
Help chapter 15

We kept on are way for two days it was never ending we stopped for a brake and to let the horses rest kids are we getting close I asked yes we are I don't know how much longer she has I know said the little girl but we really don't have much to go that's good then let's get going ok I helped her onto night and the little boy he hasn't said a word to me but before I can get him up there he yells look behind me I dropped him and turn and catch a knife the was thrown at me I here foot steps in the trees there I flung my magic at it and the man fell to the ground I wested no time in had him at sword point who are you and what do you want I heard night kicking the ground I tuned to see that he was not alone I back to him I had him at my back and day to my left I asked again who are you he didn't answer then it came from my right a young man quick as can be ran at me with a sword in hand night get her out of here I pushed my magic out and set the boy on day I hoped that Cressida stays on day run she did just that the man met my blade he tried to shove me back but I held strong the little man from before came at me with a pare of small daggers I have had enough of this I let them collide when the other man came at me it was funny how they ran right into each other they both got up and looked me over what are you they asked I was taken back by this I don't know what you are asking no one has so easily made a fool of us and stopped my sword or heard us for that matter so I ask again what are you I am nothing that has the time to talk with you I wanted to walk away at this point but I couldn't so I did the next best thing I used the speed that I had and nocked them out but I left them tined to a tree and there wepons hide in a bush I ran to where they were I was a very long run they had taken a very hard path but I made it back what happened back there I don't know I said helping the boy off of day and on to night I climbed onto day were to over this hill that's it yes we finally reached a cluster of trees the kids got off of night and ran for a bind of trees this way they called I made daylight move on and night as well we passed through the trees and on the other side was a gate and there before me a tree so tall I had to lean back to see the top of it wow this is just but it was all cut short when a arrow was shot at me I ducked out of the way but jumped down and ready myself for a fight I hoped to the gods that I could keep the kids and myself safe but nothing happened the kids called out stope they have helped us get back and saved my life and my brothers as well the people fell from the trees is it so princess Leia yes we need to see mother now I miss her and I want her to know that we are back and safe and sound and she needs help right now but we can't tack them in with out permission from the queen I am sorry but we do not have the time for this we go now but now she yelled my savior is about to lose her entire being if I do not see my mother she walked on by if she has a problem with this then so be it but as of right now they are guests I want to see my mother now she lead the way I followed right after we round most of the way in silence but it was killing me at how slow we we're going can we go any faster I am sorry let's go daylight went fast to the front of the huge tree we stopped there I pulled Cressida off of day and into the tree mother Leia called mother where are you a calling came from the thrown room She ran to it mother she said as she ran and hugged the beautiful lady that had been passing the room the little boy was not to far behind when she saw me are you the one who brought them back yes your queen but I need your help right now you see she looked to Cressida and the bow on her back bring her here now or she will be forever be lost I pulled her over to the queen and she sat her down on the thrown and with a hand on cressida head she started to sing the room filled with wight light and the smell of pine but all at once the light was forced into cressida head

It was cool were I was nothing can hurt me and nothing will find me I hide in my mind for what seemed like days my mind going num and I started to forget who I was and the people close to me I couldn't remember there names or what they looked like but my hart told me to hang on to fight a little longer so I did I held on to that feeling and there a sound so sweet so kind I looked around me in the dark corners of my mind three was nothing like that here but if I fought to find it the thought of it awoke something in me the fight the drive I pulled myself that from the core of my despair and worked my way to the top I didn't know what I was doing or what was happening but when I made it to the top were I finally remembered everything from what had happened what I almost did but stopped just in time before I hurt her I let it sit with me let dwell on it and let it go the song that had pulled me from my sadness from the unforgivable situation I had replayed over and over in my mind what I did was unforgivable trying to kill the one I had help had promised to never hurt to trane and help her grow I now understand I have to live with it let it go don't let the crime I did cloud my judgement and hurt me any more she said it was ok and now it is

