
chapter 11 what's new

We left the inn without a word I could almost feel the tension between us but it soon left as I told him what had happened the night before we walked through the capital as I told him more and more but I was soon distracted by the most wonderful smells and items, I kept walking I soon came to a stop on a Bridge that came over a small stream the water is so clear tonight he said your right did I really do all the things you said I did yes and you said something that I need an answer to what is it you .....um said that you that I was perfect in every way and that you were grateful that I learned to love someone like you I need to know if it's true I looked over at him he was shying away from me his face red did I really say that yes right after you pulled me into the bed and said that you needed a snuggle buddy now I was red remembering what had happened the night before why me I hind my face behind my hands

She told me that I was a mess from the night before I don't remember what all that had happened that night but once she told me this I new what I had done I told her that I was in love with her, I looked at her and saw that she was hiding her face I walked over and gently pulled her hands away she was as red as me when I fond out what I had said to her I looked at her and said wow my drunk self can tell the truth so it's true you really do care for me and is not because of the way we met or you were messed up and just saying things you like me .....her brilliant green eyes were filled with tears you really love me I do but why are you crying I told you thinking that is was all a big misunderstanding that you were just wasted but this is what I wanted to happen what I was hoping to happen because you see she sniffed I loved you too I was pulled from the ground and brought to his chest you have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear that you mean a lot to me I wished that you would have told me sooner we stand there for a moment but I got a crazy idea he thought

It felt so right to pull her in for a hug but she had other planes she pulled me into a kiss I was shocked but I didn't pull away too quickly she was the first to break the kiss but she hid her face

Did I really just do that I looked away from him as a new shade of embarrassment came over me I really just did that what was I thinking I just ....I tried to pull away from him but I can't I looked up and him and he had a smug smile on what I said in a high pitched voice which sent him into a laughing fit stop it it's not funny yes it is you sound like a dunk fairy he said in between laughing I hate you no you don't..... why you I was about to hit him but he stopped my hand and kiss me again I sit on the ground with my hudd on cursing myself and him but in the end I told him and it made things better between us and I am happy . I get up from the ground and dust myself off let's go and walk the streets for some time I need my heart to not jump out of my chest and run away with my sanity we walked down a street and come to the many

street there were stand filled with sweets and gem coved thinks that I have never seen before we come to a stand there and just stare at the think I moved on to the next and the next until I came to a stand that had what I think was a fish it had a long nose and big eyes the scales were a blue I walked off but I was grabbed from behind I had no time to reacted what are you doing adonis there have been people following us sens the Bridge we need to get out of here I ..I ..your right

I don't want to cause any trouble we move from booth to booth and tried to lose them in the crowd but they were persistent they followed us to no end that's it we may have to face then I led them down aly way and into the streets I tuned to face them and saw that it was the boy from before you his eyes grow big as he saw who it was he fell to his knees I rushed over to him what is wrong I he said really need your help this lady came to the stand and ask for you we need to leave now or ...look at that the stray dog led me to little red and her big bad wolf this lady had an evil look on her face and blood covered hands and who are you in this story of yours I would say I am the one who sent you into the woods to die she held in her hands a blade that as old and overused she didn't hesitate she came at me to kill I blocked it with one hand I looked at adonis take him please I need to take care of something I through her back aways and hand off the kid to him are you sure he said I don't really know nothing hurts now but I can't just let this slide.

The look in her eyes tells me everything I need to know .She's here to kill nothing more I have to put her down so she does not hurt anymore.Fine just don't push yourself I know he walked away and I went after the crazy lady she blocked and threw me back but that didn't stop me I stopped myself and went after her again I was fast, faster then I should be I went after her but every swing she sent back at me but I didn't let off her ether I step back I could feel something knocking at the back of my mind the blue eyed monster hissed you need my help no I ..you do this time you will have control over it fine heat started from my arms to my legs I looked at the mad lady from before she looked at me and took a step back how ..why ..did your eyes this is something that happens when I get serious I went after her she could only block me as I hit her again over and over until her bald brook and my knife went through her shoulder and she fell to the ground on her knees you will pay for this she tried to run but I shot her down with one move of my bow I grabbed the arrow and said to her you were never going to kill me or anyone because your week this was a warning next time you will die and I will be the one to shove this sword throw you ..... The warmth went away and I rushed over to the kid you're even more amazing then last time I saw you, yeah and your just as badly beaten to let's get you back to the inn where we are staying and fix you up and then your going to tell me what the hell is going on I think you deserve it you did just save my life lets go adonis looked at me I know I went rough but this time I controlled it and I was there this time ...that's the other side of you the darker side when you learn to control it gives you power you have to be one with yourself how did you do this that's for a different time to discuss your badly hurt

