
Ambika (I)

~~(POV) Ambika~~

I slowly opened my eyes… I kept staring at the unfamiliar roof but I didn't panic. Instead, I was happy… I slowly turned around and my eyes landed on the person sleeping beside me. Her beautiful crimson hair covering most of her face… My heart fluttered in happiness, yesterday wasn't a dream. Everything was real! 

Magic was real!! Once again I closed my eyes and I could only hear Destiny's soft snores. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes landed on the shameless girl beside me. She was only wearing what she called a corselet to cover her chest and a pair of knickers to cover her bottom. 

Is this common with foreign girls?? Maybe I should give it a try… but aren't they too revealing?? Well… I suppose it's fine since both of us are girls. I noticed that Destiny's arms were wrapped around my waist… It feels slightly uncomfortable but I suppose it is fine. Today, I was going to get my own Wand. This is so exciting!! 

My life has never been good… I was abandoned by my parents when I was only around 2 years old. I don't even remember their faces. I only know my name because they left me outside an orphanage with a letter. Life in the orphanage wasn't anything good. It was hell for me. 

Everyone hated me because of my unnatural white hair… Well, hate isn't the right word, they simply feared me and their fear led them to hate me and everyone inside the orphanage became my tormentors. My personal Demons. Even the Matron ignored my plight… 

I never had any hopes of getting adopted by anyone as soon as I discovered that I was abandoned by my real parents. Everyone called me a Witch due to my hair but I never hated my hair, it was a part of me… It's what made me… me. So, I started to hate everyone around me. 

I was only 5 years old when something weird happened for the first time. All the children in the orphanage were bullying me and like always the Matron was simply ignoring everything. I wanted to hurt them and two girls in front of me dropped to the ground while clutching their hands screaming in pain. 

Since that day, all the children and the Matron started to fear me even more. Apparently, I had somehow broken those two girls' hands. That was just the start… weird things kept happening around me. Sometimes a book flew into my hands when I badly wanted it or sometimes my wounds would disappear like they were never there in the first place. 

Even though I knew that I was hated, I held strong. That is until I turned 15 and that old bastard's eyes landed on me. The Matron was too eager to get rid of me so she immediately decided to marry me off to that bastard and the rest is history. Even though I didn't mean to kill him… I don't regret it now. I am glad that I have killed him. 

I hated the word Witch but now… now, I don't know how to feel. Now that I know the truth about myself, I can't find myself hating that word. I wanted to laugh… all of them have been right from the start. I am a Witch. Once again, my eyes landed on the sleeping form of Destiny. 

Everything changed because of her and I am really glad that I was able to learn the truth about myself… I don't know where I will end up in the future but I will never leave Destiny's side… 

<Line Break>

Destiny groggily opened her eyes and her hand immediately went towards her crotch. Destiny groaned as she felt the dampness between her legs. She had read about this but this was the first time it has happened to her. Destiny was glad that Ambika was not in the bed or she would have been embarrassed as hell. 

Destiny was having a wet dream involving a certain white-haired Witch before she woke up. Destiny could still feel the lingering touches she felt in the dream… the heat coming from the body mashing against her. Destiny groaned as she got up… she was really horny right now. 

'Does this mean that I swing the other way?' Destiny questioned herself and she knew it was a stupid question right now. Destiny released a defeated sigh 'Obviously, that was a stupid question. I wouldn't be dreaming about a naked woman otherwise' Destiny concluded and pushed herself off the bed. 

She really wanted to get a release but she didn't want to get seen by Ambika. That would be really awkward. Destiny had kept her trunk under the bed… she pulled out the trunk and popped the hood. She needed to change her underwear before going out…

<Line Break>

"Are you sure you are ok? Your face looks slightly flushed" Ambika questioned Destiny, looking slightly worried. 

Destiny had a small blush on her face. Destiny quickly shook her head to get her mind out of the gutter. Destiny couldn't stop herself from remembering the scenes from her dream. The naked body of Ambika making love to her… once again Destiny shook her head to clear her thoughts. 

"Yeah… don't worry. I am completely fine" Destiny assured as she started to change her hair colour using Human Transfiguration. She also slightly changed her skin tone… Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction. 

"Wow! You look like a completely different person right now" Ambika said in an awed tone and Destiny simply grinned. 

"That's the idea…" Destiny said with a grin and used her kiddie Wand to shrink Neptune. 

