
CHAPTER # 1 Rescue

In a desolate city, in the darkness of night, at an abandoned factory, a group of people surrounded the site. Inside, many people circled around, while in the center stood a big, fat man named James, who was talking on the phone in a threatening voice. "Fulfill my demands, or else your man will be..." he uttered.

On the other end of the phone, a woman's voice responded in a cold and strict manner. "You want to kill him? With pleasure. I also am bored with him."

Curious and still intending to threaten, James replied, "You don't want him? Are you sure about that? Well then, don't blame us afterward."

The woman cut off the phone, stating, "Do whatever you want. I don't have time for this."

Turning back with a smile, James looked at the boy, Kris, who was tied to a chair. "Kris, you were arrogant before because of her, and now she has abandoned you. What will you do now?" he asked with a grin. "Beg for forgiveness?"

Kris had short, pure silver hair that was as flawless as it was striking, and his eyes were a deep shade of clear purple. They were so captivating that everyone, including James, couldn't help but get lost in them every time they made eye contact.

he looked at James with mocking eyes and retorted, "Forgiveness? Me? You must be joking. I have never apologized to her. Why would you think I would ask for your forgiveness?" He spoke in an arrogant manner.

Angry, James responded, "You..."

Interrupting him, Kris continued, "I told you from the start that you would be wasting your time calling her, but you didn't listen to me."

James, growing even angrier, exclaimed, "Impressive, very impressive. Even in this state, you refuse to back down." He wanted Kris, lifting his chin with two fingers, a sinister grin playing on his lips as desire flickered in his eyes. "I admire your resilience, boy... If she doesn't want you, then I'll gladly make you my blood slave. You should consider it an honor."

Kris gazed at him, with provoking and angry eyes, said, "Why don't you just kill me?"

James, with a sense of superiority, turned his face, responded, "You don't have the right to decide how you will die. You are just a mere human. You should be grateful to be my slave... right, guys?" Every person there started laughing and agreed in support.

Sighing, Kris muttered, "Fools."

This statement caught James' attention, and he furrowed his brows in anger. "Huh? What did you say?" he asked, growing even angrier.

With a confident smile, Kris provoked, "Fools. Idiot."

James approached him and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Kris, with a sly grin, replied, "Did you truly believe she'd simply allow you to take me?"

James laughed, and those around him joined in, as he declared, "You're still too arrogant. It appears I must teach you a lesson."

Before James could react, a blast-like sound interrupted their confrontation. Confused, James asked, "What happened?"

An injured individual rushed in from outside, gasping for breath, and collapsed to the ground, uttering, "Boss... she's here."

James queestionable eyes, "her?"

In the smoke-filled room, the sound of echoing footsteps, everyone get alarmed, attentive towards the broken gate.

As the smoke dissipated, a woman with deep black hair that seemed to devour everything in its path and pure scarlet eyes that could set fire to anything in their sight emerged from the haze.

James, taken aback, muttered, "It can't be... Selena... no... Madam Selena, why are you here?"

Lena remained silent, after looking here and there, her gaze fixed on Kris, who was tied up behind James.

With a sly smile, Kris provocatively chimed in, "They said they would make me their blood slave!" Lena's eyes flashed with anger as she looked at James and his men.

James moved swiftly to defuse the situation, snapping, "Enough!" He turned toward Lena with a smile and spoke respectfully, "Madam Lena, he's full of lies. It was just a silly misunderstanding. We were only messing with him, you know? Right, guys?" The people behind him nodded in agreement, their voices chanting, "Yeah, Madam. Absolutely...yes!" James continued confidently, "We were planning to send him back without a scratch, sooner or later!"

Lena's voice dripped with disdain as she asked, "Teasing? Misunderstanding?" James stumbled over his words, clearly fearful of Lena's wrath. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and all the way to his toes as he replied, "Uh, y-yes, just some harmless teasing... and a little misunderstanding..."

Interrupting him, Lena retorted, "I just heard you say that you would teach someone a lesson." Her eyes blazed red with fury.

James, filled with fear, took a step back and urgently ordered his men, "Attack her!"

His men rushed to surround her, forming a tight circle, and promptly opened fire with silver bullets. However, to everyone's astonishment, the bullets stopped about ten inches away from Lena. Kris, the only one smiling, watched intently.

Lena's eyes glowed scarlet as she commanded, "Rotanix." In an instant, all of the bullets changed direction, flying back towards James's men. Her eyes intensified in their scarlet glow as she uttered, "Ventara." At her command, the bullets pierced through the bodies of all of James's people, turning them into ashes that scattered into the air.

