
Crimson Kissed Bride

Aisling, a fiery redhead barely a woman, is bartered away to the enigmatic Baron Kylian Hawkrige. Whispers of a haunted past and a brooding solitude shroud Hawkrige Manor, a gothic monstrosity that chills Aisling to the bone. Her arrival is marred by a shocking crimson stain on her wedding dress – a violent secret that binds her to a fate worse than death. Kylian, a man as handsome as he is haunted, offers a chilling proposition – a marriage of duty, not desire. Yet, beneath his stoic facade lies a darkness that both repels and strangely attracts Aisling. As she delves into the manor's dusty secrets, she uncovers a chilling truth - the stain on her dress isn't the only mark of violence that taints these halls...

Rhysmonde · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Zurakai' Game

When they finally reached the room, Cedric directed the butlers to lay Kylian gently on the bed. Aisling hovered nearby, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched Cedric's every move, her mind racing with questions she didn't dare ask.

"Bring my tools and potions from my room," Cedric commanded, his voice sharp as he glanced at the butlers. Alistair and Gideon exchanged a quick, fearful glance before nodding and hurrying out of the room, leaving Aisling alone with Cedric and Kylian.

She bit her lip, the silence between them heavy and uncomfortable. Cedric moved with purpose, his calm exterior never wavering as he rolled up his sleeves and began preparing for whatever he intended to do next. Aisling couldn't tear her eyes away from Kylian's face, her chest tightening with every labored breath he took.

"Can I do anything?" she asked, her voice small, almost afraid to break the silence.

Cedric paused, his green eyes locking onto hers. For a moment, he seemed to consider her, his gaze intense, as if weighing her very soul. Then, to her surprise, he nodded.

"You can help me," he said, his voice softer now. "But you need to stay calm. This will require focus."

Aisling's brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't know how—"

"You don't need to know how," Cedric interrupted, his tone firm but reassuring. "The power is in you, Aisling. You just need to tap into it. Trust me."

She hesitated, uncertainty gnawing at her insides. Power? What power? But there was something in Cedric's eyes—something unwavering, almost… reverent—that gave her pause. With a deep breath, she nodded, trying to push the fear aside as she moved closer to the bed.

Cedric gestured for her to sit, and she did so, her heart hammering in her chest as she settled beside Kylian. His skin was cold under her fingertips as she brushed a strand of dark hair from his forehead, her hands trembling. Cedric's presence loomed behind her, his gaze intense as he instructed her to place her hands on Kylian's chest.

"Now, close your eyes," Cedric said, his voice low and steady. "And feel the power within you. Let it flow through you."

Aisling swallowed hard, her eyes fluttering shut as she placed her hands gently on Kylian's chest. At first, she felt nothing but the cold, clammy skin beneath her palms, her heart sinking as panic began to rise within her. What if she couldn't do this? What if she failed?

"Calm your mind, Aisling," Cedric's voice broke through her spiraling thoughts. "Focus. Trust yourself."

She took a shaky breath, forcing herself to relax, to push the fear aside. Slowly, her heartbeat steadied, her breaths evening out as she concentrated, reaching deep within herself, searching for the power Cedric spoke of.

And then, she felt it. A warmth, small at first, but growing, spreading from her chest to her fingertips, a gentle thrumming that resonated deep within her. She gasped softly, her eyes flying open as the sensation intensified, the warmth turning into a heat that pulsed through her hands.

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked down, her eyes widening in awe. Kylian's body was bathed in a soft, red glow, the light emanating from her hands, swirling and shimmering like liquid fire. The blackened marks on his skin began to fade, the burns receding, the smoke dissipating.

Aisling's heart soared, a mix of relief and disbelief washing over her as the glow enveloped Kylian, growing brighter with each passing moment. She glanced up at Cedric, her voice trembling with emotion.

"It's working…" she whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Cedric, it's working…"

Cedric's eyes met hers, and for the first time, she saw a hint of something in his usually calm demeanor—pride, perhaps, or maybe something deeper, something unspoken. He nodded slowly, his voice low and reverent.

"Yes, Aisling," he said, his gaze never leaving hers. "It's working. You're doing it."

And as the red glow pulsed and shimmered, casting the room in its warm, ethereal light, Aisling felt something shift within her—something powerful, something undeniable. This power, this connection… it was hers. And it terrified her as much as it thrilled her.