"But why would you need to hide yourself?" Ambika asked with a slightly confused tone. For a moment, Destiny didn't know if she should answer truthfully or not.

"...I had to kill a few people" Destiny said and Ambika could only nod her head. Destiny stared into Ambika's eyes to watch her reaction. "They were trying to capture me. They started to use lethal attacks, so I also stopped holding back" Destiny finished. 

Obviously, it wasn't the whole truth but it was the gist of it. Ambika didn't know what to think about this but she also had blood on her hands… so she decided that she didn't have any right to judge. Ambika decided to drop the matter for now. If she was in Destiny's shoes then she would have probably done the same. 

Destiny internally nodded her head when she concluded that Ambika wasn't bothered by the fact that Destiny had killed several people. Ambika had already trusted Destiny with her own secret and Destiny knew that hiding the fact wouldn't help. Coming out clean from the start was a much better choice. 

"Ok… grab my hand" Destiny said softly as she extended her hand towards Ambika. Ambika grabbed Destiny's hand with an unsure look on her face. Destiny couldn't help but feel the softness of Ambika's hand… Destiny shook her head to clear her mind and both of them Disapparated with a loud crack. 

Both Destiny and Ambika appeared right inside the entrance of the Magical Society of Calcutta. Ambika grimaced and lurched forward… 'Now, I know why she didn't want me to have breakfast' Ambika grumbled internally. She was yet to notice the change in her surroundings. 

Destiny hesitantly placed her hand on Ambika's back. Destiny started to pat the older girl's back soothingly. "Don't worry, you will get used to the feeling" Destiny said but her mind was slowly getting filled with some steamy images. Ambika groaned as she finally registered the change in her surroundings. 

"...What?!" Ambika asked in a bewildered tone as looked around. "What? How?" Ambika questioned Destiny, completely forgetting about her previous discomfort. 

"It is called Apparition, it is one of the main modes of Magical Transportation" Destiny explained with a grin on her face. Ambika's eyes sparkled in wonder. 

"Can I learn it even though I don't like how it feels?" Ambika asked excitedly. 

Both Destiny and Ambika were getting weird looks from everyone since they arrived but the two of them completely ignored the looks. It wasn't anything new… even though both Destiny and Ambika were quite young nobody bothered them for using Apparition. In India, you don't need an Apparition license but if you splinch then you are on your own. 

"Yes, you could learn it but before that, you need to be proficient with Magic before learning something complicated like this… getting splinched is a really messy way to die" Destiny explained and Ambika didn't know what 'splinched' meant but she wanted to avoid it. 

"Okay, let's get you your Wand" Destiny said and started to lead Ambika towards the Wand store. Ambika kept staring around with clear awe in her eyes. The whole experience was completely surreal for her. 

Both Ambika and Destiny entered the Wand store and a bell chimed as soon as they stepped inside the store. A middle-aged man slightly older than Gellert was sitting behind the counter. The man stood up from his seat and decided to greet the two girls but before he could say anything, Destiny decided to speak up. 

"She needs a Wand" Destiny said, pointing towards Ambika. The man could only nod his head as he walked out of the counter. 

"Sure… sure… but she looks kind of old for her first Wand" the man said and Ambika simply looked slightly embarrassed while Destiny's lips thinned in displeasure. She never liked shopkeepers who asked too many questions. There was no rule that a Witch or Wizard couldn't own more than one Wand. 

"Yes, we are somewhat poor and Wands are pretty expensive" Destiny said with a blank look on her face and smiled dismissively. The man frowned but it wasn't his business to pry. The man clearly didn't believe Destiny, but decided to drop the matter. 

"...So, which is your main arm?" The man questioned and took out a measuring tape from his pocket. 

"I use my right hand" Ambika said and extended her hand. Even though the experience was completely new for her, she kind of understood that the man wanted to measure her arm. 

The man started to take measurements of Ambika's arm and moments later, he gave a stiff nod and turned around. Ambika understood that the man was probably done so she lowered her hand. With a swift motion, the man summoned his Wand from his Wand holster. Destiny didn't show any reaction due to the display but it was completely different for Ambika. Her eyes shined in excitement. 

Ambika was quite new to this world and everything she saw simply amazed her. Even the tiniest bit of Magic created stars in her eyes. The man waved his hand and summoned a couple of boxes from the shelves. The man laid down the boxes on the counter and opened one of the boxes. There were several Wands inside the box. 

