
Crimson murderds

Being able to see things no one has ever, is not great. Izuku is cursed to see things he doesn't want to have anything to do with. He never asked to be Champion of Death, but he's stuck with the title. So he's cursed, quirkless, the main target of a murderer, and going to become a hero no matter what. Wait, a target? Well that's nice to know. Let's just add villains into the fray.

Mr_copy_your_story · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 19

Todoroki never understands why something that happens happens. Why someone dies when they're young, or why someone goes through hell for something they never did. He just never understood it, especially in his case. He glances over to lida and ponders this question. If things happen for a reason, then what is that reason?

What reason is there for a child to go through pain? What reason is there for someone to do something so stupid it can get someone else killed? Just what was the reason? Why can't anyone even answer this for him? Shouto lets out a deep sigh as he waits for his friend to get ready. He will be staying there that night with Midoriya, but they need to get this over with. They need answers now, and they are going to get them without prodding too much or by forcing Izuku to tell them. And while waiting for lida, Shout is delving into deep thoughts that he does not even know where they came from.

Just before they get up, the door opens and in comes a frantic Midoriya Izuku. "I am not here. Do not say a word about me." He then makes his way into the bathroom, closing the door quietly and locking it. Before they can even do anything, two nurses come in and ask if they have seen Midoriya since he sneaked out of his room. Shouto lies for the two of them, knowing that lida won't be able to. Once they're gone, Todoroki tells Midoriya that the coast is clear. He doesn't understand what goes on in that head of his small friend; he doesn't want to, he might not understand most of what ever is being thought of. The dual-elemental-quirk user watches as Midoriya slowly makes his way out of the bathroom and walks over to sit down beside lida. "I'm sorry for doing that, guys, but they're trying to force me to take pain medicine. I don't feel any pain. I don't need any medicine, so I ran. Not a good idea but I just cannot be in that room anymore."

"It's okay. We were planning on heading over to see how you are doing," speaks lida. He glances down at his small friend--has he always been that small? Shouto might have never noticed the height difference before. Now, as he sits beside lida, he can just see how small he is between the three of them. Their eyes meet and in this lighting and him not being tired, he notices the pallid complexion and the pale eyes. It's as if when he died, his complexion stayed that of a corpse. That kind of worries both of them and hope that the effects won't be irreversible. That his complexion will go back to looking healthier. "But we also need an explanation for what happened last night,

Midoriya. Surely, you've known this was coming, yes?"

"Yes. That is also another reason why I came. I have to explain it to you and I really don't know how." He sighs, rubbing his hands together as he glances between lida and Todoroki before his eyes land on the floor. "Well, first things first. The way I found you, lida, I had Yaoyorozu make me a tracer and put it on you. Of course, the doctors or nurses must've found it, yes?" A nod. "Okay, I used it to track you, of course. Well, now, me dying but not really." He rubs his wrist and sighs, looking up at the two and seeing them patiently waiting for him to explain. "I don't know how to really even explain, but one day, my wrist starts burning out of nowhere and then I find a marking, a boney hand with three fingers up. I met this person and they told me. I will have three chances. Three chances to basically cheat Death. Any time I came close to dying or if I died, I will be brought back. At first, I didn't think they were even serious but I also couldn't really say anything. I just nodded and left." Midoriya runs a hand through his hair, looking at lida and Todoroki. He really doesn't like lying, but this is for the best. He can't let them know about him being Death's Champion. Three people already know and that is enough.

"So you have two chances left, right? You can't die for another two times?" Shouto theorizes, putting his chin between his index finger and thumb. The two look up at the choking noise that comes from the green-eyed teen. "What? What's wrong?"

Sighing, Izuku pulls down his sleeve and lets the marking fade into existence. One finger is up, showing his last chance. They stare at the tattoo looking marking. "I actually only have one chance."

Tenya sucks in a breath, staring at the antagonizing tattoo. It seems to be taunting him, reminding him what his actions brought upon him.

He really needs to think of the consequences before he acts like the way he did the night before.

The next time, his friends may not be as lucky.

"You've died before?" he whispers horrified that his friend has come close to Death before. (He's come close to Death many times, he speaks to Death, but lida doesn't need to know that-no, he does not need any more scares that week.) He blinks and meets his gaze, steeling his nerves as he breathes out. "When?"

"Um, about last year? I had a run in with a villain. A Slime villain to be exact. I was almost suffocated to death, but then I was able to get free from its grasp before a hero showed up." Midoriya gives him a reassuring smile, reaching up and patting his shoulder. He is so glad they bought the lie that he came up with-the lie that Beetle came up with last night. Midoriya hadn't been able to sleep well after being attacked by a Feeder Ghoul and he had decided to just figure out what to say to his friends. Thanks to the Ghoul, he managed with this, He rubs his eyes before laying back, covering them. "Can one of you call Torino and ask him to bring my sunglasses?"

"Sure. He's coming to pick you up, right?" A nod. lida lets out a small yet long sigh, staring at his friend in disbelief. Sometimes it scares him with how calmly he takes death. Just how is his mental health? Has anyone checked or do they not see what he sees? "You don't think that you need a little longer here to recuperate so that you don't harm yourself anymore. I don't understand why the doctors are even letting you leave just yet. You went through surgery last night, you know."