The light that was forming around her was crazy the light touched everything she was lifted in to the air a silver band was raped around her and the darkness that was once in her was pulled from her and bruned to ash as the song came to a end she was put down I rushed over to her she looked fine her temperature was gone and the color in her face was back the only think that was new was a simple silver band on her head

I opened my eyes to see Calista eyes on me I am sorry for what I did I lost my .....before I could finish what I was going to say she hugged me don't do that again or I will kill you she said I am sorry I ....I hugged her back I will not I am sorry for scaring you and everybody I looked around were are we um about that I turned oh my Gods we are here with the queen I am sorry for all of the trouble I've caused from losing myself to the wicked thoughts of my imagination there is no need she said I am glad that one of the Warriors have come to seek my help and has returned my little ones to me I am happy to give you the traning that you are going to need and to help return the balance to back to what it was before my self and many others are there more of you yes your queen there is one more and the one who was the carrier as well although the old one has moved on to the new world is that so then who might be the new carrier of the weapons only one he trusts it would be his grandson was he a trust worthy person yes he went through hell to keep the wepons safe and find the next holders of them I did my best to help Ade in the training of the other carrier I was the frist found I see then you are the leader of the carriers yes your queen what is your name young one it is Cressida you will go and get your friends and being them here once that is done you and the others will be trained you see we do not have all of the carriers I see then we need to find them frist I know that but I wish to be trained frist why she asked I wish to be trained so that I can teach the others to shorten the time needed here and to finally fix what was broken years ago it is a plan that will help and speed up the process for us I agree with you we will begin once you have gotten your friends thank you I stand to Leve also let you bonded animals out they will help you know about them yes I do and what secrets they carry with them as well but more on that later she said go and find them let's go calista we walked out of the thrown room down halls of my God's I just met the queen of the elf's yes you did we also saved her son and daughter she also saved you and you have a new piece of jewelry I do I feel around of what is this I pulled it off and took a good look at it wow it's so nice I put it back on and continued down the hallway were are we going I asked Calista I don't know were I am do you know how to get out of here nope there was a awkward silence between the two of them you mean to tell me that you don't know where we are I didn't really pay attention to where we were going as you know you where not in the best of health when we got you here what was the frist think I taught you to know where I am at all times and to keep track of my surroundings and why didn't you do that I....we don't have time for that we need to get out and get back to everyone just then I heard little paws on the marble floor heading our way I turned to see crimson running full speed to me but he soon realized his mistake he couldn't stop he slid right into me almost nocking me down my goodness you have grown I looked down to him and he was now as tall as my hip and when he stood up on his hind legs he was as tall as me all the same I hugged him and let the soft white fur rub against me I missed you I said through the mind link me to where is azzara still in the bag she didn't want to cause any trouble you know how to get back I asked yes this way he went down a hall way and turns left and there a massive door with two knocker stood before us wow and that's not all the door had been painted with a cherry blossoms tree with it's pedals falling so softly it looked so real but it wasn't I pushed it open and there was my night but tune off people where around him looking him over some even dare tuch him he looked like he was about to lose it but I walked over to him but it took all of my strength to stay standing as his big head nearly pushed me to the ground hey there you need to help me out here he picked up his head and looked me over I am ok now don't worry how are you doing that someone said I just do I pulled my self up let's go Calista we have to get back fast it will take two days to get back and if I know Adonis he might be on his way now its only a matter of time before he is get here

