
Creatures Covenant

Lance, a reclusive individual, unexpectedly finds himself transported to a mysterious new realm, utterly captivated by the intricate art of nurturing extraordinary creatures. In this unfamiliar world, he assumes the role of an orphaned soul. However, fortune smiles upon him, gifting him with a remarkable system, a guiding light on his journey to master the intricacies of nurturing and evolving these enigmatic beasts.

PoWriter · Fantasy
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8 Chs

To The Rescue

Reaching the point where the destroyed homes and buildings were replaced with foliage and plants, Lance began to think to himself "This is a far better view than the majority of the slums, but I guess the odds of being attacked by wild beasts is also far higher" 

Lance had been walking with Turt for nearly an hour towards the border of the slums, and still hadn't come across any wild beasts.

Sitting down against a large oak tree, they decided to take a break, "Turt you're lucky you don't get tired because my legs are killing me"

Lance mainly chose to rest here due to the places unique beauty, roughly 50ft away from him there was a large chemical factory overgrown with vines and different species of plants that he couldn't recognize. 

There were also large green and purple vines all over the building with unique dark purple spirals spread all across them, it looked like something out of horror movie.

"I can't believe this is my new life, I would've never seen something like this back on Earth" 


As Lance began to relax he heard someone scream out, it sounded like it came from inside the overgrown chemical factory. 

"I can't ignore someone obviously in trouble, I should go check out the chemical factory maybe me and Turt can be of some help"

Pushing himself off the ground, Lance motioned for Turt to follow him and began to approach the front of the building to try and find an entrance. 

All the main entrances were locked but walking around to the side of the building he found a small gap big enough for him and Turt to crawl through. 

"Should I really do this, there could be a powerful beast inside" 


"Okay maybe I should hurry"

Lance inspected the tunnel and couldn't make out what was at the end of the tunnel, the only visible aspect was the green hue of the light inside. 

Getting down on all fours Lance entered the crowded tunnel with Turt following close behind him. 

After cutting his hand on a rogue piece of glass on the ground, Lance looked behind him at Turt and asked "Why aren't you in the front, am I not the Beast Tamer here" 

It was too late to switch places anyways so Lance continued heading forward trying not to cut himself on anymore random objects.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, Lance slowly stood up, while his eyes attempted to adjust to the dim lighting.

Quickly taking in his surrounding, Lance realized that he had crawled into a small office room, enclosed by a door that connected to a long and dark hallway which he could see through a small pane of glass on the door. 

The office room was completely torn up, with scratches all along the walls even the desk and the furniture in the room were completely ripped to sheds, "it seems like some kind of monster came through this place" thought Lance.

Taking a courageous step forward, Lance whispered to Turt "go first your defense is better than mine, if anything too dangerous happens, I'll scoop you up and we'll run".

Turt nodded in response and made his way to the door, pushing his skull against it opening it slowly for Lance to follow behind. 

Making their way through the hallway, Lance couldn't help but notice the same type of destruction he saw in the office all along the walls of the hallway, countless scratches and slashes.

"Those have to be from some kind of monster, I really hope it isn't too strong" Lance thought to himself

As they made their way through the enclosed hallway, Lance started to hear the sounds of battle getting increasingly louder as him and Turt approached the end of the hallway, where a staircase leading down was the only way forward. 

Reaching the bottom of the steps, a lone lightbulb hung in front of a large rusty metal door, "The battle has to be on the other of this door, I can hear it" thought Lance. 

"Turt try an push the door open, be ready for battle or to run if we can't be of any help" Turt nodded his tiny head in response and turned back around to face the door.

Making his way forward Turt pushed the door, opening it slowly to allow them to sneak through the gap without alerting anyone inside.

As Lance shuffled his way into the wide room he could made out two human figures standing behind an odd pair of pets. 

In the middle of the spacious room sat a large vat of some bio-luminescent liquid that constantly gurgled and popped, the same mysterious vines that Lance had seen outside of the factory were thriving in the substance with them spreading all across the room covering nearly every inch of surface area.

The pair of people Lance had made out when he first entered the room were only about 10ft from the left of the vat, now able to discern them Lance recognized them as the two beast tamers who had been sparing in the slums earlier. 

that were facing off against a slim white and furry 4ft tall yeti looking monster, each of its paws had incredibly sharp silver claws and it was currently panting in front of both of the beasts seemingly out of breath.

Lance was able to recognize the Venomspike Toad, even though it was covered in countless slash wounds, it looked to have endured quite the beating with even a few of the spines on its back being sliced off. Now closer to the toad's tamer, Lance was able to make out his short blonde buzzed hair and smaller stature. 

The Darkfang Viper looked to be in far better condition compared to the toad, maybe due to its smaller size and better speed it was able to dodge most of the beasts strikes.

The Vipers tamer was also standing a dozen or so feet from it, he had short dark black hair and held himself up confidently, not nearly as afraid of the situation unlike the blonde kid. 

"I should check out the beasts status before I rush ahead" thought Lance.


[Beast Attributes] 

-Name: Cloudripper

-Tier: 1, Mid-level

-Grade: Rare

-Type: Neutral, Metal

-Hp: 20/35

-Mana: 1/5


-Strength: 9

-Agility: 10

-Endurance: 4

-Intelligence: 5

-Soul: 10

-Magic Power: 1

-Luck: 0


"A rare monster is unexpected, its easily stronger than all 3 of our pets, the only way we could beat it is if we work together" thought Lance silently.

Deciding to assist the two guys, Lance reached down to scoop Turt up and approach them, managing to keep a close eye on the Cloudripper as he crept forward in-between the pair. 

Both the guys looked over to checkout the newcomer but were dismayed when they saw the unimpressive skeleton resting in his arms, there was no way such a small beast could help in a tough battle like this they thought to themselves.

"What help are you going to be with a pet such as that" shouted out the blonde kid obviously distressed about the increasingly dire situation. 

"Don't be so quick to dismiss my pet here, its got pretty great endurance and it can help tank a few hits so we can deal some damage back to this guy" said Lance in response. 

Placing Turt back on the ground, Lance bent over and rubbed his rough bony head, "Go out there and help lessen the burden on brother toad" Lance whispered.

Looking courageous, Turt nodded in understanding before turning around and waddling over to the Venomspike Toad, as if it intended to protect it. 

"Tell your little turtle to be careful, the beast just used a powerful skill and while it may be resting it could still strike at any moment, and its pretty quick" the black haired kid announced.

As he shouted aloud the Cloudripper seemed to have heard him and its eyes shifted directly to Turt's pale shell, while it still seemed out of breath it decided to charge the new enemy anyways in a showcase of strength. 

Reaching Turt quickly the beast swung down one of its sharp claws against Turt's shell causing a deep indention to be left on it, which only seemed to grow with each swing. 

While the beast was distracted with pummeling Turt the Darkfang Viper moved to sneak up behind the fluffy white beast, and hopefully get a bite off on its head. 

Launching itself forward as forcefully as possible the slim dark grey viper opened its mouth wide behind the unsuspecting beast's head and a strange dark light seemed to gather along its fangs reinforcing them before it brought them together in a devastating manner. 

The attack was so quick the Cloudripper had no time to even react, resulting in its head being cleanly bitten off, Its arms also fell to the side relinquishing Turt from the relentless torment that its shell was forced to endure.