1 Fate or luck?

Is it destiny or just luck, that I met HIM? But all I know is I feel safe and happy in his arms. Many months ago... "Agh!" I groaned as I tripped over a branch. "They're going to catch me, if I keep this up." I thought, as I jumped back right back into my feet. "Why do I believe there to be something following me, or at least watching me?" I whispered, as I looked around frantically. I change to my "creature" form just in case. "I love the look of the lion, it looks so majestic." I thought as I looked at my massive paws. I hear something or someone brush up against a bush or shrub of some sort. My heart starts racing. "I've never gotten into a fight before." I begin to think to myself as I try to stay hidden. "Boo." Said the mysterious voice. Startled, I flinch and move away from the figure. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I say with fear in my eyes. "I can tell that you are running from someone. Do you need help pretty lady?" The figure says with a warm tone. They leave the shadow and I see a male lion! A creature, like me, or just a lion? "You are safe, you can go back to human." I shift to my human form with my long hair rested on my shoulders. He changes back to his human form. And says "You are mine. I need a woman like you." With a charming smile on his face. I blush a little. "Hey do you guys hear that? Could it be her?" A man shouts. "Sorry, I have to go they will find me." I say with a worried look. He shifts to his creature form and says "I will protect you. Get on my back." I do as he says, barley hesitating. I hold on tight as he sprints to a safer place. But where?
