
Family Chapter eight

The time we spent in this small village was ....fun I want to say but it was not just that it was great we went and had some fun all over the place and Calista opened up more to Adonis and the pups it was nice but I can't shake this feeling that it was too good to be true that I am missing something I started to wonder but I am pulled from that thought when a hand was placed on my shoulder I jumped and turned to find adonis why are you so jumpy today no reason I think that it's the fact we will never find that boy from before and that I left a calling card and to just be back .It's feels weird for me to be around people it's been a while since and I just feel that I am missing something well your not wearing the gem that I had got you as a gift yes I know I should really put that on but I don't think that's it .....I think that we should leave tomorrow .....no today I don't think we should stay here anymore really he said yes I just think that we should move on I have a bad feeling about staying here he looks off into nothing and after some time he said it was fine that's what you want to do then I am ok with it but you better tell Calista I will

I walked back to the inn I make my way to the room and walk in she looks to be packing what little thinks she has what are you doing I feel something bad is coming and ...

It's ok we are leaving anyways when you that me as well right is that not a given I am not just going to dump you after I saved you that's just wrong you mean I can come with you yes I want you to I wouldn't have it any other way but I am going to have teach you to defend yourself I am not letting anyone one hurt you again and besides I have nothing to lose right your strong and I know you can become stronger her eyes light up it's the first time I have ever seen her now help me gather my thinks so we can leave sooner will you get everything from the bathroom but if it's wet leave it for now we will get it last ok I get into my bag and put my gem back on it makes me feel just a little better about this whole leaving think I pack the few think that I have into my bag and by the time I am done with that Callista comes back with the thinks from the bathroom thanks

Although I feel that I owe you some soap though she laughed when she handed me it wow it's almost gone you know what if we find a good vender we can buy what we need and make more of it and maybe one just for you I laughed ya that would be nice we had everything together I look around one more time to see if crimson or Azzara left something but find nothing I was just about to leave when I saw something in the corner is that what I think it is I walked over and there was crimson"s jem I hold it in my hand Callista walked over and said wow why do you have that what do you mean well that is an heeling stow if its around someone or think it will help is really and what about this one I pointed to the one around my neck that one it means but before she could tell me adonis walked into the room are you ready to go lady's no I still have to get night then we can go but for the most part yes I walked out of the room but a voce said to wait I turned to look for where the small child like voice was coming from but all i fond was two sets of eyes looking at me like I was crazy I must be hearing things

I walked down the stairs and out past the front desk and make my way to the stable but I stop in my tracks ..... I know this feeling but I can't the next thing I new Calista was in front of me with a Shield of magic what is that think but there is no time the Magic Shield is starting to break I yell get out of the way I pulled out my knives just in time to stop the next blow from hitting callista I pushed him back far enough so that I could get a better look what the hell is that ..it's him the man from before I think he looks very different but I will not let him hit me this time adonis get them out of here now but now I yelled I have some unfinished business I can't just leave you yes you can I will come back to you do it now he struk I block it and hit it back now I screamed I can't fight it with you all here I looked at the man who was trying to kill me his face was snow white and the vanes that were around his eyes were black his arms had been covered the same way a patchwork of blake vane followed all the way down his arms what the hell is wrong with him I thought but I was to busy with dodging his swings we crossed swords and he whispered I can't get to my master without that bow I need ballista back now he went to grab it but I jumped back before he could grabbed it why do you need it so much and is it really worth it yes it is and I don't have to explain it to you I looked at him and saw that he was not human anymore he was a monster some kid of hale man half beast he swung at me I have had enough I ran at full speed I ducked and went for his head I slide threw his neck but I saw a hand coming at me I jumped up out of the way I took my other knife as I was falling and rammed it into his neck an finished the job his last ditch effort to kill me he flung his arm but I was ready I cut throw it like it was butter he fell to the ground with a thump I don't know why but I have a feeling that I should burn it but... your going to need some help with that aren't you I looked behind me to see callista what the hell was that think it was a man but it was not at the same time .....places for now Burn it I don't want to ever have to kill another ...I told you to ....no you told him to you never said anything about me I stay to help you just like I took that hit I will stay with you until he is gone she cast the spell and it started to Brun she then went to me he said that he has a master I know I need to find this boy who gave me dream catcher then we can know what I have gotten myself into um what is a dream catcher I just realised that I have never called it by its name it had a nice ring to it I pick myself up off the ground let's get out of here before they kill us I walked into the barn and there was my big boy I saddle him and climbed on and pulled Calista on and we started off into the wood we soon meat up with adonis he didn't go too far I got off of night and hug adonis I told you that I would be back I knew you would I took the little ones and hugged them to I showed night what I was doing I put them into the saddlebag we need to move fast I don't want them to get left behind I get back on and head west into the forest and towards the capital where I hope to find answers