The time ticked by and not a minute more did it stope me from going after Cressida but the boys instead that I say and wate but it killed me to do so with her out there and with the way she was what if something I stopped that though just as it started I over think to much I know that she is ok and I know that Calista would fight and kill if she needed to get her back it's only a matter of time before she comes back on that midnight horse of hers and back into my arms were she will never leave again I moved form the bed that I was in and out the door hoping to get my mind away form the thoughts that remain there but its all ways going to be there but I find something to keep me occupied I have been training the boys hard not with there wepons but with stealth and working them until the can go no more it has only been a week but the have improved I can no longer here then and both of them can almost keep up with me when we run but what's been bothering them is that that have not picked up there wepons in a week but that doesn't matter Felix tried his best to help but that ended in me having to pull them apart and stope them from killing each other that is the one thing that has been keeping me on my toes it's a non-stop fight but at least there doing something and not getting into trouble I continued to walk the town for sometime but what I saw turned my stomach slaves they had brought slaves to this town my hole being wanted to tear apart the one leading them but I let him walk by I had to will myself to stay put and not do anything because if I did I would do more harm then good but something Cote my eye there in the back was a cage why did they have a cage my thoughts were put off by the smell it was a cross between dirt and shit not to mention the smell of death that came with them I wanted to leave but the cage it had me curious what would they lock away that was so dangerous they couldn't control what was it I wonder they even had a cloth draped over it I needed to know I walked a little ways into the woods and shifted I went back to were they had stopped for the night I almost didn't breathe because of how bad the smell was I made my way to the cage with out being seen I got to it and peeked under it but was really confused it was nothing dangerous but something cute a bunny why would they keep a bunny in a cage this big and why the hell a bunny I was about to leave when the dam thing stared to talk to me are you here to kill me wolf I shook my head side to side saying no wate you can understand me yes I need help I was taken by force and everyone .... The bunny was now a little girl she was covered in bruises and I could see the the marks around her ankles and reasts she was charged before for how long what did she do to deserve this mistreatment why her she was so small she looked to be 6 maybe 7 years old I wanted to kill the one who did this but I wasn't thinking right what I needed to do was think what would she do well that something I thought I would never say I know what I am going to do little one I will be back it is not safe for me here I said after shifting I will be back tonight to get you so no more tears ok yes Wolfe ok now be strong for me until I get back with help ok she said I ran I ran for the inn I didn't stope the memory was coming and I couldn't block it out

When I was little thinks we're never easy I had to run and hide at every turn the cuts I have the scars I had said it all but the night before all of this happened I had a mother she was kind and loving had the brown eyes that I do that's were I saw most of the love she had but when I was 5 she showed me how to shift it was important she said if at any time I needed to I could hide or run she showed me frist the tall lean wolf that stud before me had the same feeling in the eyes but we're now a gold so I tried just as she did I pictures if I wanted to be the same is my mother I could feel my bones shift from one to another it hurt but I wanted to know I wanted to have my mother's image when I did there a small pup but the same eyes as her but before she could say a thing there was a snap and a crack there was some one else here to she picked me up and ran fast and Hard she stopped hid me in a hollowed out tree stump and ran mom I cry out wate for me but I was too late when I finally caught up there she was tied up and then a loud thunder and she moved no more mom I ran to her mom I got to her side I didn't know what to do I was at her side but the tires that came never stopped and then someone tryd to touch me I bit him and ran my eyes blurry from the tears mother she is gone

I snapped back when I got to the inn i need your help what it's going to be stupid and dangerous what's going on I saw a little girl who is not only the sweetest think but she is also a shifter like me I can't lever her but I can't do it by myself can you help me I have done some crazy thinks but this is something else you really want to do this yes I am in Cody said I think its brave of you and what do I have to lose do you have a plan Felix asked....no but I don't need one then what are you going to do then what just walk on in there why no one was looking and hope for the best yes that is exactly right but at night when we have the advantage and no one can see us I can get us in with out a sound but I want you there just in case something goes wrong I don't want to have to choose between you and the girl so please help me out Felix fine I will but we get in and out fast ok we Leve to night