Ambika's eyes sparkled in excitement after she saw the Wands. Probably one of them was going to be her Wand. That felt really awesome… Destiny simply decided to stand aside and watch the show… 

<Line Break>

Destiny and Ambika finally walked out of the store only after 15 minutes. Ambika's Wand was a pretty easy match… 10⅔" Hazel with a Unicorn Hair Core Wand. The Wand along with a holster cost 3 Galleons in total. Ambika was pretty excited to get her own Wand and she wanted to try Magic as soon as possible. 

"So where are we going to sell these things?" All of a sudden Ambika questioned pointing towards a pouch. Inside the pouch, she had stored all of the pieces of jewellery she had been wearing yesterday except for her charmed bangle. 

"In the Muggle World, Gold isn't that valuable in the Magical World. After all, Galleons are practically made of Gold" Destiny explained and Ambika was shocked to her core when Destiny's words registered in her mind. Destiny just spent 3 gold coins to buy her a Wand and holster?? 

"Um… Okay" Ambika could only agree with Destiny with a meek look on her face. All of a sudden Destiny's stomach rumbled. 

"Yeah, we should probably eat" Destiny said and Ambika also felt somewhat hungry so she didn't protest. Destiny quickly led Ambika towards a small restaurant. Ambika sat down with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face. She really felt out of place as this was the first time Ambika found herself in this sort of establishment. 

"You look uncomfortable, is everything alright?" Destiny questioned as she sat on Ambika's opposite side. For a couple of seconds, Ambika only shifted in her seat uncomfortably. 

"...It is everything… You know, all of this is completely new for me and I never expected anything like this" Ambika said meekly. The waitress finally made her way to Destiny and Ambika. 

Destiny quickly ordered a couple of things for herself and Ambika. As soon as the waitress was gone, Destiny turned towards Ambika with a smile. "I understand what you mean, it was the same with me… you would kind of get used to it as the time passes" Destiny said with a shrug. 

There wasn't anything Ambika could do, so she decided to simply look around. Only now did she notice that none of the women were wearing sarees… all of them were dressed in some sort of western clothes. This convinced Ambika, even more, to try out new clothes. It was pretty clear that sarees weren't common in the Magical World. 

"...Can we visit a clothing store after breakfast?" Ambika asked meekly and Destiny easily nodded her head as it wasn't a big deal and she really thought that Ambika needed new clothes. 

After a few minutes, the food finally arrived. Ambika quickly learned how to use a spoon after watching Destiny only for a couple of seconds. After paying the bill, both Destiny and Ambika walked out of the restaurant and made their way towards a clothing store. 

"Hello dearies, how may I help you?" The store attendant of the clothes' store asked in a cheerful tone. The attendant was a young woman probably in her late twenties but it was hard to tell since Magical People grew older based on their Magical strength. 

Destiny didn't say anything and she simply started towards Ambika. The shop lady also understood that it was the older girl who was buying clothes. Ambika quickly noticed the attention and became nervous. She didn't know how to start as she had never worn anything except for sarees. 

"...Um… do you have robes? Like the one you are wearing right now?" Ambika questioned slightly nervously and the woman immediately nodded her head. 

"Yes, not only these, I have other types of robes too… Do you want to check them out before making a decision?" The shop lady asked politely and after a few seconds, Ambika agreed with the offer. Even though she liked the design of the robes the shop lady was wearing, it didn't mean that she couldn't browse the other designs. 

Destiny and Ambika spent almost an hour browsing through the various designs of robes. Even the shop lady felt slightly tired and she had to ask one of her workers to show the two of them around. Destiny wasn't a fan of robes but since Ambika had asked for her opinion, Destiny didn't back out. 

Only due to the application of Occlumency, Destiny was able to keep her head cleared throughout the time. She kept seeing images of Ambika in various types of beautiful robes. After selecting the robes, Ambika shyly asked for undergarments, she decided to go with corselet and knickers just like Destiny. 

All the clothes including the undergarments came with a fitting charm so they didn't have to bother with the body proportions of Ambika. The white-haired girl was quite glad about that feature, she was quite shy about the body, unlike Destiny. Since they were buying a lot of stuff, arranging everything was going to take some time. 

"So, how much do I need to pay?" Destiny questioned. 