"lida, I know. I don't want to even think about it." Midoriya sighs and looks away from them. "I just really want out of here. I hate hospitals with a burning passion. Not to mention, my mom will have to pay the bill and the longer I stay, the higher the price. No, I should leave today-I'll be fine." He rubs his temples, humming to himself.

He knows his friends aren't convince, and Shouto can see that he is doing his best to reassure them.

"Plus, l've shown signs of healing quickly. I'll be fine."

Shouto nods, standing and heading to the door.

Upon opening it, he finds Torino standing there with a glare past his shoulder and towards Midoriya. "You're seriously a problem child. Here," he says, walking past him and handing the kid his sunglasses. "You two need to stop lying to the nurses, and you need to stop giving those poor nurses trouble. Really, what is with you running around in a hospital?"

"I hate them. I just really want to leave. But thanks for bringing me my glasses." He takes a deep breath, stretching. He winces and places a hand on his side. "So, can I leave now? Or am I having to be checked over by a doctor?"

The internships end and Midoriya comes out of it sore but more knowledgeable. He knows that he will get chewed out by both Toshinori and his mother--maybe even Aizawa-sensei alongside

Recovery Girl, but he doesn't care at the moment.

He's just really happy to have learned so much from Gran Torino. He can go up to 10% of One For All and if he continues, by the end of next month he should be up to 40%. He just needs to go slow.

Go up a number which each training session that he has whether be it solo or in school. He just really needs to be able to get higher, to get to 100% by the time his first year is over-and if he is lucky, sooner. He sighs as he kicks a small pebble out of his way. Remember when Bakugou called you a pebble on the side of the road? He shakes his head to get rid of the thought. Midoriya really needs to ignore that part of his cognition. He gets home and greets his mother, telling her that she can chew him out after he places his luggage in his room. Ah the feeling of being home when one knows they're about to be chewed out, while knowing that their mother would never tan their hide. It's nerve wracking while relieving.

"Reck-less child, "repeats Death while pacing behind his mother. They're shaking their head, very disappointed in him. That's two people disappointed in him. "Need... care-ful."

"If you ever do something as reckless as that again

-!" she cuts off, her voice quivering at the end as tears well up in her eyes. She hugs him and shakes her head. "Never do that again, not when you're only in high school. If I hear about something like this again, I'm pulling you out of U.A."

"Mom," he whispers at that proposal. "Mom, I cannot promise you that. I'll just have to try my best. I can't turn the other cheek when people need help and you know that."

She sighs, pushing his hair back. "I know, Izuku.

Oh, gosh, I know. It's always how you have been your entire life. I'm asking a lot and I'm sorry. I just want you safe." Inko sits beside him and pulls him into a hug, running her hands into his curly and wild hair. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore, Izuku. I know that comes with the job, but I just don't think I can handle it when you're too young."

"Why? Why is it because I'm young? Mom, I will be living for the next four hundred years and you know that. It doesn't matter how young I am, I will be doing anything and everything to help people until the end of my days -that's in so so long."

Her grasp on him tightens. "Izuku, please. I do not want to remember about you being immortal for the four centuries. I do not want you to die carelessly because of it." She shakes her head, sniffling. "Do not do that. No, please, just don't throw yourself into danger carelessly. I don't like that you're Death's Champion. I don't like it if it means that you are doing things like this. I don't trust Death." I've been okay with it for far too long.

I'm worried. I wish Death never had ever chose you, Izuku. I can't keep doing this. Please, I want you to be my lzuku again, not whatever you will become in the future. It'll take you away one day and I won't ever see you again. I don't want that.

Death glares harshly at the woman behind their cowl. How absurd! They will never do such a thing!

"Mom, I won't."

In his room, Midoriya sighs and falls onto his bed staring at Beetle and at Death. "Izuku, your mom-she doesn't seem to be happy with you and Death's connection."

"Doesn't seem? She isn't," he whispers, making sure not to raise his voice. "At first she was okay, well as okay as one can be when their child is the Champion of Death, but it's starting to show that she can't bare with it." He sits up, leaning against Beetle who wraps his arms around Midoriya to keep him from falling. "I don't know. It worries me with how this is all going. I'm slowly coming to terms with this-this curse, but my mom, I am worried for her. She always saw this as an ability, always correcting me when I called it a curse; why is she acting this way now? Why see it something worse after years of reassuring me that it isn't a bad thing?" He rubs his temple before looking to Death. "Death?"

"Death-not know. Agi-ta-tion? Moms like to keep

-chil-dren safe. Instincts of mo-thers. For the child ... a-cquain-ted with Death--hard."Death reaches over and pats Beetle's head. "Ghouls-chil-dren of Death."

"The Ghouls are technically your children? That's why you take care of them, why they all look up to you. I never really thought of it like that," he murmurs. "And the Reapers? Are they like your children too?"

A nod. "Yes. Rea-pers and Ghouls -Death's chil-dren."

"That's so cool." He blinks, backtracking himself.

He's shocked with how casual he's gotten around

Death. Not even a few months ago did he not like even being associated with Death, but now he's here speaking to them as if they've been friends forever. How does that work? Has he really changed that much? Is that what his mom is worried about? That he will probably leave her to fulfill Death's wishes as their champion? Oh, Mom, I will never leave you like that.