

Rain was humming the song, "Love me like you do.." loudly and shaking her booty all along the hall.

Her screeching voice irritated the hell out of Crystal.

Rain marched up to her, obvious to Crystal's irritation, she started screaming in her ear. This earned her a pillow smack on her face.


"You deserve it! Jian! "


"Jian from Doremon!! Of course you sing like him, your voice gives me headache.!!"

"Holy mother of Internet!"

"Hey, that would be your mother's mother..... Hahahaha" Crystal laughed, making fun of Techna was her favorite pass time!

The two pair of them were like Tom and Jerry!

Of course they loved each of the girls equally....

But both of them loved taking jibes at each other.

"I'm nothing like Jian! I'm The Great Doremon of our gang. I make gadgets to make your life easier. I always solve all the problems of the group. You are Jian, you always take advantage of me being so nice and kind to you."

"Didn't anyone tell you, self praising is not good at all." Crystal poked her tongue out.

Rain narrowed her eyes, "Oh is it Kiki? Perhaps, I should show Will his pictures...."

Instantly Crystal's face lost all it's humour, "Oh you wouldn't dare too.."

"Oh he has got sexy abs... You are so naughty Crystal..."

"Bloody hacker!! Hacker Hacker firewalls on fire!" Crystal huffed in irritation.

"Darling, don't play out with technical words. That's not your thing!" she smirked at Crystal's obvious fail attempts.

"How could you access my personal things! You are fined!! "

"Yes babes, fine me I'm okay with it." she said too casually.

Crystal narrowed her eyes, "You little devil... I know you have something more against me, don't you..?"

All Crystal's gallery is filled with Will Parker's pictures.

She has been crushing over the guy for last one and a half year. She stalked him to the moon. Her gallery had all candid photos of Will. He was Crystal's close family friend. Her grandmother's best friends grandson.

He was also her business partner. And Crystal definitely doesn't like to mix work with pleasure, so she simply tried to ignore his presence.

Will Parker was a good, flirty and funny guy. He thought Crytsal dislikes him, so to maintain good relationship he stopped pursuing her.

Little did he know, she was dying literally to get his attention.

But Crytsal is just a stubborn girl, who hates to be the attention seeker. She knows it's not love, just a silly notion of attraction. Because the main person in question resembles quite a lot to Watson.

Rain, being the Techna Queen knows of everything.

This was her ticket to keep Crystal's mouth shut.

She grinned evilly, "Now darling, don't mess up with me..."

Before Crystal could reply, an alarm went off....

Both of them jolted to the headquarters main control room. The CCTV camera near Olivia's building noticed some irregular movements. There was a Jaguar car in black, also at the backside a team of ten men in all Black suit guarded the building. She quickly tracked the car's name plate number. She wasn't suprise to see the owner's name "Romano"

She had expected it, but this was too soon. The men were acting restlessly. Her plot definitely worked bang on spot.

Later, Olivia will definitely kill her... no doubt.

But what caught her eyes was the Mercedes car and the man that got out of the car.

"Christano" that was unexpected, even for Rain.

Her breath hitched. She quickly moved to plan B.

Praying God, that Olivia reads her text before seeing Christano.


Back to Olivia, who was busy reading the contract of Premier Corporation, saw her phone buzzing.

The text was from Rain, "Allow him in, wear the lenses right now. I need to see and hear what he speaks. Do not panic. And listen to what I say, at least this one please. You have exactly 2 minutes."

Olivia jumped out from her desk and hastily searched her bag for lenses. She quickly wore them along with the mic and heard Rain's voice on the other end.

The lens was another of Rain's invention. Where she could see and hear what the person wearing lens could see and listen.

"Who is that man?" Olivia's voice reflected anxiety.

"I know it's all of a sudden, but go quickly wear your pink nighty. You have 1minute, do now.!" hearing the urgency in her voice, Olivia did what she was told.

"Who is he?"

"Don't panic, you'll see yourself in just 5 seconds.Open the door. Give your natural reaction. Don't kick him out. But surely kick his bodyguards."

The door bell rang.

As soon as she opened the door, her jaw dropped.



PS: Let's see what Christano has got on his sleeves this time. It's good to see the past resurfacing the present. This will lead to something good in future....

Stay tuned for more updates...

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