The shop lady smiled. "It would be 2 Galleons and 7 Sickles, dearie" the shop lady answered and Destiny nodded her head. She pulled out a Galleon from her pocket and placed it on the counter. 

"Get everything ready, there are a few things we still need to buy" Destiny said the shop lady nodded her head in understanding. Both Destiny and Ambika walked out of the store after a few moments. 

"So, where are we going?" Ambika asked curiously as she didn't have anything else to buy. 

"First, we need to get you a trunk, and then we would be visiting the apothecary" Destiny said. Ambika understood the necessity of a trunk as she had seen Destiny's trunk which was much bigger from the inside. 

'Having a trunk like that must be convenient' Ambika thought. "Apothecary?" Ambika questioned with a confused look on her face as she didn't know why they would need to visit an apothecary. She knew what an apothecary was due to the knowledge she had gained from Destiny through the language Potion. 

"You would need some potions for that time of the month. Believe me, you would thank me later" Destiny said like it was a matter of fact but invisible question marks started to appear over Ambika's head. For a moment, she didn't understand what Destiny was referring to. 

'That time of the month?' Ambika wondered for a moment until realization finally dawned on her face. Her face lit up like a Christmas Tree and she hissed in disapproval surprising Destiny. 

"You shouldn't talk about such things in the open, it is not decent" Ambika hissed and grabbed Destiny's shoulder trying to reprimand her. 

"Why not? It is completely natural, all women go through something like that. It is not shameful or anything, it is completely natural and hiding that fact won't change that" Destiny retorted and Ambika grimaced looking around. Ambika looked around fearfully and found two passing-by women nodding their heads in appreciation after hearing Destiny's words. 

"I don't know how things are in the Muggle World but you shouldn't be ashamed of something like that…" Destiny added softly and Ambika couldn't help herself from frowning. 

"But…" Ambika tried to protest but Destiny simply placed her finger on Ambika's lips. 

"Just trust me on this, you won't regret it" Destiny said and Ambika reluctantly nodded her head. She wasn't happy with the development but she was willing to trust Destiny. After that, the two of them quickly made their way towards a trunk shop. 

After getting a standard trunk for Ambika, the two of them made their way towards the apothecary. Ambika was kind of fidgeting nervously but she somehow managed to go through the whole deal, as Destiny was the one who asked everything and bought everything in the shop. Ambika simply stood still, trying to disappear into the background. 

After that, Destiny quickly made a trip to the Gringotts branch office to see if Gellert had replied to her previous letter or not and surprisingly, she found a package waiting for her, obviously sent by Gellert. Ambika wanted to ask a lot of stuff but she held back her curiosity for now.

After that, Destiny browsed through a lot of street stalls just out of curiosity but she didn't find anything eye-catching so she decided to return to the clothing store. 

Everything was prepared when the two of them finally returned to the store. Ambika quickly stored the clothes in her trunk while Destiny cleared the bill. After that, both of them left the clothing store and Destiny and Ambika Disapparated from the Magical Alley of Calcutta. 

Destiny and Ambika appeared inside the house they have been living in. Destiny released a tired sigh and plopped down on a chair as she pulled out the package sent by Gellert. She quickly tore through the packing and found a couple of newspapers inside the package along with a letter. 

'At least, it's in English' Destiny sighed in relief. Destiny was yet to learn Bulgarian. Destiny opened the first newspaper and a huge smile graced her face. A huge poster of Gellert has been printed on the front page. 'Gellert Grindelwald Wanted for the Murder of Desislov Krum' Destiny smiled after reading that. 

"Who is he?" All of a sudden, Ambika questioned from the side. Destiny turned towards Ambika so she could look into the older girl's eyes.

"He is Gellert Grindelwald, my saviour, my only family. He was the one who saved me and made me what I am today" Destiny said softly. A gentle smile was present on her face. Ambika understood that the person was definitely the most important person in Destiny's life. 

"He has killed a traitor… you will understand more in the future as you start learning about the Magical Society…" Destiny said and Ambika could only nod her head in understanding as she had no idea how the Magical Societies worked. 

"So, can I start learning Magic?" Ambika asked excitedly and Destiny simply chuckled after seeing the excitement of the older girl. 

"Why don't you go and wash yourself? We will start after that" Destiny said and Ambika hurriedly made her way towards the washing area. Destiny chuckled and opened the letter. 