Witnessing this and realizing that Lena was now focused on him, James grew even more frightened. He seized Kris, positioning himself behind him, knowing Lena wouldn't harm him. He pressed a silver knife against Kris's neck and threatened Lena, "Stop right there! If you take even one step forward, I will cut his throat!"

Kris, surprisingly calm and even happy, chimed in, "Please, can you do it fast and end my life?..fast?... hurry!" James confused on his behaviour as to why he want to die, exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

Kris smirked and replied, "Yeah, I'm a bit crazy. But here's the thing, if you cut my neck, you'll be remembered as the first person in history to dare to harm Lena." His eyes gleamed mischievously as he glanced over at Lena.

Lena clenched her fist, consumed by rage at Kris's words, but she managed to control herself and shifted her attention to James.

James, deep in thought about his options, hesitated. Lena, maintaining a stoic expression, spoke in a low yet firm tone, "If you release him, I won't kill you."

James, taken aback by Lena's unexpected response, couldn't help but express his skepticism. "Do you think I'm a fool? You've never spared any enemies before," he retorted, his confusion evident in his voice.

Lena, her face devoid of emotion, replied, "Believe it or not."

Kris, with a hint of worry in his eyes, added, "No, she's lying! Even if you release me, she will still kill you. Don't believe her, just kill me!"

Lena, observing James's hesitation, raised her two fingers to the sky and declared, "I swear, if you let him go, I will not kill you!"

James, finding a glimmer of hope in Lena's unexpected oath, responded with a mix of surprise and relief, "Are you seriously making a sworn promise? You know breaking an oath in our laws comes with immediate consequences!"

Unfazed, Lena maintained her composure and replied in a relaxed tone, "I have already made the oath." 

Kris, growing more worried, attempted to express his doubts "no, she...." but Lena's gaze silenced him, her eyes glowing as she cast a spell, rendering him unable to speak.

James, feeling a rush of relief, let out a deep sigh and replied in a casual tone, "Alright, If you've made the oath, I'll trust you.."

James removed the knife from Kris's neck and pushed him toward Lena.

Lena swiftly freed Kris from his restraints and held his wrist firmly, causing him to wince in pain.

James, still sweating with fear, hurried toward the exit. He took one step out of the factory, only to be met with a barrage of silver bullets penetrating his body. He fell to his knees, injured and defeated.

As Lena and Kris passed by the barely alive James, he managed to mutter, "How? She took an oath?"

Kris stood there, silently requesting permission to speak with his eyes directed at Lena. Lena sighed, and her eyes glowed faintly as she cast a spell to restore Kris's voice. He said with confusion, "Just give me a moment." Lena looked into his eyes and asked, "Ran away?" hinting that he might run away again.

Kris understood her intentions and replied confidently, "I will not."

She released her grip, allowing Kris a moment, and advanced toward her men.

Kris approached James, looking down at him, and said, "Idiot, you should have listened to me."

As James turned to ash, he responded with a lingering question, "How?"

Kris, feeling a mix of frustration and disbelief, replied, "She only swore she wouldn't kill you. She didn't promise that her people wouldn't kill you, idiot."

James, realizing his mistakes, whispered, "I really was an idiot." He crumbled into ashes, both physically and emotionally.

Zen, a man with black hair and serious green eyes, who served as Lena's assistant and bodyguard, stepped forward with a solemn expression. He reported, "Madam, everything has been taken care of."

Lena's voice remained cold as she gave her instructions, "Zen, cancel today's meetings and contact me only in case of an emergency." Zen respectfully nodded and said, "Understood."

"Kris!" Lena pointed her gaze at him, signaling him to come over. Kris understood her intentions and, with a disappointed look, stood near her.

Lena grasped his wrist, her eyes glowing, and said, "Luminexira." In an instant, they vanished from the scene.

Meanwhile, Zen issued orders to his men, "Go and erase all traces." The men acknowledged his orders with a simple "Yes" and began their work.

Zen sighed, realizing how troublesome the situation was and how exhausted he felt.


On the outskirts of a bustling city, there stood a grand villa surrounded by a dense forest on one side and the vast expanse of the sea on the other, giving it an elegant appearance. In the darkness of the night, the villa remained silent, resembling a ghostly mansion. A faint light glowed at its front gate, and within its dim illumination, Kris and Lena were standing. As the light faded away, Kris looked lifeless, a pallor on his face, his hand clutching his chest. He said, "Do you really have to use this method?"

