
Your Highness

Crystal was preparing tuna sandwich for breakfast.

She was an amazing cook, after Susan...

She took care of the girls like a mother hen, that's why her bond with Susan was so strong..... they shared similar interests and emotions.

Both were peace lovers of the group, but now things have drastically changed....

Olivia placed the basket of fruits, juice and milk on the dining table.

"Get your butt on the table, Techna..."

Techna whined, "You get me my food here.."

She was sitting on the counch with her laptop, iPad and iPhone.

Crystal rolled her eyes, at Rain's bossiness , "Olivia and I will eat my homemade special tuna sandwich. You can have some fruits and juice...

Oh Olivia please pass her the basket of fruits and some juice.

Come now, we will enjoy our breakfast without any interruption from Techna."

Olivia smirked at Techna's facial expression, she looked like a baby about to agrue and cry an ocean of tears to get her favorite thing from mum.

Crystal succeeded in making Techna come to the dining table. She sat with a huff and crossed her arms.

"Your food better be good...."

"Ohhh... You just didn't said that...." Olivia said in amusement.

Crytsal glared at Rain, "Well, 'Your Highness' why don't you ask your servants to prepare you a feast. Oh wait, there are your servants... Laptop ... come here and help, 'Your Highness' and you there...camera(CCTV) ... stop daydreaming and prepare food for ...."

Olivia started laughing out loudly, "Oh my gawd!!! That was just Savage!!! You rock Crystal!"

Techna scrunched her nose and poke her tongue out,

"Ha Ha Ha! Very funny, mother hen."

"Yeah baby, don't argue with Mummy or else you will get time out...." Crystal grinned at her comebacks, they were getting better day by day.

"What a great comeback, Kiki..." Olivia complimented, making sure to grin at 'Your Highness'

That shut up Techna, and she munched into the food.

Olivia smiled at the banter, these two were the life of CROSS now....

Their silly and funny banter kept the Hope alive....

One day things will be back to normal....

CROSS would be complete again...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ping (sound) of email notification.

Crystal turned towards her, "What is it??"

Olivia read the email and then looked up, "Premier Corporation."

"Again? You just went yesterday... What have they written?"

Olivia just grabbed the nearest apple and chewed on it, placing her phone in the middle of the table.

Both Crystal and Rain read the email carefully...

"They are asking your answer and today is the deadline..."

"Yes and if my answer is No, I have to return back the Contract."

"You are planning to say No?" Crystal asked

"Ahh the bloody Contract is with the boys..." Rain smacked her head.

Olivia just sighed, "They are unnecessarily threatening me, I find it very suspicious. Someone knows alot about me and my findings says that it also relates with the Billionaire boys."

"I said you, Premier Corporation and Billionaire squad boys have a past."

"That is there, but I really think its for the best I don't get involve between their feuds and be the bait. We can find more about them through Crystal.....than me...."

"What do you mean????" Both Rain and Crystal asked in suprise.

Olivia had planned something big now...


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