It's been a week and I am already tired of sleeping in trees and on the ground but I want to get there soon I jump down from the tree and walk over to crimson he is playing with a stick I pet him and walk off into the woods I take a deep breath the smell of pine trees and rain feels me and a sudden wave of calmness washed over me I lean up against a tree and let the mist wash over me I felt good I take a moment to look back at all that has happened from me leaving home and meeting adonis to fighting for Calista and for what I think is right but why is it that I feel so empty and what does dreamcatcher have to do with any of this why did he want it back so bad I don't understand this at all and who was that in my mind who always shows me how to gain control again who was that boy

I just want to know ..... I take another deep breath and walk back I really need to know what this all means but I don't even know if I will find him I pick up Azzara and scratch her behind the ears she purred I sat there in camp just wondering what to do with all of this .....you want to go and find something to eat we are low on some stuff yes I do I need to take my mind off of some stuff ok there was some deer up over the rig I think that will do ....do we really need all of that yes we do he sighs it takes a lot to keep us fed and crimson and Azzara eat like pigs to so we really do ok but what do I do if I get one and it's too heavy for me to carey ....then I will come with you I don't think that will help my chances of getting one having a wolf around me your kind of right he said them take night why didn't I think about that you must have a lot on your mind yeah I kind of do but I need to go so that i can clear my head .ok I get that be back by sun set if not I will come looking for you fine mother I said jokingly I hopped onto night and stared off to the valley where he said that the deer are but my mind drifts off and I lie back on nights back and look up at the trees and the clouds this has been one hell of a month with every think I have learned and how much stronger I have become but my mind always goes right back to the thinks I was think about ellery how I am ....different I have never thought about why I always think about it ,why it makes me feel bad it's because I am different I chose to excepted that I don't have to be the same as everyone else that its ok to be unique I feel better now that it's all off my chest I sit up and I can't believe it's so beautiful and how close I have gotten to the deer I pull dream catcher from my back and nock an arrow I scanned the area for and week ones but didn't see any to I went for the old ones at the back of the herd I shout at the old one and it hit and the whole herd runs when the dust cleared I saw that I had hit the one I was after I walked over and thanked the god artemis for the hunt and begane to gut the deer but I soon come to a problem this deer was too heavy to get on to night so i did the next think i could I reach into the satellite bag for something to help rope and a blanket I got it I find some old branches and tie the rope around it them I lit the blanket arcress the branches and drag the deer onto it I then pulled the blanket up to the branch that I had tied elery and tide it down I then climbed on to night and tide the rope around the saddle we walked back it worked for the most part

We got back at camp and I jumped off and undid the rope I called over Adonis he lifted it up off the ground as if it were nothing and hung it in a tree and began to skin it I looked at him how did you do that do what he said you just picked it up off the ground as if it was a sack of feathers well it comes with being a shifter you know ...um ...never mind I walked off but was not fast enough he had my hand what is it ....I just think of you and that I only know a little about you and you seem to know a lot about me I just would like to know about you

I have only seen your wolf once why don't you let him out more I just thought that you might you know... I don't like to let him out unless I need to or just flat out want to but when I am around you I don't need him like he is gone and I am just like you really yes but if you want me to a small light shined and I had to look away to stop from being bullied form it I turned back before me sat an enormous black wolf with a golden eyes I walk up to him and feel it a familiar soft decent far I run my fingers throw it I feel relaxed after a while

