

Nolan's pov

I woke up by my sister screaming on me to come down for breakfast.

Today is 17th February aka my birthday.

Only person who knows about my birthday in school is Ivy. She has been my best friend since I moved here. I was 14 then.

Like I said it's 17th of February, Thursday to be precise.

And my sister Ellie will not stop screaming if I don't get my butt downstairs and eat those pancakes that she made for me.

"Nolan I may only be 12 years old, but I will kick your ass if you don't come down here now!" and here is my call.

With that sentence I got up, dress myself in my usual black hoodie and skinny jeans and went in to the living room to meet my sister.

She was talking to our grandparents and feeding them with pancakes.

She loves them so much. They are her only family left.

Her parents died 4 years ago. They were my adoptive parents. They adopted me when I was 3 years old and they always treated me like their own son. Ellie and I don't like to talk about them to much.

My biological parents left me 3 months after my birth.

I learned their names and got the picture of them together from social workers.

On a picture my parents are hugging in some adventure park.

I definitely look more like my mom. I have her symmetrical face and black eyes. I probably looked even more like her before my transition, but I don't really care.

Only thing I got from my dad is my black hair because my mom had blonde hair.

I walked to my sister from the stairs and give her quick kiss on the cheek.

I took one pancake and ran out of house.

Ellie doesn't go with me to school.

She decided that she wants to be homeschooled because she wants to spend time with our grandparents as much as she can. I couldn't say no to her even if I think it's good for her to go to school.

I walked to a house across the street from ours. And knocked.

"Coming! Mat, Zack! Get of my leg I need to go to school, you idiots!" Ivy screams like that all the time so I was not surprised by the sudden outburst.

She has twin brothers so it's understandable.

"Aghh!!! Kill me! Now! Oh and happy birthday Nolan!!! I can't believe you are 17. Oh, my baby." Ivy again screamed in to my ear while hugging me as tight as she could.

And believe me that's tight.

"Ivy, you are only one year older then me. I am not a baby."

"Yes, you are my squishy, ishy baby." She told me in the most irritating voice ever.

"I could kill you in your sleep while giving you the worst nightmares of your life, you know?"

"Yea, yea whatever. Let's go we will be late and Daniel is waiting for us at school. "

Daniel Smith, one of Ivy's close friends from internet. I think Ivy told me that they met because he is bi, gay or something.

Girls in school will surely be disappointed if he is gay.

I know because they were with me.

When I came to this school, I was a sensation for the girls and guys hated me for that and my powers. I mean I am mora. I know I am very powerful, but it's not like I wanted that.

Quite opposite I hate it. Everyone is scared of me and thinks of me as 'that weird, suppose to be girl gay guy.'

It's so frustrating and stupid, but I got used to it.

Daniel came in our school 2 days ago. I think he is nice. I don't really know him that well.

"Oh by the way Nolan, I will leave you your present in front of your front doors like every year, ok?"

"Yeah sure."

I will later explain why we leave our presents in front of our houses because now I don't really have energy to do that.

I was constantly zoning out while Ivy talked about some party next week. She knew I was not going there, like no way. I will not start explaining why because I don't want to sound like some over protective mother.

We came to school 10 minutes early and met with Daniel and Mark who were waiting at us.

Mark and Daniel are similar in height. 6.1ft or maybe little bit taller. Daniel has dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes, but when his dragon takes over they are the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen.

I don't have a spirit so it's really fascinating for me to talk to one. Like Aiden, even if he's sometimes an idiot.

Sometimes Ivy let me talk to her spirits.

Zola and Lucy are nice, just a bit over energetic, but so is Ivy.

Even know I don't have a spirit I still have a mate. I don't really know how, but every creature has a mate regardless of their gender or if they have spirit or not.

I'm pretty sure my would be a boy.

I sure hope for that.

Mark has ginger hair and hazel eyes. Mark and Daniel are both really masculine because they both are part animal.

If you think of dragon as an animal.

Mark is chimera and Daniel is half dragon.

I don't think Ivy told them it's my birthday today, but I know she will tell them because she loves to torture me.

I told Mark about my birthday before, but he is just really forgetting.

I really would not be surprised if he forgets his own birthday.

Okay moving on...

My first class today is PE.

There is no words that can explain how much I hate PE.

I'm a psychological creature after all!

I had that class with Daniel and Mark. Ivy is in college in the other end of building so I never see her in school.

