
Master & Servant Contract

[ Happy New year to all of you and thank you for reading my work and I hope you would continue to support my book, have a very happy and safe journey this year]

Shu was having the greatest headache of his life right now, a unknown woman who is terrifyingly strong swearing her loyalty toward him and wanted to be his maid without any proper reason.

He began to rub his temples still trying to make head or tail of this whole bizzare situation, why is this woman wanted to be his maid? She didn't even know his is a dragon before and still he is clearly weaker then her? Don't supernatural people only submit to might? Don't say this woman have some wierd fetish about serving a meaker master?

Finally he decided to ask the knowledgeable people present.

" Are you sure? But why does she want to serve me? She is very strong and come from a rare species, when I am just a normal human from what she knows." Shu asked Scarlett.

Scarlett just shrugged her shoulders and replied " I don't know it's not about power, it's more then that. Wolf chooses their master's based on their instincts and they say they can feel some sort of special connection with the person. It's very wierd and complicated I don't know much."

" Yes it's just as sister Scarlett said it's not explained very well by the wolfs but one thing is for sure, the moment someone from the wolf race choose their master they become absolutely loyal to them. They would rather die before they let someone harm their master, even if the enemies are their own parents they would kill without hesitation. Some time it's scary how loyal the Wolf's can be, so you don't have to worry about her trying to harm you if you can explain to her everything properly and make her believe you." Mia also added and assured Shu to not worry about it.

'Kill their own parents' Shu was very surprised to say the least it was not loyalty but straight up blind obsession, but he could imagine having someone with this level of loyalty(obsession) watching your back is certainly reassuring for many people specially in life and death situations.

"But is their no other way?" Shu asked. It's not that he wanted to turn down such a rare opportunity to acquire powerful allies, it just to understand more about the situation.

Mia shook her head in denial "No, once a wolf choose it's mater their they are dead set on them. If the master dies before them then, they would commit suicide or mostly they die protecting their master. If you don't accept her then she would also kill herself without a second thought. But I would suggest you against it, no matter what, she is very powerful and as much as I don't get along with Wolf's, it's a absolute truth that they are a very loyal race and would become a very good allie for you. We don't know if sister Scarlett have any enemies out there so what you need to do now is to gather a group of powerful subordinates here on earth with good background or powerful individual strength.Till you grow up and mature enough to face the primogen's." She advised.

" Don't worry I was not think of abandoning her it was just to clear my doubts that's all. I know she is very valuable to refuse." Shu said he also understand the importance of having a powerful guard and to have your own subordinates.

"So now the main problem is how to make her believe our story." Shu thought hard how to explain because the matter is very complicated to explain in simple words.

Meanwhile Aella started to sod again worrying about her master's situation. She was actually not a young girl who came to earth for experience, her on filed training happened on another planet. After returning home and living there for sometime, she decided to travel other world's to find her master. After traveling to many superior world's she still couldn't find someone to her liking, feeling dejected she decided to move on to some mortal planet to take a vacation. Over to the supernatural side earth was very famous for its culture, science and architectures so she decided to take a look, as such she came to earth. After coming here she found out that here female servent's are called maid's and there are many verities of them and they are a very popular subject of interest especially for males. So she decided to learn about it as she herself wanted to become a female servent. She joined a maid school to become a certified maid after she graduated from the academy she was offered a job at the art gallery. There she worked for a few years and her life was going pretty good, so she started to think that maybe she might not find a master even if she travels to another world so why not stay here and live a easy life, as she already travelled many world's.

Just when she thought that she had to find another job when the art gallery was sold Minami showed her Shu's pictures and offered her to be his maid. Everything changed the moment she saw Shu's face it was like lightning ran through her body her heart skipped a beat, her body turned hot and she realised in this insignificant mortal world she found her master.

She was very excited to meet him and accepted Minami's offer the first moment without thinking twice, so what if her master was a mortal human she can change his race by giving her bloodline and she would protect him till he become stronger, with her level of bloodline he was destined to achieve SSS rank at least.

Why she felt that connection with Shu was a mystery, she certainly wanted a handsome or beautiful master and she can't deny Shu was the most handsome boy she had seen even though he was a ordinary human but she was mesmerized by his deep crimson eyes, looking at those blood red eyes she felt like drowning in passion just what the colour represent deep love and passion but also blood and destruction.

But now all she's feeling is utter despair when she finally arrived at her master's home she was excited beyond words but when she felt the aura inside the house she couldn't find a single human aura what she felt was two aura one a red dragon and one black cat. Coming inside she realised the dragon was faking Shu's appearance and the cat was posing as his lover. She felt very angry but she controlled herself and didn't make a move infront of Minami, she was an innocent human afterall she can't possibly notice the situation.

So she decided to capture and interroget them to find out what happened to her master, they were weaker then her so it was not a problem for her and she also can't kill them. But she didn't expect them to have such a powerful female dragon protecting them, now everything become useless the enemy is very powerful. Even if she goes all out and fought with her life on the line she can't win much less save her master.

She became broken hearted, and felt powerless and useless she can't even save her master. How can she live with that truth, it was very hard to bare. Just when she thought about ending her own life to escape the harsh reality a warm hand patted her head and her heat calmed down and her mood soothed quite a bit. She again felt that inexplicable connection and warmth spreading over her body.

Looking up she at the owner of the hand she saw Shu who was squatted near her and was pating her head with a gentle smile. Seeing him smile her mood instantly improved all the gloomy thoughts vanished like smokes and she also smiled charmingly.

Shu who approached her in hope's of explaining the truth to Aella was very nervous at the time, she was very powerful and also beautiful if he could make her believe him then he would make a fortune. But if he faills to make her believe then she might commit suicide, so the situation was very tense. When he arrived near her he notice that she was already crying again, watching her so sad Shu felt very uncomfortable because she was sad for his sake. Seeing her fragile state his instincts told him to huge her tightly, comfort and protect her but he held on and didn't do that and just patted her head. When he touched her head her ears twitched slightly making him want to pinch them but he still controlled his urges.

When Aella raised her head he smiled as gently as he can to not make her wary, but when she also smiled back beautifully Shu was lost for a moment. She was indeed another beauty.

Aella smiled and happily call out.



[ Don't forget to give power stones and add to the library]

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