You know its really quiet with out them not here I am bored crimson he looked at me with big eyes fine but don't tell cressida light as feather he lifts into the air and starts to swop around the room he was fun to watch as he danced around taking that opportunity was a great idea now I know new spells that can help more the door slammed open and I drop crimson what the hell who it's that yes he is the boy from before the one who I needed to find and well he need help you didn't yes I did but I feel great and look no blood then what is that I looked down that's not mine it's his he needs help put him on the bed what happened to him .He was trying to get help by following us and as soon as he did a crazy woman attracted but I ....I took care of it but I had to get him here fast he lost consciousness when we got here do you know anything else he doesn't look too good I know but the lady she was not right in the head it's like she only wanted one thing me she wanted to find me and well ....hey I am going to need your help on this he will not stay still I turned around and the kid was throwing his hands around and kicking as well it was to much for her to dill with I rushed over to help her hold him down she got his shirt off and it was bad he had taken hit after hit and I had to look away because when she flipped him over his back was ripped open and slasher it looked like a pile of meat I wanted to cry but I held back the tires as I saw more and more what had this kid gone throw to keep information hidden away from this woman how long was he with her and what happened can you ..... I don't know I have never seen anything this bad I know I can fix some of it but I would have to work most of the night and I don't know if ...why are you crying

I am she reached up and felt the tries on her face I ....this must have brought back some memories I will be fine I just never seen anything this bad in a long time ..... Its ok just do your best I think I have something that will help with the pain but I am going to have to make it so get stared on him I am going to have to clean it adonis help me out over here he came over what is that you need me to do I need you to hold him down so she can start on the pain reliever he is hard to keep down she let go and he began to throw his arms every where hold him down ok I got him hey is that supposed to be there

What, there she looked at the inked mark and jumped back from the boy what is it that's ...that's she backed a way with wide eyes that's a no we need to leave this inn and move they are coming for him and most likely me we need to move now I walked over to him saw the clove mark, oh gods one think first we need to remove that mark now but do it now ok I cut away the mark and toss it away get the pups we need to move but what about him the shield spell its ok I can move him but we need to move now or they will find me and him that mark is a tracker and we are in danger if they find us what now yes the only way to stop it is too cut it away and leave it let's go she grabbed every think and shoved it into the bag next to her I put my things back into my bag and run out the door come on crimson azua lets go they ran out the door fast and right down the stairs and into the mane desk if someone comes here and asked for a women with a red clock I was not here she looked me over ok I understand she said thanks

I walked out the door and to the back Staples and packed the bags azua looked at me I dropped the bared and she said what is going I told her and she hissed that's bad yes it is now hop up into the bag crimson you to ok he said and jumped in I will be back don't let anyone near this bag ok I will be back in a minute I walked into the Barn and grabbed their Bridals and put it on both of the horses ok lets go they walked out and waited for me lets go I walked night out and into the yard daylight right behind them I put everything on then and packed the bags up calista came out and daylight went over to her she had the boys back wrapped in strips of fabric and lifted him onto Daylight and she jumped on right after Adonis put his thinks in my bag and shifted into his wolf form we stared to the other end on the captole but adonis went the other way what are you doing I reached out with my mind .what you can... never mind I going to tack this and run it to the forest edge so that they don't have any hints as to where we are ok but come back soon I take off and hed to the other side of town I ride slowly so that she could keep up and it was hard to ride with more than one person I know.... where do you want to stay we just need to get a little further we had made good time to there that one with fish on it that one um ok stay here with everything and I looked at her and drop you bared on your mind how do i take a deep breath and I get it ok can you hear this wow how did you do that well i thought that if i could talk with the pups then I could with you all yup that's right now you can hear us to stop this you two ok I am going in ok I walked in and the ugliest thing came out from behind a counter how can i help you It said do you have room tonight that we can stay in let me see she pulled a book out and skimmed through it I have a room with two beds and a cote how many are we talking about she blow smoke in my face for and this will do oh it will yes thank you your welcome this man or woman she dug under the counter for a minute and came out with a old rusted key I took it from her and she said now don't you forget to pay me it will be done I walked out I wanted to get out of there as fast as I can but I had to keep calm the stables out back yes is that in use no not really it fell to pics after the last owner left of but there are a few stalls that are in good health use them if you want ok thank you I walked out and took a deep breath wow ok that was something else come with me I said to callista she followed behind me I and what the lady was saying although she said it was bad it was well kept and there was even hay for them ok you take that one and i will this one ok they take him off and set him on the floor is he going to be ok yes as soon as I can get to work on him but for now he will be ok until i can do that she took off daylight satole and set it off to the side you know how is it that you always find trouble I take a deep breath I don't know but i will get better soon i hope the overwhelming emotion that came over me was a lot to take in but I didn't let it sit there I held it then I let it go I was told to never let emotion take control it will be ok I know it but for now let's get to work on him i carry him on my back he was really light lets go we walked back into the fishery inn past the crazy let's just go with person here not to be rude I climbed the stairs and stopped at the top I opened the door and walked in it was clean and there was a desk in the corner ok let's do this I find a water pitcher and filled it full after I helped her pull cote out and set him on it she had moved him next to the desk and took the bandage off and started to mixed together the ebers and made the pane killer I also helped clean the wounds she started to heal the deep gashes that were all over his back I really need to know what he was keeping from the evil that hides in

