
Crimson murderds

Being able to see things no one has ever, is not great. Izuku is cursed to see things he doesn't want to have anything to do with. He never asked to be Champion of Death, but he's stuck with the title. So he's cursed, quirkless, the main target of a murderer, and going to become a hero no matter what. Wait, a target? Well that's nice to know. Let's just add villains into the fray.

Mr_copy_your_story · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter eleven

The Sports Festival is the next week. They have to train and Aizawa's training is intense. On top of that, Midoriya goes to his Tae Kwon Do classes and trains on his own time--sometimes with Toshinori if he can. Alongside that, he researches and helps the police with clues that he notices in the pictures of the recently being tortured victim. He worked on the case until he was told to stand down. He shall not work on it anymore than what he already has until the killings start again. That didn't blow over well with him which led to yelling and a few things thrown before he shed a few tears by the time Tsukauchi finally managed to calm him down.

If anything happens, if he receives anything, he is to tell them. Until then, nothing has happened.

The trail went cold again. It frustrated him to no end, but he cannot go against his orders otherwise he will be pulled from it and will be monitored to make sure he does not goes against it.

Izuku is mentally and physically exhausted. He's so exhausted, he can't sleep. The following day will be the Sports Festival and he has worn his body and mind out. His brain activity is high and he is lying awake, staring at the ceiling. Because of this, he is left speaking with Beetle, the Human Ghoul that loves to prank him. Surprisingly, the joker has yet to try and do anything to him in any harmful way.

When asked, he responds with "You're a better conversationalist than the Corpses.

"Admit it, you actually like me," he jokes with a soft, tired chuckle.

" I tolerate you. There's a difference. "Midoriya smiles as his eyes slowly close, feeling his lips tremble as a yawn passes through them. "Get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.

Everything falls away to darkness, he drowns in the dark waters of sleep. Soon enough, his dreams are plagued with blurred torture. While he sleeps,

Beetle hums and goes through his things.

Snooping around, he finds the research and frowns. "What is he doing with this? Crimson Murder case?" His curiosity is peaked and soon enough, he's reading through the entire case notes. "This kid shouldn't be a hero, he should be a private investigator. Kid will do a lot more than most of the police."

He hums and adds jot notes on a post-it note for Izuku to read the next morning, drawing a small emoticon.

The next morning, Beetle wakes up the kid and gets him going. "Hurry! It's a big day for you, dude!"

Midoriya groans as he rises out of bed and starts getting ready for school. He bids farewell to his mom after telling her about the Ghoul. "I'II be safe, Mom! I love you!" He laughs and quickly makes his way to the train station.

"Have you shadow traveled before?"

"Huh? Um, no?" He doesn't like that grin. He doesn't even get much of a chance to speak and is soon being dragged through the shadows of an alleyway. Everything is bathed black, he hears a few moans of misery as his bare skin is bitten by the chill of darkness. Fortunately, Beetle has a hand on his arm to keep him from fading away and losing himself. They enter the classroom.

Izuku jumps and lets out a small mouse-like squeak when he realizes that there is someone else in the room. Upon further inspection, he realizes that the only one who's there is Aizawa-sensei. He sighs in relief, running a hand through his hair, pushing it back. A blush covers his cheeks for he realizes that he must've heard the shriek that came from his mouth. "Oh, good, it's only you, Sensei."

"I'm not even going to ask why you just came out of a shadow." A pause. "Or what that noise that passed your lips was."

Izuku smiles brightly and nods, laughing softly as he makes his way to the desk. He's flustered that he pointed it out, fixing his sunglasses.

"So, will you tell me about the Crimson Murder case?


"I received a message from Detective Tsukauchi. I know what's going on." Eraserhead moves a bandaged hand up to scratch his nose. "Midoriya, let me ask you a question. Do you trust me?"

"Hu-Huh? Of--yes! I do." He curses himself for stuttering, especially with the look that he is sure Aizawa-sensei is giving him. What brought on that question?

"Okay, do you trust me because I'm a teacher or a pro-hero?"

He hesitates, looking anywhere but at his teacher.

Seriously, where is all of this coming from? It's scaring me. He doesn't need to know, but I'm sure he won't drop it. He sighs softly, running a hand through his curly hair and gently pulling on a piece. "trust you as a pro-hero and a teacher."

"Midoriya. That is not the truth."

Curse him and his perceptiveness. He sighs again.

"As a pro-hero."

"Do you-?"