It's cold she wined I know but we have to keep going but I don't want to I just want to sit next to the fire I know but its taking longer for us to get back if we need to go I now but it's so cold I know let's get going fine we put out the fire and started off why does it have to be so cool Calista stop winning and keep going ok let's go Daylight she walked on if we keep going in half a day we can make it to the village what why didn't you say so she made day move like never before but that didn't stop night form passing her come on in won't take long cressida stop what ..night stopped just in time there was a net on the ground why is this I gave it a yank and it flue up it's a trap no I know we're we are stay close to me ok what's going on you know how I told you I mad some enemies well this is one of then you see I how I met you was because of this guy he stole crimson and azzara when I was nocked out because of blood loss this I think is one of his traps and I would recon it is have you come to give me back what's mine they we're never yours to begin with Crimson jumped out of the bag along with Azzara there teeth out and ready to kill what the the man said crimson was the frist to move the man had tried to come at me but crimson lunged at and he took a step back what the what is this that's when I see water rap around him azzara how the Crystal remember that's right it was made for bond animals the man went to hit her but crimson was right there with a shield to block his punch she finished him off I could here the church of bones and the cry for help but I let it happen I know that they needed this as much as I needed it they wanted him to feel the pane the had endured when he took then from me the pane of not eating for weeks and the pane it caused me when they were not there the water was now a red and Azzara let him fall to the floor they came back to me good job you feel better now yes they said then let's go what the hell just happened something you wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain it to you ....let's go I don't want to say here any more that was a show yes it was let's not tell anyone what happened today ok ya let's not but now I know I have the best Fox's around and I love them for it

It was night I had carried felix and Cody on my back the Cage it was dark little one are you there Wolfe yes and some friends you came back were you strong like I said to be yes good I am going to get you out now really yes she sterd to cry hey now what did I say you need to be strong I am not crying because I am sad I am happy I tried and find the lock but can't looked everywhere we're the hell is it then I see it on the top a small key hole I punched my knife into it and Hurd a cick and the cell opened the little girl jumped into my arms thank you let's go I switch with my wolf and have Cody hold her as I ran us out of there I got about half way there before the gards we're looking for us but it didn't matter they were looking for foot prints not paw prints it was a really hard run a lot of extra wate but I made it to the other side of the town they hoped off and I went back she jumped back into my arms hey do you have a clover mark on you you mean this she held out her foot yes that we need to take that off so that the mean people can't find you oh how I have to cut it off can I do that but that's going to hurt me isn't yes but only for a minute I swear ok you promise Wolfe yes I do ok go I be as fast as I can with her she wiggles a little but other then that we got it off ok let's go to the inn and get you cleaned up what's that it wate I can't do that you a little girl ok well Cressida will be back to night I think she can do that for you but for now let's rap that foot and go to the inn ok I carry her to the inn and set her down she seem to be happy and strangely trusting but let's hope that Cressida doesn't mind that I have her