the darkness she had just closed one of the when a taping came from the door I opened it and it was adonis he looked tired but he said I dropped it off in the middle of the woods and they will not be adoule to find us that's good I walked back over and began the log hours of work that I have to do i make the serum that goes on after she can't fix him any longer and needs a break I looked over at her and the warmth of light came what a great feeling that this is she stopped for a little and needed to take a brake this is a lot of work you know I don't know how much i can get done I have been doing lot of work on him is been a hour and I am still not even halfway done its ok I made something for that do as much as you can and then we can wrap him in this I held out the bandages that i had covered in the pane killer and this the sap to when did you learn how to do that well my mother had made think like that and i wanted to learn so she showed me how but she told me not let my father he would get mad it seems that your parents like to keep thing from each other you're not wrong but that's besides the point it helped a lot here she finished what she could we wrapped him it was not as bad as before but its still going to hurt i better make him something he can drink for the pain i add hot water and the dried ebers and let it sit it had a smell of mint but it was nice I sit down and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in I am going to bed now i crawled into the bed and took my shows off and clock as well I lead there but didn't fall asleep I got up and drain the water into a vie and set one by the bed with a note that said to drink it I went back to the bed and sleep overtook me

I opened my eyes and instant feel the pane over took me i wined a litte i sat up after much struggle where am I the last thing I saw was ....that's right she had ended it the women that was after him was gone the mark I need to ...dont worry its gone I looked over to see a girl sitting up on the bed well it's nice to see that your alive I didn't think that you would make it but i guess you are strong she got up and walked over to me do you feel any pain and dont lie to me yes a lot take that there was a view of a yellow vile I took it in my hands what is it it's a painkiller don't worry I didn't make it it was cressida she made it but your back is going to be a different story I was waiting for you to get up so that I could finish it was it that bad yes it took me a hour to finish just the smaller areas what happened to you I rather wait for tomorrow to tell everyone ok well come here what do you mean I have to finish your back she reached for the cloth wrapped around my back hold on how do i know you're not going to try something you have my word and if I don't finish then you will get a infashion and ....I saw the mark oh gods I forgot about that I need to he said trying to get up but fell back down and swore in pain if you value your life you will not do that again I know what it was and I got rid of it but the only way to get rid of it is to have it remove or to ....did you cut it away yes I did how did you know what to do ...at one point I was the same as you ...you meen to say that you ...yes from the same place and I know how bad it was but it's going to get better he turned around and said well fix me up then I pulled the bandiches away and saw that it still the same it was a wave blood and meet I had stopped the blood and the length of it was not as big anymore but all i had to do was peces it back together ok this is going to feel strange I heal his back even move and wash the clothes and reapply the medes and this time I tied the the bandage a little tier so that they would not move when he did there you go that's all for tonight also you better take that or your going to hurt a lot she walked off and went back to bed thanks he said to me your welcome but you really need to rest

I tack the vile and dawn it in one go it was cold but it was nice I fell asleep but something was pulling at me I don't really know what but I definitely could feel the pain subside and sleep talking over me I let it happen with the last though being as to how lucky I was to find her it was dumb luck really I saw that crimson red cloak of hers and I went to her I knew that she could help me ...I sure do have a lot to tell her when I get up tomorrow she is not going to be happy with me once I tell her I just ...I can't think straight I need to sleep or this is going to bad really bad I let the dug take me over and fall into a sweet sleep

