
The Ambush

It was almost as if Norine hadn't had at ability to hear anything. She slowly opened her eyes, wakening to the feeling of something wet and warm. She had no knowledge what happen during those moments before she was blinded by a truck's head lights.

She slowly blinked a couple of times, before slowly moving her head to look at Bared. She pressed her fingers against his arm and.... his arm was cold. It felt rather odd to her. Or more of on the side of strange.

Wait... W.... What's... What's happening...?

Oscar felt heavy on her... on... on top of her... He felt like multiple large bags of dog food piled onto her. W... What was going on? What happened?

Norine slowly began to realize the situation she was in. No... no, this can't be... why...

Her eyes widened to the sight of Bared's lifeless body in front of her. She gasped loudly and tried to move back, but quickly found the Oscar was laying on her... dead. Oscar's blood had been trailing down her arm before she could even realize it.

Oscar's head was bleeding and the window was cracked.

She looked at the driver and found that he was even dead.

She tried to push Oscar's heavy lifeless body off her back, She needed to get out of the wreaked vehicle.

Norine's arms and legs were in excruciating pain, but that didn't stop her from moving. She moved passed the body next to her and pressed herself against the door. She closed her eyes, gasping out in pain, but that still didn't stop her. She pushed her way out just before letting herself hit the ground.

Glass was shattered and scattered everywhere. Norine's face, arms, and legs were cut up and bruised, but there was something else that caused her more pain. She wasn't aware what was causing her it. The pain was almost unbearable. She winced, the ringing in her ears and her head pounding was too much for her. Her eyes would only see what was faint.

She began to hear voices behind her. They weren't Oscar's or Bared's or the driver's and they didn't sound like they didn't sound like the smallest good thing in the world.

"Search the car! Find the girl!" A man ordered his men from somewhere in the distance.

At that moment, Norine coughed up iron tasting blood. She crawled over the sharp pieces of shattered glass under her. Gasping each time she was cut. Her eyes widened. Find the 'girl'? Do they mean...

Whoever these people were, they certainly didn't sound like anybody Norine wanted to mess or consult with. She didn't even want to call out for help to them. She had a bad vibe and trying to call out to them would probably end up bad for her. She would probably end up in a worse situation than the one she was in right now.

Norine let out a cry of pain. It was muffled to her ears. Her ears continued to ring. She tried her best to get up onto her feet, but that only caused her more pain.

'Get up, please get up!!' She begged herself. Her body shook as she forced herself up with her injured knees. She groaned and screamed lightly as she managed to left herself up. The men somewhere behind probably heard her scream. By now they would probably already be closer. She had to get away.

Whoever these people were... and why were they after her...?

She breathed heavily, her heavy breaths sounding more like pants. Her arms and legs felt like they were soaked in.. in alcohol. She'd never felt so much agony before in her entire life. She was the only one left alive in the wreak. Shouldn't she of had died too?

She fell back onto her knees, which caused her to cry out in pain. She whimpered as she tried to pull herself up. When she finally brought her feet up, she wrangled her body as much as she could. This pain was so unbearable to the point she felt like fainting.

Norine looked over her shoulder back at the wreaked vehicle and thought about Oscar, Bared, and the driver. Even though Oscar and Bared were rude as hell to her, like everybody else was, she still felt saddened by how their lives had ended the way it did.

Why... why like this...?

The thought about them not having a second chance at life that they may of had deserved. It pained her. Why... why was she given a second chance and not them? Why hadn't she been the one to die?

Norine did her best to limp her way away from the area. The shouts from the men somewhere behind her only made her move quicker while hurting herself more in the process. The voices made her even more terrified by the second. She absolutely didn't want to stick around to find out who the men were or why they were searching for her.

Why me.. Why me..?

She quickly, yet painfully moved off the road and moved onto the grass. She wasn't planning on looking or going back. Of course she wasn't. Who would?

Her head pounded in her skull. She stopped and put both hands over her face. She was tired an was on the verge of collapsing. She let out a groan and then a heavy breath, slowly lowering her hands from her face. She silently stared forward for a moment before finally collapsing onto the grass below her.

Her body shook and she panted, feeling her knees getting ready to give out. She let out a shaky breath before allowing herself to fall unconcise.

The last thing she saw as her vision began to fade was a tall figure emerging from the dark... the figure seemed to have some sort of light.

A light... heh... what was she thinking?

Or maybe...

Maybe what she saw was real.


Was she finally... Was she going to die here?

Was she going to die?



Hey guys! It took me almost a full day to write this chapter. I'm really looking forward to writing this story. I hope you guys like it! :) <3

Sen_Yoshiokacreators' thoughts