As the warm, red glow faded, the silence in the room grew heavy. Aisling's hands trembled as the last of the light flickered out, leaving Kylian's body unmarked where burns had once marred his skin. Relief washed over her, but it was fleeting, quickly replaced by an exhaustion so profound it threatened to pull her under. Her vision blurred at the edges, and she swayed slightly, feeling the immense toll the healing had taken on her. She glanced at Cedric, who was watching her closely, his expression unreadable.

"You did well," Cedric murmured, his voice calm as always, though she could hear the underlying weariness in his tone.

Aisling nodded, too drained to respond. Her eyes dropped to Kylian, who still lay motionless on the bed. She frowned, her heart pounding with renewed anxiety. Why wasn't he waking up? The burns were gone, the seared flesh restored to its former smoothness. She should be seeing those familiar blue eyes blinking open, a wry smile tugging at his lips, perhaps even a sarcastic remark about her worrying too much. But he remained deathly still.

"Cedric…" Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper, laced with fear. "Why isn't he waking up?"

Cedric didn't answer immediately, his gaze fixed on Kylian's body as he moved closer, studying him with the keen eye of a seasoned healer. His hand brushed over Kylian's chest, and then he froze, his fingers hovering just above the skin.

Aisling's heart skipped a beat as she saw Cedric's face tighten, a flicker of something dark passing through his green eyes. "What is it?" she demanded, her voice sharpening with a mix of panic and impatience. "Cedric, what's wrong?"

Slowly, Cedric pulled back, his jaw set in a grim line. "Look," he said quietly, pointing to Kylian's chest. Aisling's breath hitched as she followed his gaze. There, where her hands had just been, black marks were forming, twisting like smoke into intricate patterns across his skin. They slithered like living things, dark and menacing, as if inked by some invisible hand.

Aisling recoiled instinctively, her stomach churning at the sight. "What… what is that?" she asked, dread curling in her gut, though some part of her already knew.

"Zurakai," Cedric answered, his tone laced with a cold, clinical detachment that only heightened her unease. "The demon who shares Kylian's body. These marks… they're his."

Aisling's breath caught in her throat. She stared at the black tendrils, her mind racing. "But… if Zurakai is part of him, why isn't he… helping?" Her voice trembled with confusion and fear. "Shouldn't he be healing Kylian?"

Cedric's expression hardened, a rare crack in his usually composed demeanor. "He should be," he said, his voice edged with frustration. "That's what's troubling me. Kylian's demonic side should have been strong enough to heal these wounds, but it's as if Zurakai isn't trying… or worse, he's refusing."

Aisling's eyes widened in disbelief. "Refusing? Why? Why would he do that?" Her heart pounded in her chest, a frantic rhythm that matched the chaos in her mind. The thought of Kylian lying there, helpless, because the demon inside him wouldn't lift a finger… it was unthinkable.

"I don't know," Cedric admitted, his voice low. "And that's what worries me. If Zurakai isn't helping, it means something's wrong. Something… different." He hesitated, then added, "Without our intervention, I don't know what would have happened to Kylian. Perhaps… perhaps Zurakai has decided to let him die."

Aisling flinched as if struck, her breath catching in her throat. The room seemed to close in around her, the weight of Cedric's words pressing down like a suffocating blanket. Let him die? No. She wouldn't allow that. She couldn't.

She swallowed hard, pushing back the rising tide of fear. "But he's still alive," she said, her voice firm despite the quiver in it. "We've healed him. He's… he's okay, right?" Her gaze flickered back to Kylian's still form, her hands clenching into fists.

Cedric didn't respond immediately, his eyes narrowing as he examined Kylian's chest. "He's alive," he said slowly, "but he's not waking up. Zurakai isn't going to help him now… and that leaves us with one option."

Aisling's heart skipped a beat. "What option?" she asked, her voice tight with tension. "Cedric, what are you talking about?"

Cedric turned to her, his expression grave. "We need to wake his vampiric side."

Aisling blinked, her mind stumbling over his words. "His… what?" She shook her head, confusion swirling like a storm in her mind. "Kylian is… he's a demon, Cedric. He's part demon, right? What do you mean 'vampiric side'?"

Cedric met her gaze steadily, his voice gentle but firm. "Before Zurakai fused his soul with Kylian, he was a vampire. The demon's power overpowered his vampiric side, making it dormant. But now… now that his demonic side isn't working for him, we need to awaken his vampiric side."

Aisling's heart pounded in her ears, the words barely making sense as she tried to process them. "Awaken… how?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cedric's gaze didn't waver. "By giving him blood."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implications, and Aisling felt the floor tilt beneath her, the world narrowing to that single, terrifying command. She stared at Cedric, her breath caught in her throat, knowing that her next decision could change everything.