
first meeting with Arjun Singhania

Third pov :-

At morning, kavya goes to a lake near her home like she does every year on her grand ma 's birthday

Every year she makes a wish for her and her family and tosses the coin in the lake.

This time too , she prays to her Grandma to give her whatever she wishes to, as a gift.

She tosses the coin with smile on her face but instead of falling in the water, it falls on the ground and starts rolling towards the jungle.

Kavya follows the coin and just when she is about to pick it up and leave,

Just then, with a screeching sound, an injured puppy falls on the ground near the unknown women

That women tears her scarf and nurses the puppy, hands it over to her driver and tells him to take him to the hospital.

Her driver resists saying they shouldn't separate a mother from her child but women tells him that sometimes it is necessary to take Mother away from the son so that he can learn something in life by his own

Kavya wonders how kind and soft-hearted the women is who took care of the puppy

She then prays to her grand mother to give that woman whatever she wants, and tosses the coin in the lake.

She then realised that she already late so she rush towards the road

Till now she used to go to court just like an assistant lawyer but this case is the first case of her life which she will fight as lawyer

She did not tell anyone at home because she wants to give surprise to everyone in the house and today she goes to Collect the paper of the case as well as the case file for study and she also thinks to meet defendent too so she rush towards her car

The Government decides to review unsolved cases pertaining to prisoners as a goodwill gesture on independence day ,

Kavya pov :-

I went directly towards the jailor cabin

" You are wasting your time miss Megha, take another case instead of him he's been here for 2 years..& is always into his own world & never tells anyone anything about himself..it seems as if he doesn't want freedom at all & is comfortable there in the jail "

I pick up the paper from table and signed them and turned around and tells him

" sir don't you think It's wrong to give up without trying, since childhood I never give up so easily and according to me freedom is the birth right of every person & I will somehow get to know his dilemma & release him out.."

I tell him directly looking into his eyes, he look at me and start moving towards his lockup

while walking up the stairs he tell me that he is shock that why mr Mittal gives me this case while he know that this case is very difficult for you

He talks about my first case where i works as a assistant for jai sir he is one of the most famous lawyer in country

when he won the last case he gives me whole credit that he could win the case because of my research and investigation on that case , he is gem of person infact he is one of my ideal

" I told you once again miss kavya , he sometimes gets violated so be careful with him don't consider this case as your first case"

" thank you so much sir , thank you for being so kind I will be careful please now show me the way " I don't like those who judge me according to my experience

I think by my expressions he knew that I did not like him talking about my experiences

I walk with him and start looking at the lockups ,

While walking to his lockup I felt so strange that all the lockups are on the front side then why his lockup is in the corner and isolated from others

He stopped in front of a lock-up and look at me with a serious expression

"I know you don't like me to interrupt in your work but my daughter's age is same as your that's why I am worried about you so be very careful as he becomes so violent whenever someone tried to talk to him and his lockup is isolated than other because he is not human he is much more dangerous than a wild animal if you want I can show you How he mercilessly beat other prisoners when they tried to take his food "

I am little scared when he tell me about him and I felt sorry too here he consider me as her daughter and I am thinking stupid about him

" I am sorry sir I thought you judge me by experience but don't worry sir I will be extra careful "

I genuinely felt sorry but he smiles at me and patted my head lovingly

" it's ok daughter I can understand it's happens during initial days , I was same like you but with times it all becomes normal " I smile at him

Then he take out his phone from packet and show me the pictures of the prisoners who is beaten by him and I am shocked

Their whole body is filled with bruises and wounds I don't know why but Its a lie if I tell to myself that I am not frightened ,

I take a deep breath and starts motivating me come on kavya , don't worry and just try to focus on your work you can't give up so easily by seeing some pictures , he just told you to be extra cautious that's it, nothing more , just switch on your proffesional mode and go for it "

We have reached near his lockup sir ask constable to open the cell for me and left after patting my head lovingly

I smiled at both the constables as they are in their old age but in return they look at me with weird expression

" Is this police station or a ghost house , why everyone here gave me the feeling of ghost house "

I ignore everything and head towards the jail & a constable opens the lock for me to enter

I goes in and first thing I saw is darkness and only darkness

I came out instantly and take a deep breath, " wh...y why ....darknnnnesss everyyyywhere " I ask a Constable with shaking voice

" we tried so many times but every time he breaks the bulbs," they tell me arrogantly

I start thinking as I will not go without light for sure as I 'm scared of darkness since childhood but now how will I interact with him

Then idea came in my mind I tell them to bring candles then One of constable left to lit candles in lockup

Meanwhile I put papers in my bag after arranging them correctly

They came back after lit the Candles I thanked them and went in again

Now , lockup looks much better as compare to previously

I pray to god to make every thing right as it's my first ever interrogation with my client previously I have just done research for jai sir

I looked around me and saw a pitcher placed in a corner and a small chatai ( the mat ) is on a floor and he is lying on the chatai( the mat ) with his hand on his face

he is taller then me for sure as his legs were coming out of the blanket

I started moving to him so that I can wake him up i never felt that much scared in my whole life which I felt today ,

Its not the first time I am coming to interrogate prisoners but today I felt different may be because of that jailer who told me to take extra caution

I starts calling him so that he can wake up , " mr Singhania , mr Singhania i am your lawyer kavya " but he didn't move an inch,

I again called him and this time little loudly but again no response

" what's wrong with him is he deaf can't he hear that I am calling him since so long but he just won't get up "

I really don't want to touch him but I am already going out of time so I bent and move my face little closer to his

My heart really beat faster now but I motivate myself " don't worry kavya nothing will happen, you are strong just do your work fastly and get out of this place you can do it "

" I take a deep breath and touch his shoulder blade, but still he didn't wake up ,

" What to do now, he is human or Kumbh Karan?" ( known for his sleep in India)

I again collected all my confidence and this time, I shaking him so intensely

This time I called his name louder near his ear so that he can come from his sleep,

But what he did next shocked me so much he grabs my hand and drag me under him

He Make a fist to punch me , these all happened so quickly that I could not understand anything

In a reflex motion I covered my face with my both hands as a shield to protect myself from his punch and closed my eyes tightly due to fear.

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