"Sensei, please, what does this have to do with the Crimson Murders?"

He changed the topic. Something is going on with him. He doesn't like being question like this. He chose pro-hero and not a teacher. That has to do something with his past. "Kid, I'm trying to help. So tell me, do you trust us as teachers?'

"No. I'm sorry, but I don't."

Shota nods, having expected the answer. He sighs and moves to sit in front of him. "Why?"


"Why don't you trust us as teachers? You trust us in the sake of pro-heroes, but not as teachers. Are we bad at teaching?"

"No! That's--that's not-where are you going with this? You're all excellent at teaching, but ..." He trails off, reeling in the tears that sting his eyes and calming his breathing down.

"But you don't want us to know about your troubles. You hold things in and don't come to us when we're here to help."

"Because I don't need it!" That shout causes his teacher to draw back a bit. He looks at his student through the bandages and notices the anxiousness on his face. "You don't need to help me. I'm fine. I don't need your help with things. If I need to go to you for a problem, it'll be because of school, not my personal life. You all have more students to deal with than just me." He falls into a small ramble, one that's hard to hear with how faint his voice is.

"Midoriya," his stern voice draws a small flinch. He seems to be expecting for something to come of it and the small inkling idea of what that is doesn't suit well with the weakened teacher. "I don't know how it was at your old school, but the teachers here are pro heroes. We help people, and even more we help our students. We can help you, but we can't do that if you don't tell us the problem.

Just because we have other students does not mean you can set yourself aside for their needs when you have them too. You don't have to come to me, but if you can go to Recovery Girl or even to All Might. Principal Nedzu can help as well."

Midoriya stares at him, bottom lip trembling as he holds back tears. "I know. God, I know but I don't-I can't. The person I want the least to know about anything is All Might. Recovery Girl has her plate full with me being prone to injury and Principal Nedzu, I'm not even sure how that conversation will go." He rubs his earlobe, pulling on it slightly. "I just-I know you can help me with any problems but I can't bring myself to reach out.

"Of course. I'll try to tell you, but I-" he trails off when he notices Beetle pointing at the door.

"Never mind. We should get ready for the Festival." The door opens and lida comes in, pausing for a second. He asks if he's interrupting something important. "No, not really. Just talking about the Festival. I'm not going to be using my scythe for it."


He shrugs, looking out the window. He purposely stops paying attention to Aizawa-sensei, hoping to get away from that conversation. "I rather not terrify the audience?"

"Yes, that'll be a good thing. But honestly you're not that scary."

"Well, I feel offended." They share small smiles and fall into a small conversation while waiting for everyone else. When Uraraka and Tsuyu come in, Midoriya takes the chance to wish them luck.

"No! Don't do that!" yells Kaminari who overheard.

"Midoriya, you wishing people good luck is wishing them bad luck."

"Excuse you?"

"Oh shit!" coughs Kirishima.

"I'm joking!" he says melting under that withering look. His lips are in a thin line, but he can just feel the death glare. "I'm sorry. I was joking! I promise!"

"You can be so evil sometimes, it's so manly!"

Kirishima laughs, smiling at the green-eyed teen. "I can't wait for it! I wonder who's gonna win!"

"It'll obviously be me!" proclaims Bakugou.

Arrogance rolls off his figure in waves as he struts into the room. He sneers at them and glares harshly at Deku who tenses and quickly looks away. No matter how many times he wants to put the other in his place, he can't. He can't and it pisses him off. All he wants is to stand up to him like he did during the training, like he did to that villain. He sees the dead everyday yet he can't face the living? Hah! That's just laughable!

"Alright," announces Aizawa when everyone is in their seats. "Get in your P.E clothes and put on a good show."

They're in the waiting room, chilling and talking when Todoroki comes strolling up and calling Midoriya out. Why would anyone like him confront a guy like me?"On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength." HUH? Is he delusional? Why is he doing this? Does see see me as a threat or what is his reasoning behind this?I mean, oh wait he's talking. His eyes does not leave the successor of All Might, narrowed and hold a certain emotion. Something that Izuku cannot read himself, seeing that he's masking it behind a facade of nonchalance, expressionless.

"You've got All Might's eyes on you. I'm not going to pry into that, but ... I'm going to beat you."

Kaminari is smirking, finding this hilarious. It fills his need for drama, his entertainment. He can't help but wonder just what the young Izuku Midoriya will say in response to this. But first he's going to add fuel to the fire. "Oho! What is this? A declaration of war from the strongest kid in the class?"