The morning was cold and I almost forgot where we were until I looked around and saw Callista at work on .....I don't even know his name I really need to fix that I get up and ask her who is he ,I don't know I got up and he had a fever and I have been trying to get it down but it's bad can you make something for him so that he... at that very moment he throw up oh gods I don't know let me see if I have something to give him how long has he been like this un I got up for water about sunrise I saw him on the floor I went over to him and he looked like ghost I went chert him and he had a fever and its a bad one I would have gotten him a bath but um ...you know say no more she walked over and shook adonis he sat up really fast and looked around his first words were what is that smell he looked over and saw the mess and looked at me what is that no time I need you to take him to the bathroom and set him in the bath but your going to have to remove his close and wrap him in a towle um why he has a fever and that the beast way to get it down until i can get the medicine made so pleas fine he said after he took some time getting out of bed but open a window it smell of blood and whatever that is thanks he walked over and picked the kid up with eas he walked into the bathroom and closed the door I go and open a window because he is right it smells in here up lets get that out of here I pull the sheets off and set them outside the door and grabbed the top sheet from my bed and put it on like a makeshift sheet it works for now the blanit was fine and I didnt have to worry about it ok you can come in now i came in and saw that he was in the tub with a towel wrapped around him ok not I filled the tub with warm water mint and sunflower oil that should help with any other thinks that could be wrong with him I pras a cloth to his head and let him sock he was not as warm as he had been but I think this it's helping I can't help him if I don't know what's wrong with him I hope that this is enuf to get him to talk to me so that I know what's wrong with him I could make something for a fever but I don't know if that's what's going on I Need to know how he feel to fix him this is hard .... I did add the oil so if it is then he should be ok for now but it will be a long time until he wakes up and I don't have any roes rote or pint sap ....go and get some with adonis and find the man thats looking for him we need to keep a eye on him Ok they left in a hurry I walked around the room and looked for something anything to give me a hint as to why he was in such bad heath then it hit me the first time I meet callista I gave her some of the water I had it had mint and lime and dragon dust I drang it only to get back to health but I gave some to her because she really needed it he needs that I hope I still had some with me

We rushed out the door and into the cold morning air we had to find what we needed fast it was not hard to find the pine sap but where are we going to find roes root now it's the model of fickern winter the lets just find it and get back what do you mean I am not going with you to find that man he was horrible to me and I don't want anything to do with him not yet that is ....ok but help me find this think she needs oh that we are not going to find it here we need to go to the market and buy it it's just like you said it does not grow this time of year oh ....come on let's go I know someone who may have it but your not going to like it

I empty the contents of my bag on the floor where is it come on there a small think I dumped the contents of the turbo into a small boule mixed it together with water and some other things now to boost it I need the roes and pin sap but that's going to have to wait because he is awaked

The hole room was spinning and I could not get it to stop but I force open my eyes and see that I am in a tube of water and it smells good hey how you feeling bad really bad that bad well I am making something that will help is there anything I should know about you yes but not now ...the room spines even more now and i can't get it to stop close your eyes it helps ok I do need to know one think how long has it been since you ate something too long then let me start something for you than easy to eat ....do you know why i am so sick yes and no i have my guess but I think it's shock from everything that's happened to you but don't worry I think that I have the right remedy for it but you just need to stay in the tub for some time ok will do but can you tell me why it smells so good it has mint and sunflower oil in it that's how i was able to break your fever it was bad you should be fine when I am done but I need to know something what ... how did you get like this what happens to the old man why were they after you and how did you end up in slavery and for the gods what is your name I can only tell you some thinks right now my head is spinning and I can't think straight my name is Felix and as for how I got like this it's going to have to waite and the old guy he is gone dead the man came and killed him but with my old man's last words he gave all of the weapons to me and he stopped and didn't go on this part is important I have to find the last of the weapons owners and help then control them so that the great war will not start the last time I saw you you had power locked in you now you can control it that's how I new that you were one of the chosen ones ....it hangs in the unsteady room and I lose it you can't be telling the truth I ..I don't want this I don't need this I ....was it really me has all this time passed was father right was I the one to title the Balance between good and bad did I have the power to take over the world just or even save it i need to think this over but for now do you have any leads no i don't but there is someone I think now that I have meet her who you have meat me and ...no not her not yet how do you know when there eyes changed to blue and back once that happens I know but I have to see it that's why I had to fight you to see them change I am sorry for that I never wanted to hurt you in any way but I had to know ....I don't care about that anymore I have all of them but I can't show them to you right now I am to weak where are they you don't know when to stop do you I have them with in a spell that let's me carry everything you could say it's a bag that I could shove anything into that's amazing yes the room went silent for some time until Cressida brook the silent is Calista really like me

Next chapter