
A Place called Frostland

Azriel made small and gentle steps as his feet landed on the snow repeatedly. His soft leather jacket and pants were providing enough warmth for him not to freeze and suffer much cold.

His gaze wavered across the sight of the adults working, either feeding the sheep, attending the cows, cleaning their roofs from the snow, or just chatting amongst each other.

Over all, the Frostland was doing good. Other than the freezing weather of course.

"Dad!" Azriel screamed, running to the stoic figure of his beloved father.

"Hmm?" His father whipped his head in his direction and asked. "Azriel?"

He had long black hair tied in a ponytail, and a pair of crimson red irises. His body was quite burly and big, with his physique exploding with tight muscles.

"Didn't you mention that one time that there's land across these vast waters?!" The little boy asked with excitement in his eyes, that matched his father's.

"Indeed." His father nodded before adding, we can get to that another time though. As you can see, I am helping the men pack some equipment for the exploration."

"You mean…" Azriel's eyes beamed.

"Yes, we are crossing the sea. Venturing out for land."

"Amazing!" The crimson eyed boy yelled.

"Crimson! Your boy really is chatty." A man walked over, firmly patting his father's back.

"As I said, call me by my first name." His father urged.

"Fine, Ezra."

After getting the response he wanted, Ezra nodded his head.

"And about the stuff…" The man proceeded to say.

The duo talked about their equipment and their thoughts about bringing other things.

"Dad! Let me come with you!" Azriel tugged the sides of his dad's tunic, attracting his attention.

"You are too young, Azriel. Maybe in the future, besides, we don't know what lay out there." Ezra took a deep breath, exhaling a dense cold air out his lips. "We are taking a risk, a big one at that. And I don't want you falling with me if that happens."

"But I know your strong! After all, you are my fath-"

"Azriel, this discussion ends here." Ezra said before walking away, leaving his ash haired son alone.

"Argh! Father never lets me do anything! He says it's for my own good! What bull crap!" He spat out, gritting his teeth.

"Just you wait! When I awaken my Void, I will show you, that I am really strong!" He stomped down on the snow furiously, walking away in a certain path.

Frostland, was basically a large island covered in snow, and was surrounded by large ice walls that separated it from the outside world.

The island hosted many large mountains, and ruling it were the four great tribes.

The East, West, North, and last but not least, the south. Azriel and his family lived in the east.

In fact, his father was the head of the East Tribe.

Needless to say, that some fights had gone between tribes. Mostly for resources to combat the extremely cold weather of the harsh Frostland.

And remember, the ice walls used to exist.

A few centuries ago, a human found a mysterious cave within the island. The man didn't think much of it, and mined for resources.

But after a while of mining, he came across a strange mineral. Correction, it wasn't a mineral at all.

Instead, a weird entity that we all call, the Void Stone.

The Void Stones, upon being crushed by a person, awakens their Void, a mysterious ability to wield an armament, or to use it akin to a super power.

The miner cracked the stone, and unlocked his Void. But it was useless anyway, thus, he gave the material to the tribes, in hopes of one of them gaining the power to break the ice wall.

And even though the miner died before he could see it because it had happened a century later, they did it.

Someone powerful enough managed to break it. But instead of the new exciting frontier people of Frostland hoped for, it was just an extremely expansive sea.

Trapping them all in it's cold grasp.

Azriel walked down a path, swept from all the piles of snow, and led towards a house; a fairly big one.

Probably one of the biggest, the Eastern men of Frostland had.

It was made of bricks, and had a wooden ceiling coated with straw.

Azriel walked over to the door before stopping, and whipping his head to the side, where a dagger lay, gleaming under light.

He picked it up firmly, and began swinging it repeatedly as if in a trance. After half an hour, he got tired and put the dagger in it's sheath.

His arms and gone sore and weak, and his face getting a little pale.

So with the hunger crawling up his mind, he walked into the house. Getting assaulted by the warmth that soothed his senses.

He put his boots at the side, before calling out. "Mom! Am home!"

"Azriel, come here." He heard his mother's voice echo from the kitchen. He sped up, and arrived and took a seat.

The amazing smell of the stew hit his mind like a rocket, and he couldn't help but extend his tongue out, in a silly manner.

"Stop being a dog." His mother laughed, patting his head gently.

"But I can help it. I am hungry after all."

"You didn't inform me you wanted dinner earlier. You were out there training." Elena, his mother responded smiling lightly.

Azriel was left tongue tied. After all, he couldn't refute her words. He just silently kept his mouth shut and waited for his meal.

A few moment later, another person entered the room. Looking awfully like his Azriel.

"Greetings, mom, brother." A small girl walked in, yawning as she opened her mouth, covered with her little palms.

"Hey, Ymir." Azriel waved at her, before placing his attention on the food, being served onto the plates by his mother.

Ymir was Azriel's twin sister. She had her mother's blue eyes, and the ash hair.

She sat down beside her brother, and looked at the food with fervor, much more the Azriel's, before digging in the second they were served.

"Mom! Ymir is more of a glutton than I am!"

Elena laughed, shaking her head at her children's antics.

Meanwhile, Ezra chatted with the fellow eastern tribe members.

"I don't know, I just sense something suspicious." He said in a stoic voice.

"What do you mean?" His friend asked, who was called Goliath. He was quite burly, with brown hair.

"The tribes haven't fought for years now. In fact, I heard the trade amongst the other tribes have increased.

And it was just too sudden." Ezra stated.

"Are you thinking that the other tribes are working against us?"

"I am not sure, it's just a suspicion." He shook his head before calmly adding. "Let's continue."


Ezra stood for a moment gazing at the frozen mountains before retreating his eyes.




The vast sea churned and waved, and the fishes jumped out and in, dancing elegantly in the sea.

On the eastern docks of Frostland. Many stood as a large ship was in place, ready to soar the vast, expansive waters.

Azriel stood there, with his sister holding his palm firmly. And their mother placing her warm hands around their necks.

Ezra and a few men stood before the ship, saying their goodbyes to the people of the village of the East.

Some cried, whilst some were excited to soon get reports on what the outside was like.

Will there be more land? Or will the sea continue forever? Or was Frostland really just the only land?

They needed to know. And after centuries, the very first exploration group was made.

Consisting of the chiefs of all the tribes. And some strong warriors, and Void Users.

"Lets get going." The chief of the Western Tribe said, dragging everyone's eyes on him.

It took a while for everyone to say their goodbyes. But it soon came, for the chiefs to leave.

Azriel and his family watched, with warm eyes as they waved at the leaving figure of Ezra, along with the large wooden ship.

His father smiled back at them, leaving his back to the member's boarding the ship.

Just at that moment, he felt something cold entering his chest, and coming out from the other side. Consequently, coughing out blood.

Everyone turned silent, as the ship slowly came to a halt.

The ship members, all bearing cold evil grins.

"We got him! We finally got him!"







to be re written I think.

ThirdSencreators' thoughts