Kirishima is the opposite, taking a step forward and getting front of him. He doesn't understand where any of this is coming from. What will he gain from this? He can't see a reason why one would just show up and challenge Midoriya. That's unless he sees him as a threat. He could've gone to Bakugou, after all, those two are more like rivals since they're the two top students, so there must be something else. Something that deals with personal matters. "What's with the belligerence all of a sudden? Don't spring this upon him before-"

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends. But whatever." The cold look in his eyes has them back up, but lzuku lets out a small scoff. He's annoyed, his time is being wasted. Is Bakugou not enough?

Does he really have to be outed by the most powerful students in their class? They watch as he nods, removing his sunglasses but keeps his eyes closed. He rubs his eyelids with a very wide and very amused smile on his face about the whole thing. There is also an underlying tiredness in the smile, but only a few see it. "What's so amusing?"

They all stare at the jaded irises that some of them have never seen before with uncertainty-confusion. What exactly does one think when someone is responding to a declaration of war with a look like that? "You. I find you amusing." He raises his voice with a tone of amusement. "One of the strongest kids in class, declares that he will beat the most useless kid in class! If I didn't know any better, you're doing this so that you can prove yourself. Show someone that you can surpass someone that has something to do with All Might.

Have you ever thought that there may be something else to it? Of course not, otherwise you wouldn't be here proclaiming such a childish thing.

If you want to challenge me, I suggest you do it because of something else. Not because of my so-called relation to All Might." It's quiet now.

Everyone is staring at him. Todoroki had no change in his expression, but his eyes glimmer with anger and slight surprise. "So, listen and listen close. If you want to beat me, don't half ass it."

Once he walks away--purposely bumping their shoulders--someone (it's Kaminari) softly mutters,

"Oh shit. Things are going to get real"

Good going, idiot! You have two chances left! Don't make enemies here.

Bakugou rolls his eyes at the childish behavior.

He's such a psychopath. I will not let that shitty psycho win. I will become number one. And that is what he pledges to the audience, earning complaints and yells of annoyance from them and his peers. As he passes Deku, he sees the annoyance and anger set on his face. He's wearing those stupid sunglasses again. He doesn't get why the teachers even allow it. It's clear that his eyes aren't sensitive. People seem to forget that he has known the runt for so long. He knows that he's lying and that his mom is lying for him, but for what. He doesn't have a quirk, so why does he wear sunglasses? He's lied to him about having a quirk. He has that super strength and speed.

"The first event will be-" Midnight trails off until the board shows. "-obstacle course!"

"You're getting attached again, Death."

"I know."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I can see his future.

He is the one you can attach yourself to."

"You said that a-bout her."

Silence falls onto both beings. One of the men has healthy tanned skin, wrinkled and calloused hands. His eyes are curved, almost round shaped.

Jade colored eyes that are the exact same as his champion. The other man has healthy dark skin, his hands covered in callouses and a few scars here and there. Amber irises set deep into almond shaped eyes are outlined with thick lashes.

Remorse is set in those amber eyes, gripping the railing in front of them tightly. "Yes," says Fate. "| made a mistake. hadn't been able to read her future clearly. I'll admit that it's my fault. If I had read her future better-"

"If you did-he would be an-other's cham-pi-on."

How can Death be this adorable? Their speech is like that of a kid learning new words, sounding out each syllable-yet they have been here since the beginning of time. It's adorable how they speak.

Fate stops his thoughts. Oh no! I'm sounding like Coincidence! Oh, the horror!

"Do you think--think I did good? May-be he is bet-ter-bet-ter... some-one else?"

"Death. It's fine. You have helped him. I honestly cannot see him being another's champion. Maybe one day he'll meet mine, help my champion with the world around him."

Death nods and sighs. "Will-I-zu-ku win?"

"He'll get close. He'll win the first challenge, but the way he does is amazing."

"Who wins?"

Fate smiles, glancing at his longtime friend. "You'll see."


"What? Pomeranian?" The confusion on his face says enough. What is he talking about? Fate doesn't know whether to be amused or worried.

Just where has he learned to say things like that?

"Who are you talking about?"

"Ex-plo-sive quirk."

Holy shit. Is-is he talking about who I think it is?

"You mean the angry blond that hates Izuku?"


Fate has died. He has been taken by Death to the afterlife. His headstone shall read:

Here lies the being, Fate.

He shall be remembered as the most handsome being.

Died by laughing at Death's unknown sense of humor.