
The betrayal

It was a long night as Leon closes the door ready to take a nap. He switched off the light as he turns and walks toward the staircase.

"Are you okay, Leon?" asked Jessie the maid

"Whoa Jessie, you gave me a fright…Yeah am okay…just a little tired…if I rest now ill be okay don't worry," said Leon as he turns to another room.

"Wait… uhm…" said Jessie as Leon stops and looks her straight in the eye.

"Is there something bothering you?" asked Leon as Jessie blushes.

"Well the thing is… I just got fired… so this is my final day around here… tomorrow morning ill be off to my place," said Jessie as her eyes reveals some regrets as tears start to drop.

Leon gave her a gentle hug to console her.

"How did this happen?" asked Leon still holding her.

"The young boss… he said I was slow and reckless…he also added some insult making me look like a fool in front of the big boss… I didn't get any credit," said Jessie.

"Ill speak to the big boss early in the morning… he'll listen to me," said Leon so sure about himself.

It finally hit five o'clock in the morning as Leon woke up, begun walking towards the boss' office. Only thirty minutes before everyone could wake up. He stopped as soon as he saw the light to the boss' office still on.

"He must be busy…but master doesn't always wake up this early, let me see if I can talk to him about Jessie," said Leon to himself as he knocked the door.

Instead the door opened with just one knock. He was shocked though. He opened the door slowly…

"Master, I want to…" said Leon as his smile turns to horror as he sees a dead body seated on the boss' chair. It was the boss Santos stabbed to death lifeless on the seat. He rushed to the boss as he tries to pull the knife out and that is When Maria showed up finding Leon with the knife held in his arm.

"Everybody wake up, The boss has been murdered," shouted Maria as Everyone woke up and rushed towards the boss' office upstairs.

"It's not what you think… am innocent here please believe me," pleaded Leon as everyone couldn't believe him.

"Someone call the police immediately… He should be arrested… what a house manager… turns out hes a killer too," said Claus The boss' son.

Then time passed as the police arrives and takes away Leon.After a few days, he was taken to court.

"Well your honor, this man has been charged with murder of the late Santos," said the lawyer on Clause side.

"I didn't kill anyone…its all wrong…" exclaimed Leon as hes interrupted by the judge.

"Silence mr… You have no permission to speak," said the judges. "so do you have the proof of what youre saying?" asked the judge.