time was no different.

There was no one in the dark lobby and the corridor. Kazuya looked around and suspected Haruka had gone upstairs to sleep. He was about to call her when he saw there was a faint light in the small dojo at the end.

He opened the door slightly and saw that Haruka had shrunk into a ball and was lying on the floor with her back to the door. She looked extremely lonely and helplessly.

She must be very sad when something like this happened at home.

Kazuya was silent and regretted scolding her just now. He sighed secretly and took off his shoes, then walked to Haruka and sat down.

Haruka quickly glanced back at him warily, then twisted her head back, still lying there and saying dullly: "Why are you coming back? Isn't the money right? I will replenish you by how much tomorrow. Today you first go back!"

Kazuya had never opened the envelope. He looked at the carrot ball in front of him. Haruka lying on her side with her knees in her arms, which was really just like a little ball. He said softly: "The money is just right, but I just want to help you. I want to know what you plan to do. After all, it's not just your business, but also Haruna and the others! Tell me what you plan to do. If no problem, I'll leave."

Haruka lay on the floor and didn't answer for a long time.

Kazuya sat there and propped up his knees, waiting silently, but couldn't wait for her words. He couldn't help but ask again: "What are your plans for the future?"

He was a little impatient. How long has it been and you are still in a daze! Where are your usual tempers?

Naotaka entered the hospital. The eldest of the remaining Sakura family members was sixteen years old and the youngest was three years old. He was really worried. After all, they have worked together for so long and still have feelings for each other.

Haruka still didn't speak, as if she was dead. Kazuya blocked the light and she noticed it immediately, turned over and sat up, "I reallly don't know..."

She sat there with a blank look in her eyes, looking past Kazuya without focus. Her crescent moon eyes gradually started to sparkle and two lines of tears slowly flowed down silently. She suddenly hugged her head, lay on the floor and sobbed, "I really don't know! My mother is gone, my father is also sick, and the family doesn't have much money. I really don't know what to do..."

She lay there sobbing in pain, her voice full of sadness.

Kazuya was startled and instinctively patted her back gently. He didn't know what to say for a moment. 

Haruka really couldn't bear it anymore: her father had fallen, and she had to be resolute and firm in front of her sisters without showing any sign of weakness. If she becomes weak, her brothers and sisters will panic. She can only hug herself into a ball in a place where no one is around to release her own desperation.

She was only sixteen years old. She had been in charge of the family for more than two years after her mother passed away. She had some weak social experience, but she still couldn't accept it when she encountered something like this, which was extremely damaging to any family. Her mental state was as brittle as a piece of paper now.

Besides pretending to be strong, what else could she do?

She was like an egg. The seemingly hard shell was crushed and the egg white and yolk inside suddenly collapsed into a mess. Even if Kazuya saw this extremely embarrassed side, she could no longer care and could only sit there and crying loudly, 

"Mom asked me to protect this home. How can I explain to her now... What should I do?! What should I do if my father can't wake up?"

She had already fallen into deep self-blame and hated her own powerlessness. She drove away Kazuya and hugged herself into a ball there, feeling sad alone. However, he even came back to ask her what to do.

How does she know what to do! ?

Kazuya didn't have much experience in dealing with girls. He made a lot of mental preparations before coming, such as preparing to persuade her with gentle words and be moved with emotion. If that didn't work, he would punch her on the head to wake her up clearly. But he really didn't expect to see it. In his impression, Haruka was just a little better than a street vixen, but now she cried like a child.

He was uncomfortable with it, and took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears. Haruka was out of breath from crying and her nose turned into bubbles. Kazuya alsodidn't care about the cleanliness anymore and wiped her nose cruelly. he comforted himself that it was tears that entered the nasal cavity, not dirty!

Haruka's tears quickly soaked the entire handkerchief. Kazuya was a little confused by her desperate cries. He half-hugged her and wiped her face, then patted her back to calm her down and spoke softly: "It's okay, don't cry. It's okay..."

He didn't know how to say sweet words and was basically an action person, so he could just persuade girls with the dry common line "It's okay."

Haruka vented for a while and her crying gradually became smaller. But the pain and depression in her heart could not go away. She desperately held back her tears and took the handkerchief in Kazuya's hand to blow her nose hard. After taking a few breaths and burping, there were still snot bubbles hanging on her nose.

She just sat there blowing snot bubbles and began to be in a daze again, while Kazuya supported her to prevent her from fainting suddenly. He stayed with her quietly. 

After a long time, Haruka said in a daze: "My mother held my hand before she left and let me swear that I would take good care of my father, brothers and sisters. I...I let her down..." Her tears slowed down again.

"Don't say that. You've done a great job. your mother won't blame you." Kazuya comforted her. This was his true words. No matter what kind of bastard she is, no matter how she beats her sister and no matter how domineering she is at home, everyone has to admit that she has done her best for her family.

A sick father and some weak sisters and brothers. Without her this family would have collapsed two years ago.

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