I have been fine. How are you? Before anything else, let me congratulate you for mastering something like the Patronus Charm, that's a great feat. Something even I am yet to achieve. I can't express my happiness in simple words. 

Unfortunately, your Patronus didn't arrive here… now, I am really curious to know what your Patronus is. I have started to practice the Charm once again but I haven't made much progress as of yet. 

Aside from that, I wanted to tell you about my first attack but you will probably get all the details from the newspaper. I am planning another attack, I haven't decided on the date yet but it will be soon. Take care… 



Destiny put away the letter with a smile on her face. Destiny took out her trunk and placed everything inside the trunk and plopped back on her chair. A minute later Ambika finally arrived with a huge smile on her face. Destiny could clearly see herself in Ambika. 

"Ok, we are going to start with the most basic Spell. The Levitation Charm…" Destiny started to speak with a grin on her face as she noticed that the stars in Ambika's eyes started to shine more brightly… 

<Line Break>

~~August, 1921 (India)~~

Two months have passed since Destiny found Ambika lurking in the forest and since then, the two of them have been travelling together. Ambika was quickly absorbing all the knowledge. Surprisingly, Potions were Ambika's favourite subject. Ambika was also learning about Magical Societies and their problems. 

Throughout these two months, Destiny has also improved a lot, especially in the department of Occlumency. Ambika had asked Destiny's help with the clothes as she had no idea how to wear them at the start so the image has been ingrained in Destiny's mind. To hold back her hormonal urges, Destiny had to improve her Occlumency. 

Well, vibration Spells did help her out from time to time when the urges were kind of getting out of hand. Destiny didn't want Ambika to think of her as a sexual deviant so she did all of that when Ambika was busy with something else. Destiny hid it well but she underestimated a woman's intuition even though she was a woman herself. 

Ambika had noticed the glances Destiny kept giving her but she had decided to remain silent regarding this matter as she didn't know what to do. Thankfully, she didn't know anything about Destiny's vibrational activities. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't attracted to Destiny or she didn't find Destiny beautiful, but she simply couldn't disregard all of her childhood education. 

Since she was small she had been taught that a woman should only have a relationship with a man. Erasing that lesson from her mind was much harder than she had thought. Aside from that, Ambika was having the time of her life. She couldn't believe how her life has changed in two months. 

The two of them were still travelling around Calcutta as it wasn't a small place. Ambika was preparing some breakfast right now and Destiny was nowhere to be found. Destiny had said that she needed to get some ingredients and left the house early in the morning. Whenever Ambika wasn't learning, she kept wondering about Destiny, just like right now. 

'What should I do??' Ambika questioned herself but received no answer. Since she was small she had been taught that a woman must marry a man but that was a Muggle rule, right? She wasn't a Muggle so she should stop considering that rule, right? 

Secretly Ambika had read a lot of books related to relationships in the Magical World. The Magical World was quite liberal regarding this matter… it was completely legal in all the Magical Societies. In some Magical Societies, same-sex relationships were somewhat common while in some other Societies, it was frowned upon even though it was completely legal. 

Ambika was finally brought out of her thoughts when a soft crack was heard from the front yard of the house. Ambika didn't even need to look… she already knew that it was Destiny. "Destiny, wash yourself. The breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" Ambika said loudly. 

"Ok" Destiny answered as she made her way towards the washing area. After a few moments, Destiny made her way back to the front yard and plopped down on a wooden chair. Destiny quickly pulled out the stuff she had bought and placed them on the table. With a wave of her hand, Destiny summoned her trunk and placed everything inside her trunk. 

She took out the ritual book she had bought and closed the hood of her trunk. She placed the trunk beside her chair and placed the book on her table. Ambika finally arrived with two plates in her hands. She placed the plates on the table and sat down on another chair. 

"So, did you get the things you were looking for?" Ambika questioned and Destiny simply nodded her head with a grin. 

"Yeah… I have everything. Tonight, I am going to perform the first ritual in this book" Destiny said and Ambika's eyes grew wide in worry. 

"Rituals are pretty dangerous, you know" Ambika reminded and Destiny gave the older girl an unimpressed look. 

"Yeah, I know. That is why I decided to wait for so long. I wanted to confirm everything before doing anything. I don't want to end up like a jigsaw puzzle" Destiny deadpanned and Ambika could only release a defeated sigh. 