Lena, her face devoid of expression, replied, "Get used to it." She still held his wrist tightly. Kris, looking at his wrist now reddened from her grip, raised it and said, "Let go now!" But Lena paid no heed and began to move forward toward the villa. Kris insisted, "Hey! Let go!" She pushed him inside with her, and they entered the villa.

The villa was adorned with opulent and antique furnishings, presented in a simple yet elegant manner.

Upon entering the villa, Lena led Kris to the first floor and guided him into a spacious, dimly lit room suffused with eerie silence. She threw him onto a bed positioned in the center of the room, right in front of a window that let in an eerie breeze.

Lena paced back and forth around the bed, her eyes filled with anger and furrowed brows. She seethed, "How dare you?"

Kris sat back with a faint smile on his face and replied, "Dare to what?

Lena, observing his laughing expression, grew even angrier, her eyes furrowed. She gripped his chin firmly and demanded, "How dare you laugh?"

Kris continued to mock, his eyes smiling and provoking, "Why can't I? Are you going to control my emotions too?"

Lena's eyes furrowed even more, and she tightened her grip on his chin. She said, "I told you never to go out at night, and especially not to disturb me tonight. But what did you do?"

Kris, with cold eyes, retorted, "Disturb you? You shouldn't have come then. Let me die there!" His gaze turned even colder as he added, "Didn't you say on the phone that you were bored with me?"

Lena's eyes furrowed even more, and she grabbed his throat, forcefully pushing him down onto the bed. She accused, "You planned it."

Kris winced in pain but replied defiantly, "So what?"

Lena, consumed by anger, tightened her grip on his throat and warned, "Kris, don't do it again."

Kris's face contorted in pain, yet he still managed a smile, saying, "Ha, I will... do... it... again."

Lena tightened her hold even more.

Kris winced in pain, his smile still present, and asked, "Are you... finally going to... kill me?"

Lena snapped out of her anger upon hearing his words and released her hands. Kris began coughing, his face still contorted in pain. He tried to sit up, clutching his chest and catching his breath. Turning his face toward Lena, who sat beside him with an expressionless look, he smiled and said, "Not going to break my neck."

Lena, observing his smile and the pain on his face, recognized his intention to provoke her further, possibly in a bid to create an opportunity to escape.

"Kris," she said with a voice that carried a veneer of honeyed menace. Kris sensed a distinct change in the air and turned to face Lena, her eyes sending a chilling shiver down his spine

"You see," she continued, her finger tracing the edge of her silk sheet... The smile never left her face, but her tone darkened, and the room's atmosphere thickened with tension. She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Kris's ear as she whispered, "Death is too easy a punishment for you."

Kris felt the weight of her words pressing down on him as he surveyed the opulent yet oppressive room. The soft moonlight's glow seemed to amplify the aura of danger.

As Lena began unbuttoning her shirt, her smile was anything but inviting; it was a calculated blend of allure and danger. "Kris," she purred, her voice a seductive whisper.

Seeing the glint in her eyes, Kris stumbled back and stammered, "You... don't," his voice filled with uncertainty

Lena pressed forward, closing the distance between her and Kris.

In fear, Kris jumped off the bed and rushed toward the door. Lena's eyes glowed, and with a sudden, unexpected click, the bedroom door locked. Panic welled up inside him as he rattled the doorknob, but it was futile. Lena stood by the door, her expression unwavering, making it clear that he couldn't escape her.

"Kris," she purred seductively, grabbing his collar and pushing him back onto the bed. Lena, authoritative and aggressive, leaned closer to him and said, "You can't escape from me, so why struggle?"

"I'm stubborn, and you know it," Kris declared, his voice carrying a mix of anger and fear.

She approached him slowly, her smile still a dangerous blend of allure and menace. Her piercing eyes bore into him as she said, "I know about your stubbornness, but my husband, don't you have your duties to perform?"

Kris smiled back, though he trembled inside, locking his eyes with hers. He asked, "Husband? Do you even consider me as your husband?"

A sinister smile played on her lips, and she leaned closer to him, her gaze never leaving his. The room felt like a trap, and Kris realized he was at her mercy. "You see, Kris," she continued, her smile widening. "You are my toy, one I can break and mend anytime I want." She clenched her fist and then released it.

The smile was anything but warm. It was a cold, calculating grin that left Kris with a sense of impending doom.

Lena leaned in closer, her breath tickling his ear as she whispered, "Don't you think of getting rid of me even in your dreams."

Her eyes glowed, and Kris lay down on the bed, his body no longer under his control. He couldn't move, and a sense of helplessness washed over him.

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