
Crimson Path

“When the blood of an innocent is spilled, there’s a price to be paid and it must be paid in blood.” These are the words that keep Taylor going. After the father is labelled a traitor and executed for the death of their previous alpha, she is forced to go the run with her sister. With nowhere to go, a group of people that she begrudgingly has to trust, she sets off to find the truth and to avenge her father. No matter what it takes. All Rueben wants is his mate and a peaceful life, away from his family and pack’s constant judgement and cruelty. They expect a violent and cruel person who shows no mercy, but that is exactly who he refuses to be. In a dark twist of fate, he becomes exactly what his father and pack hoped he’d be. But it comes at a cost. Now a creature that craves blood, violence and death, his only ray of hope is the love and happiness he’ll get with his mate. But what if he and his mate have been fated to be enemies? One thirsty for revenge and the other thirsty for love, both finally meet with conflicting agendas. And a secret that will tear them both apart. After all, innocent blood was spilled... and a price needed to be paid.

Vee_Uzomah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


It had been a week since Alpha Ronan's funeral, a week since life had changed forever. Dad had taken over as Alpha of the pack. He had to instate a Beta to take his pace, he had to pick his warriors, had send word to neighboring packs, he handled this all with ease, he had already been taking care of most of them before he was chosen to be our new leader. Dad might have been accepted as Alpga, but the ceremony thst would bind him to the pack, the ceremony thst would turn him into an Alpha still needed to be done. 

The hustle and bustle was wearing on me, but I had to stay strong for the pack and for my family. None of us were having it easy. A week might have flown by already, but the wound was still fresh and their was still a haunted look in both my parents' eyes. 

Mom was the new Luna. The role suited her, just like dad's suited him.