"So, you are going to perform the first ritual, right? The cleansing ritual, right?" Ambika questioned and Destiny gave her a stiff nod. 

The cleansing ritual was a foundation type ritual. It was a pretty simple and easy ritual. Most of the Witches and Wizards in this country have gone through this ritual. This ritual didn't do anything, it simply cleansed the impurities in your body to improve your body foundation. With a better body foundation, you would get better results from the next rituals in the book. 

"Tonight is the night of full moon, it is a night of Magical Significance. The results are going to be much better" Destiny said with a smile and Ambika nodded her head in understanding. 

"Do you need me to do something?" Ambika asked and Destiny started to chuckle. 

"You won't need to do anything… but you could always watch" Destiny said as the two of them continued to eat while chatting about other topics. Ambika hasn't read the ritual book herself as it was pretty advanced for her but she knew about a couple of rituals from the other books. 

In India, ritualistic Magic was pretty common magic and only any type of human sacrificial or endangered animals sacrificial rituals were banned. You could do rituals on your own but it was strongly recommended that you should conduct a ritual under strict supervision to avoid accidents. There were even professionals available for hire who would help you through a ritual. 

The two of them finally finished eating and after that Destiny helped Ambika with the plates and utensils via Animation Magic. Ambika hasn't started learning Animation Magic as it was quite a complicated form of Magic. Ambika was still learning beginner Spells as Destiny was being insistent on being non-verbal and point casting. Even though it was taking more time, Ambika clearly understood the advantages. 

After the two of them finished cleaning everything, Ambika started to practice Magic in the front yard while Destiny moved everything away from the front yard. Then she started to prepare the ritual circle. The ritual circle wasn't anything complicated like the ritual circle from the blood adoption ritual but Destiny wanted to be ready before sunset. 

Ambika kept glancing towards Destiny from time to time as she was also interested in the ritual even though she didn't know the specifics. It took Destiny only half an hour to prepare the ritual circle and then she started to practice on her own.

Sometimes Ambika kept staring with an awestruck look on her face as Destiny practised magic. Ambika shook her head to clear her mind and resumed her own practice. 

The rest of the day passed in the blink of an eye. Before sunset, Destiny once again inspected the ritual circle. This was a simple ritual but Destiny didn't want to risk anything. After all, just like Destiny had said, you could end up like a jigsaw puzzle if anything went wrong even though the chances of something going wrong were pretty low. 

The moon finally came out and Destiny started to prepare the ingredients. Ambika also left everything aside and came to watch the ritual. After preparing the ingredients Destiny left the place. Ambika started to inspect everything from the sidelines. She didn't want to mess up anything by mistake by getting close to the circle. Ambika found anything related to Magic to be fascinating. 

A minute later, Destiny returned dressed in a thin robe. Destiny's eyes flickered towards Ambika for a moment before she shrugged off the robe from her body. Ambika immediately lit up like a Christmas Tree as she noticed that Destiny's wasn't wearing anything under the robes. Yes, Destiny was in her birthday suit. 

"W-What are you doing!?!!" Ambika questioned with an incredulous look on her face. In the two months, she had seen Destiny in various states of undress but this was the first time she saw the girl completely naked. 'She is hot' a wild thought appeared inside Ambika's mind. 

"Clothes could interfere with a ritual. It isn't compulsory but it is recommended" Destiny said with a small blush on her face but she didn't fail to notice the massive blush on Ambika's face. Destiny was almost 14 years old but she was quite developed in certain regions and she was still growing. 

Ambika was going through a huge internal debate right now. Half of her mind was telling her to look away due to her childhood education while the other part of her mind was telling her to fuck it and stare at Destiny. It felt like days for Ambika but in reality, only a second had passed but she finally came to a decision. She decided to give up her Muggle Education as she was not a Muggle. 

She finally stared at Destiny's naked form illuminated by the moonlight, Ambika wanted to etch everything in her mind. Destiny might have been oblivious until now but she was still a woman. She noticed Ambika's heated gaze on her body and internally cheered. She wasn't the only one who was interested in the other. 

Destiny rejoiced as she felt Ambika's gaze taking her in. So, Destiny decided to give Ambika a show. Destiny might have helped Ambika with the clothes but Ambika was a shy and conservative girl so Destiny hasn't seen the older girl completely naked. She had imagined a naked Ambika a lot of times but she was yet to see the real deal. 

