
Dimensional Gate

While I was enjoying a warm shower, something weird happened. All of a sudden, it felt really cold, and I heard a scary growling noise.

I looked up and saw a swirling vortex materialize before my eyes a dark hole appearing right in the bathroom.

A Dimensional Gate?! I was freaked out, but then closed my eyes and pinched myself only to find out that this was reality. With my heart racing, I got goosebumps all over my body. 

As I stood there, bracing myself for whatever might emerge from the gate, a strange sensation washed over me. It was like being pulled by an invisible force, drawing me closer to the swirling abyss.

At that moment my memories of earth were crystal clear, I felt all emotions and saw many faces of happy moments with my family and some friends, I lived a life full of regrets the happy moments became dull in front of the sadness although I had talent I never worked hard to achieve my goals or rather " I HAD NO GOALS " to achieve. 

Without hesitation, I stepped forward, feeling a surge of energy enveloping me as I crossed the threshold I thought it was a space time wormhole that would either lead me to the past or the future.


Suddenly everything around me changed. Colors shifted, shapes morphed, and I found myself hurtling through a kaleidoscope of dimensions. Time seemed to stand still as I journeyed through the fabric of space and time, experiencing sights beyond imagination.

Finally, as the chaos subsided, I landed on solid ground, my surroundings bathed in an otherworldly glow. Before me stretched a landscape unlike anything I had ever seen—alien structures towered in the distance, strange flora dotted the landscape, and a sky pulsated with hues of violet and indigo.

As I took in my new surroundings, a sense of awe and wonder filled me. I had entered a realm beyond the confines of my wildest dreams.

but then looked down to see that I was naked without any clothes?!

there where huge tress everywhere and plum blossoms falling on my head from above the environment looked like earth but the pressing matter was that I needed some clothes.... 

As I was looking for clothes I found a shabby looking hut nearby covered with leaves and made of wood, but before entering the hut I had to find some clothes or make some using leaves, 

After a while I managed to tie some leaves to my hip using some vines and made spear using a wooden stick and stones.

i looked at the hut again and saw some monstrous faces on it covered with spider webs without any hesitation I entered inside, to my surprise the interior was quite spacious and i realized something....

As my gaze swept across the room, it fell upon a sight that filled me with both relief and disbelief—rows upon rows of brand new clothes, neatly arranged as if awaiting my arrival. Without hesitation, I approached, my fingers grazing the fabric as if confirming their reality.

With a sense of wonderment, I selected garments that seemed to beckon to me, their colors vibrant against the muted hues of the hut's interior. As I dressed myself in the newfound attire, a sense of transformation washed over me, as if shedding the remnants of my former self and embracing the unknown that lay ahead.

The clothes, far from modern attire, bore the unmistakable markings of ancient Chinese design, their intricate patterns and rich fabrics speaking of a bygone era.

With each fold and seam, I felt a connection to a culture and time that seemed worlds apart from my own.

How had these ancient garments found their way into this surreal realm, and what role did they play in the tapestry of my own journey?

But it was not only the clothing that caught my eye. Nestled at the side, gleaming in the dim light of the hut, were a collection of swords—each one a masterpiece of craftsmanship, their blades whispering tales of battles long past.

As my fingers traced the cool metal of the swords, a sense of unease crept over me. What use did I, a mere traveler lost in this strange world, have for such formidable weapons? And yet, there was an undeniable allure to their presence, a promise of strength and protection in the face of the unknown. 

The chilling voice cut through the silence of the hut like a blade, its resonance echoing with an ancient wisdom and power that sent shivers down my spine.

who are you young man?

the audacity to steal from my lair....

As a shiver raced down my spine, I couldn't resist the urge to glance over my shoulder, compelled by an unsettling curiosity. And there, standing in the shadows of the hut, was an old man.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

RyoKaizencreators' thoughts
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