It's about midnight when we get back I put night away and went to the room I was followed by Calista she was tried of always being cold and I don't blame her we got to the room I opened the door and there sat a Adonis there you are he hugged me thank gods your ok I am happy to be back every one what's with the bane that's a gift from.the Queen later I need your help with something what is it well Wolfe what are you wow your pretty lady is this the lady you were telling me about yes that is Cressida Cressy she hugged me and ran off what the hell Adonis is a little girl doing here well she I ....we saved her because she is a shifter like him and he couldn't lever her oh thanks Felix for getting to the point oh God's well I can't be mad she it one of your kind and I would have done the same but she needs a bath she stinks I know but we couldn't do it that would be wrong point taken what her name she doesn't have one really we have been trying to come up.with names for a long time but nothing sounds right what do you think Calista let me think she has a bucket of energy and loved everyone how about Annabelle we could call her Anna for Short well how about it do you like the name Annabell she took a minute to think yes I do I like it a lot it's a nice name I am annabell ok Annabell let's get you cleaned up you know wolfe said the same think what does that me well it means we are going to use soup and water to clean you me but what about my foot I don't want it to hurt don't worry about that Calista said I can make it all better along with some other things oh ok then let's go and get the clean I took her to the bathroom and strated the water I took the shurt off I think that's what it was I am not sure and set her into the water she sat down this feels good yes it does well let's get to work I washed her hire and and let Calista work on her foot it was healed in minutes I washed the rest of her and made sure to clean her arms and ankles it look bad but Calista said that it wasn't that bad she could work on them when she was asleep I rinsed her off and she was really tired I went for my night gown but didn't need to Adonis had gotten her one of her own I put that on her laid her down she was already asleep Calista went to work on her fixing what was wrong it didn't take very long for her to look much better ok so now what Adonis asked we need to go to the queen tomorrow it's a two day track there and her well she is coming with I can't just leave her I mean look at her she is so cute but no more little one I don't know if my Hart could take it see her like that I nocking came on the door now what I opened the door and asked do you know what time it is yes but I what you all to know that the traders are looking for something and they are checking every inn in this town what get out now I want to sleep if they come I will end them I want to sleep in a good Dame bed and if I don't get to it will be hell do I make my self clue yes the man ran I off I close the door and crawled into bed what was that Adonis asked that was me almost killing someone because I am tied also so one is looking for anny we might have to leave what then why are you in bed because I am so tired I can move any more fine I got this I stay up and wate for the one who is come in a hour or two there was nocking I went to get it but Cressida was already at it she had her nife in one hand and the other she pulled oped the door she held the think to the guys nek you work me up we are looking for a little gril have you seen her no now leaving and if any one else comes by here I will gut them do I make my self clue yes she walked back in and got into bed I followed right after

The next day

Was nice I went for a run with with the boys and then came the fun part I put what I taught them to work they were sloppy in there work and it was no fun I called Calista over and we began this was much harder her speed was as fast as mine and her blades hit mine every time this is nice we both didn't give in we went on for over a hour I blocked her and she throw me back she hit hard and I had to hold my ground it was great but it had to stop ok let's end it ok that was just what I needed Calista yes it was but now I am exhausted me to I heard a crunch what's that I tuned and decked Cody in the face what the hell Cody I wanted to see something and what was that if you could here me of course I can your not very quiet what! But I was you have a long way to go Adonis can only teach you so much if you don't want to be heard then be quick on your feet and look were you step you stepped on a twig and you I swept his feet from under him be faster she walked away how does she do it I don't know I still haven't figured it out said Calista but you guys suck what happened you left is what happened I had to if I did she wouldn't be here right now and we would have to had killed her what do you mean this isn't the first time we seen this if you lose or your wepons chose someone else then you go insane but that's not what happened to her she .....what ...what did she do I can't say but let's just say she lost her self in a pit of Gilt and couldn't find her way out but she is back and is not going anywhere but that doesn't mean I am not training you two any more but you have a lot to make up for oh no oh yes you fell out of practice and need to get back to it so again come at me but did you say you were tired yes but not to the point where I can't keep up with you both so come on the both came at me in a deadly dance but it wasn't until a hour passed that they were done and I left them on the floor cover in sweat

I going in that's enough for to day ok I walked off I went to shower the could water felt good but it warmed quickly I washed with with the soup and dried my self off it felt so good to be clean again but it will all end tonight we have to leave and...and nocking came who is it it's me can I come in yes it's open what do you think of all of this she said what do you mean I said with out thinking of the boys the girl the Queen everything I have seen even the pups if I can still call them that she sat down Cressida you are doing so well for what was put on your shoulders you have been the brave one and you keep everything going with out you you I wouldn't be here right now yes I don't know what we are going to have to do but I am here Adonis to so if we have to do somethings we regret then we don't together ok I looked over at her the tears we're all too real for me I really needed to here that thanks hey don't forget it I won't she left and went on to finished my bath

She was right I have a lot that is racing throw my head but I am not alone I need to fill everyone In that's all it will take the wate should fall when every one know what I do

Next chapter