Destiny slowly made her way towards the centre of the ritual circle. Throughout the whole time, Ambika's heated gaze was fixed on Destiny. After reaching the centre, Destiny turned around giving Ambika her full view. Ambika's breath hitched and once again, Destiny internally cheered as she confirmed that Ambika was interested. 

This was the main reason Destiny had decided to bare herself during the ritual. If Ambika wasn't interested then she would try to avoid gazing at her body and even if she gazed then she wouldn't be enthusiastic about it but if Ambika was interested then Ambika would be gazing at her body with much more than slight interest, which Ambika was doing right now. 

Ambika's eyes gazed upon Destiny's chest. They weren't overly large. 'They would perfectly fit in my hands' Ambika thought internally as she etched every detail in her mind. Ambika didn't know Occlumency but even without that, she would never forget the sight. Ambika's intense gaze finally landed on Destiny's pink nipples which were hard due to Destiny's excitement. 

Ambika's eyes slowly trailed down Destiny's flat stomach until her gaze reached Destiny's most private spot. Once again, Ambika's breath hitched. 'Her carpet matches her drapes' Ambika concluded internally. Destiny loved the feeling of being watched like that by Ambika but she had more important things to do like a ritual to perform. 

Destiny closed her eyes and used her Occlumency to clear her mind. Destiny took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged at the centre of the circle. Destiny opened her eyes and stared into Ambika's eyes. "I am going to start, wish me luck" Destiny said with a straight face. This finally broke Ambika out of her trance. 

"Good luck but I know you won't need it" Ambika said in a confident tone. Destiny finally activated the ritual and the whole circle lit up brightly. Destiny felt a tingling feeling around her body and black ooze started to come out of the pores of her skin. Destiny wasn't bothered as this was supposed to happen but she had underestimated the pungent smell. 

The ritual circle finally disappeared along with the ingredients. Destiny immediately noticed a slight improvement in her Magical Pathways. She cast the Lumos charm Wandlessly and felt a minute improvement. 'The Magic is flowing slightly faster than before' Destiny thought as she stood up. Her eyes flickered towards Ambika who had a sour look on her face due to the pungent smell originating from Destiny. 

Destiny wanted to talk with Ambika about the prospect of a relationship but she knew that it wasn't the right time. Destiny quickly made her way towards the washing area as the smell was getting unbearable. "I am going to take a bath" Destiny said and walked away without bothering to cover herself. 

Ambika wasn't oblivious. She knew that Destiny had noticed her gaze but she no longer cared about something like that. She still felt slightly uneasy but it was almost negligible. Ambika summoned Destiny's robe which was still lying on the ground. Ambika neatly folded the robe and placed it on the chair's armrest. She slowly got up and made her way towards the kitchen while still thinking about Destiny's naked body.

<Line Break>

"So did you feel any improvements?" Ambika asked as she placed two plates on the table. A satisfied grin appeared on Destiny's face. 

"Yes, my Magic reacts slightly faster than before" Destiny said with a grin and started to eat. She felt rather hungry after the ritual. 

"Can you help me perform the ritual too?" Ambika asked and Destiny nodded her head without even thinking. 

"Yeah sure but you should wait until the next full moon" Destiny said and Ambika nodded her head in understanding. The rest of the dinner passed in complete silence as both of their minds were filled with thoughts related to each other. 

After dinner, Destiny helped Ambika with the cleaning and after that, she decided to practice Human Transfiguration before sleeping. Destiny simply wanted to keep her mind occupied with something other than Ambika. Both of them were aware that both parties were interested in each other but neither Destiny nor Ambika had any sort of experience regarding this matter.

That was making the situation more awkward. Now that both of them were aware of each other's feelings, they didn't know how to proceed. Ambika was a shy girl from the start who was learning about the world after she met Destiny. Destiny was an outgoing and bold girl but she didn't want to hurt Ambika by saying something she wasn't supposed to. 

Destiny scratched her head in frustration and gave up on practising for today. It simply wasn't possible as her mind was filled with thoughts related to Ambika. Ambika was also having a similar problem, she was inside the house reading the' Charms for Dummies' book as she had exhausted her Magical Core. With a sigh, Ambika finally closed the book and placed it on the table. 