I see her in a new light when I change I feel that I should protect and I would ....why do I feel her hand on me and I practically turned into a puppy I sat down and let her pet me her warm hands run throw my fur and make there way to my ears she scratched right behind them I fell over she laughed why you I thought I smiled at her and she laughed, even more, I switched back I laughed even more but I looked over and I see that Callista saw all over that she look for a loss of words your a wolf man the one that everyone talked about when we stopped last ..... But I can't why .... why how is this possible your kind are gone they what are you he looked at her and sighted I am a shifter I change from man to wolf I need you to take a minute and let it sink in I know what you are she said you are supposed to be dead I saw it they shot you and you fell but your here you came once before to the town that I was in right before I was sent to the ....how did you ...they missed but the bullet it was siver ...that haha ...silver you can't hurt my kind with that look back then they hit me but they never killed me they shout but all it did was leave me a little sore for a day or so but that its I would never hurt anyone now I have changed and I don't want you to be scared of me I... I am not it's just I saw you that day and I wished that I was you I wished that I could leave this world just like I thought you did ....I don't know what you went through but that is no reason to want to throw your life away you have a power that is something amazing he walked away she look at me I walked over to her and helped her stand because it looked like she was going to faint was it all true is what he saying true Cressida its all true I told her he is what he is but that doesn't mean he is any different then before he is still kind and caring I know that I am happy you know I would never want to hide anything from you and your a very strong girl you know I do know I feel better about myself and I am happy that you find use for me it's not like that at all you do not belong to me your on the same leave as me so please don't put yourself down you do know that your a true friend right and really I don't think of you as a friend really anymore you're like a sister to me you know she hugged me titer that's all I really wanted a family to call my own she said then that's what you get really I smile yes I don't know if this is the right time but I have been putting it off for some time but i need to ask you something I need some stuff I don't know if I can stand this coming winter I already freeze when it rains why didn't you tell me I am sorry she squeaked when we get to the next town we will get you something now that I look at her she really needs a lot of things for one the dress she has on is not going to keep her warm and the shoes she has on really don't count as shoes any more they have been worn out and are not made for the cold and she has no count ether and her hair is a mess as well her thirteen years of life have been hard on her I could tell but she really needs close and just about everything the next town over we will be stopping and getting you a lot of things that you need and have to have

I look to myself next I could use a second dress and something a little warmer as well and we need a lot of supplies as well come to think of it we need a lot of things I have been lost in thought for so long that I forgot to keep track of everything and one ok that's it I go over to night and pull out everything and see what we have two blankets, half of some bread, my nightgown, and a very small bar of soap and a brush that's it oh gods how did we get this far I pack everything away and checked the other side bag and only found the water canteen and a lot of red furs ok we are ok not going to freak out I pull off his salit and stare the process of folding and packing everything back into the bag I left it off of him but said don't you think about running ok I walked away to find adonis he was off a ways in the woods but he was fine when we come to the next town we really need to stop thats fine don't you be cold to me I am sorry I am just in a mood and it's not a nice one I just ...yes we can stop and I am sorry ok alright when you are in a better mood let me know I walked back to the camp hey callista she looked away from playing with crimson and azua yes she said we plan to leave tomorrow ok, she said with a smile that I don't think that I have seen before

As soon as I have had my fill of food I walk off and start to make myself comfortable when I hear a voice do you think I can sleep next to you tonight I don't like to be alone this is a side that I have never seen this side of her she is so weak sounding right now that I say yes I pulled the blankets over us and soon we are joined by crimson and azua I leaned up against the satlow like a makeshift pillow I drift off to sleep with her next to me the warmth of bodies helps keep the cold at bay, for now, I soon fall into a blissful sleep


I am up at don I wake callista up and we pack away the blankest and I got into the bags and got the canteen out along with the small bar of soap I fill the canteen and then washed my face I handed it to her and she did the same i put it back into the bags and walked over the enomess deer that I had got yesterday it had been put over the fire to dire and it did just that I began to brick it off into bits and stuff it into my bag i left some out so that we could have breakfast and just my luck it barely fit I break off some for crimson and he takes it and chews on it until it was gone I did the same for azua and she ate it fast I starest to eat as well as did callista I tune around just in time to see adonis what do you think your doing nothing he said in a shy tone so then what do you have behind your back nothing he said and backed away but you do I said as I stepped closer he took off after that I ran after him just tell me I yelled no! He said I don't want to he trips and I am not fast enough to stop so I run right into him and be both crashes and burn I open my eyes and I see that he carved me a small wooden charm that sat on the ground it was a little blue bird oh how cute this is um ....can you get off of me now I looked downtown were I had fallen I was on top of him I am sorry I said as my whole face turned red I didn't ...I ..I ..I lose all lost for words he sits up and repushoned me to where he is sitting cross legged and I am sitting senter in his lap I am about to say something but his arms drape around me and the small of pine trees and cinnamon fill my nose how he new what smells calms me down is beyond me what is the charm for I asked well it's a blue bird I was going to ask you to give it to callista I made it so that she knows that she always has a family to fly back to awwww that is so sweet but why did you run from me I didn't want you to get the wrong idea and that is ...nothing oh come on tell me he looked away fine I know how it is to feel the way she does but when I meant you it's like I had wings and I could fly away so I thought that she should have something like that that's really sweet of you I know but I still like the one you have on as well I think back to when he got it for me it was really sweet of him I blush as I remember that night .....hey are you two just going to sit there or are we going to get going yes I jumped up from where I was almost smacking into adonis I walk towards night trying to get my heart under control what was that I pull myself on to night I then pulled callista up to and stared off I chek one think before we head out crimson and azua are in the bag I look forward and see his wolf wow every time I see it ,it's like first time all over again

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