Her collage and our high school share a building because it's huge.

Daniel, Mark and I arrived at our class and went to change in boys changing room.

I could still see people giving me stares and hear them whispering about me 'not being a real boy'.

But I really don't care anymore.

Today we were doing shifting practice on P.E.. I don't have a spirit so I don't really shift like others. I can turn into a shadow and change my shape when I'm like that.

So I was doing that the whole class. It was pretty boring.

I am an average student I don't have straight As, but my grades are not bad.

The subject I have the best grades in is mythology. I love it. You might be surprised but there is not a lot of creatures that like mythology.

They say it's because 'it's sooo boring to learn about something you actually are ha ha ha' yeah no…

Humans need to learn about their body and history too and no one is complaining.

I heard a bell ring and rushed out of the classroom.

I have one more class before lunch.

Ivy always finds a way to sneak in to our lunch so we can talk , but mostly because she wants to tease me for extra 45 minutes.


So, I'm now at canteen not planning to eat the poison this school calls food.

I wanted to talk to some spirit, but when I asked Ivy she said that she is to tired for that and Mark said that his spirits are fighting right now.

Before I could ask Daniel I heard Aiden's voice.

"Hello, humans." Aiden said in his creepily calm voice.

"Hey Aiden, long time no see" said Mark sarcastically.

"Wow look who discovered sarcasm. Took you long enough, Mark. And can I ask why did I get blessed with one of yours precious sarcastic comments?"

"Because you are you? " it sounded more like a question then an answer.

"Whatever you say, crackhead" I don't even know why he calls him that all the times.

"Now how have you three been without me?"

"We been perfectly fine before you showed up" I think Mark is still angry at Aiden for calling his spirits rude the other day.

"Mark! Be polite! You are acting like an asshole!" Ivy screamed at him as always.

"Ok, ok. No need for screaming." Mark said with fear in his eyes.

He was always afraid of Ivy in some way. I'm not really sure why, but maybe I just got used to her scary side I don't know.

After I finally got to talked to Aiden about random things, the rest of day was normal. I ignored the teachers, finished my homework in my free class and went home with Ivy and Daniel.

Mark lives on the other side of the neighborhood so he doesn't go with us.

When I got home I saw a present on the porch and there is no doubt that that is from Ivy.

Oh yeah, the explanation.

So we have that tradition to put all our presents for each other on our porches.

Even on Christmas.

That started because I was to scared to talk to Ivy when I first moved here, so I avoided her.

But she somehow found out when is my birthday and brought me a gift and put it on my porch. I swear that girl is a secret FBI agent or something.

After that we pretty much started talking all the time.

I took the gift and made a mental note to open it later.

My grandparents were asleep and Ellie was in her room studying, so I just went to bed.

I put my present down and was just starting to open it, until I heard my phone ring.

It's 2.45pm. Who would in the name of Perun call me at this time. I don't think Daniel and Mark would call me. I don't even think Daniel has my phone number.

And Ivy is across the street so she doesn't need to call me.

Unknown number

Well it can't hurt to answer, right?

"Hello?" I answer.

"Why the hell did you not tell me it's your birthday today!" I heard the familiar voice yell. I thought about who's voice is that for a second and then realized it's Daniel.

"Oh… hey Daniel, I uh, didn't think it was important and how did you get my number?" I was little bit surprised because of his call and didn't really know what to say.

"Of course, your birthday is important. And for your phone number, well that's my little secret."

"Ivy told you it's my birthday and then gave you my number, didn't she?" I said with robotic voice.

"Maybe…but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you didn't tell me it's your birthday!"

"Yea, sorry about that, but I didn't think we are uh... close enough for me to just come up to you and tell you that."

"Oh, it's ok. I understand, don't worry. By the way, Ivy asked if you want to go on a movie with her, Mark and me this Sunday?"

"Is she with you right now?"


"Then tell her I'll go only if she buys me popcorns and soda!" I said with a smirk.

"Sure, I'll tell her." Daniel said with a small chuckle.

"Ok, bye Daniel."

"Byeee!!" said Daniel before I hung up.

Well that was unexpected...

I started opening my present again and saw that my idiot of best friend brought me a book I was talking about the past month and a half.

Oh God I love that idiot.

Then I remembered…

It seems I have plans for Sunday.

It should be fun…


Perun – highest god in Slavic mythology

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