'I think I should sleep' Ambika thought defeatedly and stared towards the front yard. Destiny was still there but she wasn't practising Magic right now. Ambika decided to use this chance to get changed. Unlike Destiny, she still wasn't comfortable to sleep in just a pair of knickers and a corselet. Unlike before she didn't sleep in sarees but now she slept in nightgowns. 

After changing into a green silk nightgown, Ambika climbed into the bed. She tried to sleep but it was no use as her mind kept playing those hot images inside her mind. Ambika was finally brought out of the gutter when she felt the bed shift slightly. Obviously, Destiny had decided to join her in the bed, both of them slept in the same bed so it wasn't anything new. 

Once again both of them felt pretty awkward. Ambika's whole body was facing away from Destiny. Destiny was looking up at the ceiling. Like any other day, she was only wearing a pair of knickers and a corselet. 'Come on, Destiny! Ambika isn't going to make the first move' Destiny chastised herself in her mind. Destiny took a deep breath and decided to make the first move. 

Ambika almost yelped in surprise when two arms snaked around her waist. "Destiny! What are you doing?!!" Ambika shrieked in panic. Her heart started to bear faster. She couldn't believe this was happening. 

Destiny didn't answer and simply pulled Ambika closer to her. Ambika felt Destiny's hot breath hitting her nape and she felt an odd feeling around her stomach. It almost felt like butterflies were spawning inside her stomach. Destiny was also feeling somewhat similar. For a couple of minutes, neither of them said anything. Both of them could feel each other's fastened heartbeats due to their position. Ambika could also feel Destiny's chest against her back. 

After some time, Destiny turned Ambika towards her. Ambika didn't protest and went along with it. For a few moments, both of them simply kept into each other's eyes. Destiny decided to make the first move and leaned down and placed her lips on Ambika's. At first, Ambika panicked but moments later, she simply melted into the kiss. Ambika subconsciously opened her lips. 

Ambika's eyes grew wide when Destiny's intrusive tongue invaded her mouth. At first, she panicked and tried to pull away from her tongue but only managed to tangle her tongue with Destiny's. Destiny pulled Ambika even closer to her to gain better access to Ambika's lips. The kiss was sloppy as expected but it was fine with both of them. Subconsciously both of them started to gyrate their bodies against each other. 

All of a sudden Ambika froze and pulled away from the kiss and averted her eyes from Destiny's. A confused look appeared on Destiny's face. 'Am I going too fast?' Destiny thought but shrugged it off as she decided to ask Ambika. Shooting arrows in the dark wouldn't help. 

"What happened?" Destiny asked softly and moved away a lock of beautiful white hair covering Ambika's face and tucked it behind the older girl's ear. 

"...We shouldn't be doing this" Ambika said and lowered her head, trying to hide her face from Destiny. Even though Ambika was the older one in between the two of them, it was pretty clear that Destiny was the one who was going to hold the reins in the future. 

Destiny frowned after hearing the answer. "Why?" Destiny questioned in a firm tone but didn't move away from Ambika. 

"This isn't right… What will the others say?" Ambika asked weakly. Once again, Destiny frowned but the frown disappeared from her face as quickly as it had appeared. 

Destiny placed her hand under Ambika's chin and lifted her head so both of them could look into each other's eyes. "It is pretty clear that you like me… and I also like and you are still worried about the others? Remember we are no longer in the Muggle World but if you are still worried about the society then look into my eyes and say that you don't like me" Destiny said in a firm tone. 

Ambika was bewildered by the statement and she understood that Destiny was dead serious about the matter. She felt her stomach sink after hearing Destiny's last statement. She could never do that. It was simply impossible. She stared into Destiny's beautiful crimson eyes and gulped loudly. For a moment, Ambika's eyes trailed down to Destiny's enticing lips. 

While Ambika was through her internal turmoil, Destiny was also panicking inside her mind. She didn't know what Ambika was going to decide but she was going to respect whatever Ambika decided. Even if Ambika decided that a relationship between them was wrong then Destiny wouldn't speak of this matter again. 

Once again, Destiny's words rang inside her head. 'She is right, we are no longer in the Muggle World' Ambika thought and finally made a decision. A decision that was going to change her whole life. She decided to follow her heart and her heart along with her mind told her to be with Destiny. 

So, Ambika did the only thing she could do at this moment… she leaned forward and placed her lips on Destiny's…

7275 words in this chapter.

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